Semester Study Guide

  1. Plessy v. Ferguson court case established what? {16}
  2. What were the objectives of nativists or what was nativism? {10}
  3. Where were immigrants mainly coming from beginning in the 1890’s? {15}
  4. Which immigrant groups were recruited to work on the transcontinental railroad? {13}
  5. Why did urban areas begin to grow in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s? {15}
  6. During the late 1800’s and early 1900’s what was the main port of entry in to the US? {15}
  7. What happened at the Massacre at Wounded Knee? {14}
  8. What did the Morrill Land-Grant Act and the Homestead Act have in common? {14}
  9. Why did children often work in factories? {13}
  10. Many workers upset at the gulf between rich and poor turned to what? {13}
  11. What was the purpose of labor unions and collective bargaining? {13}
  12. What was the difference between a “robber baron” and a “captain of industry”? {13}
  13. According to the theory of Social Darwinism, the government should……… {13}
  14. What did the Reconstruction Act of 1867 do? {12}
  15. What happened to President Andrew Johnson when he violated the tenure of office act? {12}
  16. Reconstruction officially came to an end when? {12}
  17. 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments. {12}
  18. What was the main goal of the KKK during reconstruction? {12}
  19. How did southern governments restrict the rights of newly freed blacks? {12}
  20. In which ways did the Freedman’s Bureau succeed during reconstruction? {12}
  21. What was John Brown’s hope in attacking Harper’s Ferry? {10}
  22. What were the similarities between Lincoln and Johnson’s reconstruction plans? {12}
  23. During the early part of the war President Lincoln’s main objective was? {11}
  24. At what point did the Civil War become more focused on the issue of slavery? {11}
  25. What was the idea of Gen. Grant taking control of the Mississippi Riv. during the Civil War? {11}
  26. During the Civil War the South hoped to convince who to help them? {11}
  27. What were the war strategies for both the North and South during the Civil War? {11}
  28. What did the Emancipation Proclamation officially do? {11}
  29. Why did secessionists believe they had a right to leave the Union? {11}
  30. Why did the southern states begin to secede from the Union after the election of 1860? {10}
  31. Why did the Whig party begin to collapse in the 1850’s? {10}
  32. Who were the main supporters of the new Republican party? {10}
  33. What role did President Polk play in the expansion of the United States? {10}
  34. What were the terms of the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo? {10}
  35. The phrase “Manifest Destiny” refers to the belief that the United States……… {7}
  36. What was the Kansas-Nebraska Act? {10}
  37. What was the ruling in the Dred Scott case, & why was it damaging to abolitionists’ cause? {10}
  38. What effect did Uncle Tom’s Cabin have on American society in the 1800’s? {10}
  39. What was the purpose of the Fugitive Slave Act? {10}
  40. During the years 1820-1860 immigrants came to the US mainly from where? {9}
  41. Why did some northern workers object to the abolitionist movement? {9}
  42. How did most southern whites feel about reforming society during the 1830’s-1850’s? {9}
  43. What was done at the Seneca Falls Convention? {9}
  44. By working in reform movements, many women………. {9}
  45. What was the aim of the temperance movement? Was it successful? {9}
  46. What was the purpose of the gag rule? {9}
  47. What was Chief Justice Marshall’s role on the Supreme Court? {8}
  48. What was President Jackson’s role in Indian Removal and his response to the Court? {8}
  49. Why was the election of 1824 considered corrupt by some? {8}
  50. Where did most poor city dwellers live in in the 1800’s? {8}
  51. How did many southern states respond to the Vesey and Turner uprisings? {8}
  52. Who did the textile mills of Massachusetts look to hire in the 1800’s and why? {8}
  53. What did the Monroe Doctrine state? {8}
  54. What group faced discrimination and headed west settling in the Salt Lake valley? {7}
  55. Settlers in Texas fought a war of independence versus? {7}
  56. What does the power of judicial review do? {6}
  57. During which war did the British burn down the White House? {6}
  58. What was a major accomplishment during the presidency of Thomas Jefferson? {6}
  59. What were the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions? {6}
  60. What was Tecumseh’s plan for dealing with American encroachment on Indian land? {6}
  61. What was a major goal of the Lewis and Clark expedition? {6}
  62. What did the election of President Jefferson in 1800 demonstrate? {6}
  63. What was Alexander Hamilton’s plan for dealing with the debt ? {6}
  64. Why was the electoral college created? {5}
  65. Why did Anti-Federalists oppose the Constitution as it was written? {5}
  66. What did the Anti-Federalists demand be added to the Constitution? {5}
  67. Which founding father was known as the father of the Constitution? {5}
  68. What did the 3/5 compromise do? {5}
  69. What issue did the Great Compromise resolve? What exactly did it do? {5}
  70. What were some of the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation? {5}
  71. According to the Treaty of Paris (1783) the United States gained what? {4}
  72. What was a major result of the French and Indian War? {4}
  73. Why was the Battle of Saratoga (Rev. War) a major turning point in the war? {4}
  74. Why were the Battles of Trenton and Princeton turning points in the war (Rev. War)? {4}
  75. What was a direct result of the Intolerable Acts? {4}
  76. The Sugar and Stamp Act were examples of how the British…… {4}
  77. Why did many Africans die en-route to America in the Middle Passage? {3}
  78. What were the reasons the British began to settle in America? {3}
  79. What was the Great Awakening? {3}
  80. Which colonial region was most active in promoting public education? {3}
  81. Which group dominated society during the British Colonial time? {3}
  82. Why did England prize its American colonies? {3}
  83. Which colonial region was noted for being ethnically diverse? {3}
  84. Why did the Virginia colony (Jamestown) ultimately survive? {2}
  85. What was the purpose for immigration for the Puritans? {2}
  86. What were the main economic activities of the Spanish colonists in America? {2}
  87. What goods were traded along the different routes of the Triangle Trade? {3}
  88. A comparison of Native American societies in North America reveals what? {1}
  89. What was a major cause of death for many Native Americans? {2}
  90. What were the main differences between the Jamestown and Plymouth colonies? {2}
  91. What were the main economic activities of the French in America? {2}
  92. What was the main economic activity of the southern colonies? {3}
  93. What was the cycle of debt created by the sharecropping system? {12}
  94. What was the Columbian Exchange? {1}
  95. What was Jim Crow? {16}
  96. What were some of the voting restrictions in place during the Jim Crow era? {16}