Seminar in Biomedical Informatics

For Master Students
BMIN-GA 2001
Fall and Spring - 0 Credits
TRB718 / For Doctoral Students
BMSC-GA 4435
Fall and Spring - 1.5 Credits
Journal club (JC), 4th Friday of month at 12noon.
Work in Progress (WIP), 1st and 3rd Friday of the month at 12noon.

Course Director

Kelly Ruggles (), Assistant Professor

Course Description

The Seminar in Biomedical Informatics course is meant to give students the opportunity to practice their presentation skills and to facilitate the development of student’s dissertation research ideas.

This class is geared towards Masters and Doctoral students in Biomedical Informatics and is composed of two types of presentations:

·  Journal Club (JC): Students present current relevant scientific journal articles

·  Work-In-Progress (WIP) seminars: Doctoral students present their research work

Master and Doctoral students must participate in both types of presentations throughout their training period.


Doctoral and Master students are required to attend to all seminars in order to obtain a passing grade and/or credit for the course. Failure to attend will result in an incomplete grade, which must be remedied in order to graduate. Master students can attend via WebEx or another telecommuting method with permission of the course director.


All doctoral students are required to present in the JC series and, with the exception of first-year students, in the WIP. Master students’ participation in the JC series will be optional, and Master students will be required to present their thesis results as part of the WIP summer series.

Desired Learning Outcomes

The main goal of the course is to provide student an open forum for scientific discussion of relevant topics in Biomedical Informatics and provide feedback to the doctoral students about their scientific work. The JC series will serve faculty and students to stay abreast of the current research in the field.

After taking this class students are expected to:

·  Read and understand scientific literature.

·  Critically evaluate scientific work.

·  Actively listen and evaluate presentation content and formulate pertinent questions.

·  Develop presentation, communication and teaching skills.

Course Format

In both seminar types (JC and WIP), the speaker/s will be expected to present a 30-40 minute outline of the scientific article chosen or of their research work. All participants will be provided with copies of the article for preparatory reading. The course will help all active researchers to become acquainted with other research occurring at NYULMC and will give students the opportunity to receive feedback on their work as well as to promotive scientific collaborations.


Every student is expected to attend this class and actively participate during the presentations. In cases where a student misses a class, they will be required to summarize an assigned article to make up for the class. Students are also expected to read the chosen article ahead of time to benefit from the presentation. This class will be graded as a pass or fail which will be based on attendance, the quality of the student presentations and their participation in class.

2015-2016 Schedule:

9/4/2015 Bisakha Ray

11/6/2015 Karen Ong

12/4/2015 Ramya Raviram

2/5/2016 Zuojian Tang

2/26/2016 Amanda Ernlund

3/4/2016 Harris Charalampos

4/1/2016 Michael Shen

4/22/2016 Jennifer Teubl

5/6/2016 Xuya Wang

6/3/2016 Pamela Wu

7/1/2016 Sana Badri