Semester: 8 Subject: Wireless Communication Code: 10EC81
Course Outcome :
Describe the evolution and History of Wireless Technology
Define Wireless and Radio
Compare 3G Cellular telephone data transfer rates with those over Wireless LAN
Determine the downlink and uplink frequencies for AMPS channel 326 on A Side channels
List the use of at least two advantages of Digital encoding for cellular telephone systems
Identify two core networks associated with 3G Cellular networks
Explain the function of Mobile station roaming number
Describe OFDM Modulation System
Describe the basic operation of GSM GPRS
Differentiate between Wireless LAN and Wireless LAN
Semester: 8 Subject: Embedded System Design Code: 10EC82
Course Outcome :
Define and explain embedded systems and the different embedded system design technologies explain the various metrics or challenges in designing an embedded system.
Design custom single – purpose processors using combinational as well as sequential logic.
Discuss about optimizing single – purpose processors. Discuss about the basic architecture and operation of general purpose processors.
Define and distinguish between a timer and a counter. Explain about various types of timers and Universal Asynchronous Receiver/ Transmitter. Explain about the various controllers for LCD, Keypad and Stepper Motor.
Discuss about the common memory types ROM and RAM. Explain and distinguish between different types of advanced RAM. Explain microprocessor interfacing and describe the arbitration methods. Discuss and distinguish among the various protocols like serial, parallel.
Explain about the basics of interrupts. Explain the different architectures like Round Robin. Describe the Real – Time Operating System architecture.
Express tasks and states. Explain semaphores. Clarify about message queues, mailboxes, and pipes. Describe the process of effective memory management.
Explain encapsulating semaphores and queues. Discuss the considerations in hard real time scheduling. Delve into hardware software co design aspects in embedded systems.
Semester: 8 Subject: Network Security Code: 10EC832
Course Outcome :
Explain the network security model
Demonstrate use of various private and public key encryption techniques used in moderncryptosystems
Explain the concept of digital signatures and authentication protocols
Explain the concept of secured electronic transaction with web security considerations
Categorize various intruders and intrusion detection techniques
Classify various viruses , related threats and countermeasures
Explain firewall design principles and trusted systems
Semester: 8 Subject: Multi Media communication Code: 10EC842
Course Outcome :
Describe the basic concept of multimedia information representation. Delve into therequirement of multimedia communication in today’s digital world. Describe the differentmultimedia networks. Compare circuitmodeand packetmode.ExplainQoS and itsapplications.
Explain the various multimedia information representations. Describe different multimediadata in digital formats. Compare text, audio, image and video data.
Describe data compression principle. Compute Arithmetic, Huffman, Lempel –Ziv andLempel–Ziv Welsh coding. Summarize Joint Photographic Expert Group (JPEG).
Explain fundamentals of audio and video data compression. Summarize audio compressionPCM, DPCM, ADPCM, LPC, CELPC and MPEG. Compare MPEG1,MPEG2andMPEG4.Describe H.26X compression standards.
Explain LANS’s. Summarize LAN protocols. Describe multisite LAN interconnectionTechnologies.
Define the Network Layer and describe its functions. Discuss the format of Ipv4 Addresses.Deploy appropriate addressing for networks. Discuss Ipv6 addresses. Compare Ipv4 andIpv6 addresses.
Explain cell format and switching principle of broadband ATM networks. Discuss the ATMadaptation layer.Explain the Transport layer Process to process delivery, Interpret the UDP and TCPprotocols, define and classify Domain name systems and resolution