Faculty, Staff and Administrators Immersion Experience to Bolivia

“We must therefore raise our Jesuit education standard to ‘educate the whole person of solidarity for the real world.’ Solidarity is learned through ‘contact’ rather than through ‘concepts’…. When the heart is touched by direct experience, the mind may be challenged to change. Personal involvement with innocent suffering, with the injustice others suffer, is the catalyst for solidarity which then gives rise to intellectual inquiry and moral reflection.”

-Fr. Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, SJ

The Service of Faith and the Promotion of Justice

In American Jesuit Higher Education, 2000

Faculty, Staff and Administrator Immersion: Bolivia Application Form

Contact Information

Name on PassportPassport #

If you do not have a passport, please apply for one as soon as possible and inform us of the Passport # as soon as you obtain it.

Name as you like to be called


City, State, Zip

Home Phone ( ) Work Phone ( )


Personal Information

Do you have any dietary restrictions? YesNo

If yes, please note:

*Please note that due to the altitude in La Paz (12,000 feet) the CDC recommends anyone who has had heart failure, angina, sickle cell disease or any form of pulmonary insufficiency to consult a doctor prior to travel. If applicable please discuss participation with your doctor before application. If selected, we ask you to consider disclosing any preexisting condition and doctor’s approval for travel.

General Information

Spanish ability (not required): Fluent Proficient Fair PoorNone

Have you ever traveled outside the United States before? If so, please list your experience?

Have you ever lived in or visited Latin America? If so, please describe briefly your experience, including countries and dates.

Please respond briefly to the following:

The purpose of the initiative is to further the understanding and experience of the Jesuit commitment to faith and justice and deepen the partnership with Fe y Alegria:Bolivia. Have you participated in any campus initiatives that have deepened your understanding of Jesuit identity and University mission)? Please comment briefly.

Why do you wish to participate in the Faculty, Staff and Administrators Immersion: Bolivia?

What do you hope to experience and learn during your time in Bolivia?

Have you been involved in peace and justice work outside of the University community before? If yes, please explain.

An important aspect of this experience is to participate in reflection opportunities with the group. Please provide your feelings and thoughts about sharing experiences and reflections in a group context.

Upon returning, it is our hope to share the experience in the SJU community, other environments and to further deepen the partnership with

Fe y Alegria:Bolivia. Please provide ideas of follow-up activities that you would be interested in pursuing.

Do you have any specific concerns or needs which we should be informed of?

Please give a person whom we can contact as a reference for you:



Phone ( )

In case of emergency, please notify:


Relationship to youRelationship to you

Phone ( )Phone ( )

Applicant’s SignatureDate

Supervisor’s Signature

Vice President’s or Dean’s Signature

Please return the application by December 1, 2017

Ann Marie Keffer

The Faith-Justice Institute

Suite 221 Post Learning Commons