
Semester One Swedish Course Outline

Class Title: Massage Practice I

Summary of Content

Written Swedish routines for massaging the Back and Back of Legs - Pa I: 17-21

Instructional Objectives

Review relevant anatomy.

Instructors give touch comparisons at every table, give feedback about body mechanics, proper draping and stroke mechanics while students practice the written routine.


15 minutes Opening discussion

10 minutes Stretching and movement

10 minutes Set up tables

20 minutes Demo

15 minutes Break

50 minutes Practice

15 minutes Break

50 minutes Practice

10 minutes Take down tables

15 minutes Discussion

Media /Supplies

Power Point presentation

Source Material

Muscle chart and Power Point to identify areas to be covered before the demo, packet pages I-13 and I-14.

Semester One Swedish Lesson plan

Class Title: Practice I

Course and Hours: Swedish 3.5

Stretching Guidelines

Overall warm up with emphasis on the back, and back of legs.

Intro of Topic and Q & A

If needed, use classroom muscle charts to review anatomy for the large muscle groups on the back of the body. Explain to students that now is the time to put together what they have learned so far, and that they should worry less about being exact with the routine (it will be posted via power point) and try more to feel the flow of the work. Encourage them to practice keeping some awareness of which techniques will come next in the flow of the routine. Encourage them start to focus also on transitioning between strokes, and having quality contact with the receiver.Ask about any issues regarding the back and back of legs routines. Explain to students the “general to specific back to general” concept of Swedish massage, and emphasize its circulatory intent (the flow).

Demo Guidelines

It is important that the gluteal draping be taught in an accurate and confident manner. Please refer to the draping guidelines included in the packet and power point. This draping is not optional unless the receiver has underwear on, in which case an alternative draping and massage routine for gluteals has been shown

Have the students follow along using their packet pages. Reference names of the strokes and anatomy. Assistant or student will call out the written routine for the demo.

Practical Guidelines

Ensure all students are draping the back area and the glueteal area properly.

Emphasize using proper biomechanics.

Encourage the students to use full-handed contact, and to apply strokes to cover muscles thoroughly.

Impress on them the importance of treating each other with respect with regard to their pressure, touch and verbal feedback.

Discussion Guidelines

Encourage student pairs to give appropriate feedback regarding the sense of connection, the pressure of the techniques, the flow of the stroke, the flow of the routine, and the effectiveness and coverage of the draping, lubricant likes and dislikes.

Ask for experiences: Did they feel the flow? Were they able to relax and listen with their hands? How did they feel in their bodies?

Discuss any major challenges.

Media /Supplies

Muscle chart, Power Point, packet pages