Guangyang Secondary School

8 Bishan Street 12 Singapore 579807

Tel: 62589781/5 Fax: 63543108 Email:

Semester Plan for Sec 4 NAMathematics Syllabus A

Please be informed of the following semester plan for matters pertaining to mathematics for your child/ ward in semester 1.

1Curriculum Plan

Tentative Week / Topics to cover
Term 1 Week 1 - 2 / Sec 3: Power Graphs
Term 1 Week 3 – 5 / Chapter 1 – Applications of Trigonometry
Term 1 Week 6 – 7 / Chapter 2 – Arc Lengths, Sector Areas and Segment Areas
Term 1 Week 7 – 8 / Preparatory Exam 1 (In the afternoon)
Term 1 Week 8 – 10
Term 2 Week 1 / Chapter 3 – Data Analysis – Measures of Spread
Term 2 Week 2 – 4 / Chapter 4 – Probability
Term 2 Week 5 – 6 / Chapter 5 – Properties of Circles (Till Chapter 5.3)
Term 2 Week 7 / Revision
Term 2 Week 8 – 9 / Preliminary Exam 1
Term 2 Week 10 / Going through Preliminary Exam 1
June Holidays Week 1 / June Supplementary: Chapter 5.4 – Tangents to a Circle

Syllabus for GCE N Level Mathematics Syllabus A (Subject code: 4045) can be retrieved from SEAB website:

2Assessment Plan

CA1: 100% (80% common test & 20% class tests)

SA1: 100% (Preliminary Exam 1)

CA2: 100% (80% common test & 20% class tests)

SA2: 100% (Preliminary Exam 2)

Assessment Components / Tentative Date / Topics covered
Post Holiday Common Test
(Term 1 Common Test 1) / Term 1 Week 2 /
  • Algebra
  • Sec 1 to 3 topics given as holiday homework

Term 1 Common Test 2 / Term 1 Week 5 /
  • Sec 3: Chapters 9.1 to 9.4
  • Sec 4: Chapter 1

Preparatory Exam 1
(Term 1 Common Test 3) / Term 1 Week 7 and 8 /
  • Sec 1 to 3 topics
  • Sec 4: Chapter 1 and 2

Term 1 Common Test 4 / Term 1 Week 9 /
  • Algebra
  • Sec 4: Chapters 1 to 2

Term 2 Common Test 1 / Term 2 Week 1 /
  • Sec 1 to 3 topics
  • Sec 4 topics covered in Term 1

Class tests / To be advised by respective mathematics teachers and conducted during curriculum time / Topics will be advised by mathematics teachers.

Exam Format

SA1 Components / Weightage / Date / Remarks
Paper 1 / 50% / Term 2 Week 8 /
  • All topics
  • 2 hours
  • 80 marks
  • Answer on spaces provided

Paper 2 / 50% /
  • All topics
  • 2 hours
  • 60 marks
  • Section A: Answer all questions. The last question in this section will focus specifically on applying mathematics to a real-world scenario.
  • Section B: Answer one out of the two questions. The questions in Section B will be based on the underlined content and there will be one question from the ‘Geometry and Measurement’ strand and one from the ‘Statistics and Probability’ strand.
  • Answer on writing/graph paper

3Absence from tests

(a)Medical certificates must be produced if student is absent for the test.

(b)Parent’s letter is strongly discouraged and its validity will be approved based on a case-by-case basis.

(c)Absence from any test without a valid reason will result in zero mark for the test.

(d)Do note that student will have to do a make-up test on the day he/she returns to school.

With this information, we hope all students will better prepare themselves for the heavy academic demands this year.

Do feel free to contact mathematics teachers should further clarification is needed on this matter.

4N (Band 1):Mdm Lee Chen Hoon Mavis

4N (Band 2):Mr Daryl Chong

4N (Band 3): Mr Chan Chew Keong