City of NicomaPark

2221 Nichols Drive, P.O. Box 250, Nicoma Park, OK73066

Phone: (405) 769-5673Fax: (405) 769-1041


Date of Application: ______

Name of Applicant: ______

Mailing Address: ______


Applicant’s Phone Numbers:Business ______Home ______

Street/Physical Location of Property: ______

Zoning District Classification of the Property: ______

Legal Description of Property to be Subdivided: ______



Legal Description of Proposed Subdivision of the Property: (Legal can be attached to application) ______


Street(s) Bordering the Property: ______


Reason for Proposed Subdivision: ______


I/We hereby certify the statements in this application and attachments hereto are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief.




1.Drawing showing the proposed subdivision of the property, showing streets and easements.

2.Two Quit Claim Deeds with legal descriptions of the subdivided property. The Quit Claim Deeds should include any easements on the original deed before subdivision.

Planning Commission:Approved______Denied______Date______



City Council:Approved______Denied______Date______



Rev. 11/14/03

City of NicomaPark

2221 Nichols Drive, P.O. Box 250, Nicoma Park, OK73066

Phone: (405) 769-5673  Fax: (405) 769-1041



(Sec. 4.021 of Subdivision Regulations)

  1. Completed application for subdivision of land/lot split.
  1. One drawing and legal description showing the property before the subdivision/lot split.
  1. One drawing and legal description showing the proposed subdivision/lot split. (Drawing for 2 & 3 may be combined.) If the property contains easements, the easements should be included on the drawings.
  1. Two deeds for the proposed lot split. (Deeds are required to be stamped by the City prior to submitting to county records.)
  1. The two pieces of property must have access easements, if they do not border on streets providing ingress and egress.
  1. City ordinance requires existing buildings be a minimum distance from the property line. (Required distance varies according to zoning district.)
  1. If City sewer is not available on property being divided, minimum lot size is three-fourths to one acre per lot. (Minimum separation of water well and septic is fifty (50) feet.)
  1. The application must be filed with the City Clerk, who will establish a schedule to present the application to the Planning Commission. Information must be received no later than one week prior to Planning Commission meeting date to be considered at that meeting.
  1. The Planning Commission meets the third Thursday of the month. The Planning Commission will take action on the application and pass the proposed subdivision/lot split with their recommendation of approval or disapproval on to the City Council.
  1. The City Council meets the first Tuesday of the month. They will take their action of final approval/disapproval.

11.Once the lot split has been approved, the property owner is responsible for having the property surveyed and having quit claim deeds prepared with the correct legal description on each. The property owner will bring the deeds to the City to be stamped ‘approved’ and the property owner will take the deeds to the County to file with the Registrar of Deeds. The County will put their document stamp on the deeds. The property owner will then bring a copy of the County stamped deeds to the City to put in their file for permanent record.

Revised 1/19/12