Sem Yeto Satellite
Mr. Mikkola’s
Multimedia 1
Course Syllabus
Materials: Students are advised to bring the following items to class everyday
1. Notebook with paper 2. Pencils/pens 3. USB stick
Sem Yeto Satellite
Class Rules:
1. Be Respectful
2. Be Responsible
3. Be Ready
1. Verbal Warning
2. Parent Contact
3. Detention
4. Referral
Sem Yeto Satellite
Course Description: Students in this course will develop Internet sites, graphics, digital images, video, and multimedia products. Students will use computers, advanced authoring software, digital cameras, graphics tablets, digital video editing, and other techniques to produce applications for teachers, non-profit organizations, and others as assigned. The class will stress teamwork, planning, and tight adherence to production timelines. This course is academically rigorous and will include extensive work/readings in communication, design, instructional design, and art theory.
Your Grade will be based on the following:
Participation: Be here… I mean really here. I need you in your seat with your stuff and excited to learn. When I ask you a Q give me an A and none of this IDK nonsense or a soft voice where you can’t even hear yo’ self. You gotta do your work and you got to like it!
Class work: Warm-ups, notes and class work will be checked on a regular basis. Warm-ups are in the beginning of the class just like stretching. Notes will be taken in Cornell style and we’ll talk more l8r about that. Class work consists of everything else I give to you during the day, like conditioning, I’m going to get you ready for the big event. Each class work assignment is graded according to the following scale:
10 points All work complete and turned in on time.
7 points Most of the work is complete and turned in on time.
5 points Not all work complete or turned in late.
*In case you didn’t get the message… Do all of your work and turn it in on time! (In the work world, if you don’t do your work, you don’t get paid! If you do it late, you don’t get paid as much and maybe even fired)
Projects: Now is the time for the 5k (marathon you have been training for). Get your running shoes, your Gatorade and your thinking caps. Each credit holds a new project and a new opportunity for you to show me what you have learned.
Projects are worth a Benny. Rubric to follow.
Grading: The following scale will be used in determining a student’s grade
A 90 – 100% B 80 – 89% C 70 – 79% D 60 – 69% F below 60%
Absences/Tardies: Be here on time, please! If you know you are going to be absent, please let me know in advance, so that I can give you work that you will not fall behind. Check Google Classroom, as some of your assignments will be there. Excessive tardiness will result in detention.
Please also consider:
We will not be having a daily advisory. But you get out of school earlier, if you need time for review of hard concepts, quizzes, questions you may have, making up test, and working on assignments/projects.
Format and Structure of This Class:
As you may know, students can earn up to 5 units of credit for each quarter. This means that in a semester’s time, you can earn a year’s worth of credits for each class you take. This is an incredible opportunity. This is like a buy one, get one free sale. I expect you to work hard in class, and you will be successful. This is the plan for schedule of topics, it may change as I evaluate the sequence.
Topics that will be covered: Each credit will take approximately 8 days.
Multimedia 1 Semester 1 (Quarter 1)Cr 1 Elements of Design – Art Theory
Cr 2 Advanced Authorship – Resume
Cr 3 Spreadsheets – Budgeting
Cr 4 Static Design – Flyer
Cr 5 Dynamic Design – Presentation Capstone / Multimedia 1 Semester 2 Photoshop (Quarter 2)
Cr 6 Basics
Cr 7 Tool and Selection shortcuts
Cr 8 Layering
Cr 9 Editing
Cr 10 Filters and Effects
Each quarter will be broken down into 5 essential standards. You will be receiving 1 credit for each standard. My goal is that you have 5 credits, but it is possible for you to earn 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 credits as well. All of your standards will be averaged for a final grade. For example, you could have a D-, with 3 out of 5 credits received. You could also have a B- with 5 out of 5 credits. It really matters how you do on each standard, and since the quarter is 8-10 weeks long, you must remember that a poor week could cost you an entire unit. You can only make up work from one less the current credit. Example: If we are currently working on Credit 3, you can make things up from Credit 2 – not credit 1. I will help you with keeping grades current and announcing dates in class and on the board for deadlines. Stay on top of it!
Mission Statement:
My goal is to teach all my students to pursue excellence! I expect all of you to do the best you can, so to make success an everyday experience. With your cooperation, we will make this a productive and enjoyable year. As your teacher, I will create and maintain a learning environment that is non-threatening and risk-taking. I will help you to become a better critical thinker, increase your computer/technological skills and develop an appreciation for computer media arts. I also plan to have relevant curriculum that will apply to the Real-World. Skills from this class will transfer over easily and you will be prepped to take on the world in any work place, technical school or college.
I, ______, understand what I have to do to be successful in Mr. Mikkola’s class and I am
(Student Print Name) going to do what it takes to succeed.
Student Sign ______Date ______
I,______, understand what my child has to do to be successful in Mr. Mikkola’s class and I
(Parent Print Name) am going to do what it takes to help them succeed.
Best contact for Parent/Guardian:
Parent Sign ______Date ______