SEMESTER Course Report
This form is to be completed for each course you teach at the completion of the semester. The purpose of the Semester Course Report is to acquire fairly detailed information from you about the success of your students, in what ways you want the course to be improved, your plans for course improvement, and what additional resources you require to make the Couse more effective.
Basic Information
Academic Year (select year from drop-down menu) Select Academic Year
From the list below select division and then course from the drop-down menu
Arts and Sciences (ANTH, BEHS, BIOL, ENGL, MATH, MUS, SPCM) Select Course
Business and Information Technology (BUS, CIS) Select Course
Health, Education and Human Ecology (EDUC, FAML, HPRO, NUTR, PHED) Select Course
Theology (THL 100-399) Select Course
(THL 400-499) Select Course
Submitted by
Please complete this report and send it to Dean of Faculty at within 2 months of the completion of your course. Contact the Dean of Faculty if you need assistance preparing your report.
Your Overall Assessment
1. With what aspects of the course this year were you most pleased? Least pleased?
Student Performance
2. Did student scores on tests and other assessment measures meet your expectations? To what do you attribute any deviation from the performance you expected?
3. Was student participation in discussion forums, lectures, small groups, and other course activities satisfactory?
4. Are you satisfied with the methods for assessing student performance? Did you feel that the students knew what to expect as the course progressed?
Student Comments
5. Please comment on the student evaluations (numerical) of your course.
6. Were there any frequently repeated comments, positive or negative, from the student evaluations? Please comment.
Revision of Course Goals, Content and Methods
7. Would you recommend any change to the catalog course description? What about the “Upon completion, students should be able to” sentence?
8. Would you recommend any change to the defined Instructional Objectives for this course? Faculty members are to use the Gagné learned capability verb and object style in defining Instructional Objectives (see Form 22 Learned Capacity Verbs).
9. Would you recommend any change in the course content? For example, is there too much material in the course? Or, conversely, do factors such as time constraints or lack of resources force the omission of important material? Normally courses should have 6-9 lessons, a narrative Course Overview, Lesson Objectives, Topics (with not more than four main topics with each providing a Reading Assignment, Supplemental Reading, Viewing Assignment, and Supplemental Viewing) and vocabulary (a maximum of 20 words or phrases).
10. Do you see any advantage to changes in the sequence of presentation of the material?
11. Were there any skill or knowledge areas in which the students did not come into your course with the preparation you expected? Conversely, did you notice any unnecessary overlap with other courses?
12. Do you plan to change current or introduce new teaching methods? Would there be any benefit to changing the proportion of class time devoted to specific lessons, lectures, small group cases, or laboratory exercises?
Plans for Course Improvement
13. Will you do anything not mentioned above to change or improve the course?
The University
Are you pleased with the assistance you receive from the University?
14. What can the University do to help you and your course?
15. Please rate the University library collection (books, periodicals and online data bases) as it relates to your course.
☐Exemplary ☐Exceeds Course Needs ☐Meets Course Needs ☐Needs Improvement ☐Unsatisfactory
If your rating was “Needs Improvement” or “Unsatisfactory” please tell us using the dialog box below what we need to do to remediate this challenge.
16. Please rate University Information Technology Services as related to your course.
☐Exemplary ☐Exceeds My Expectations ☐Meets My Expectations ☐Needs Improvement ☐Unsatisfactory
If your rating was “Needs Improvement” or “Unsatisfactory” please tell us using the dialog box below what we need to do to improve.
Any Additional Comments?
After completing your report, please send the file to the Dean of Faculty at: