
Goal Setting, Task Analysis, Sequencing, Time Scheduling, Resource Allocation

  1. Set manageable goals

What am I supposed to do?

What is the task?

What is the purpose/goal in doing the task?

  1. Analyze task difficulty. Use prior knowledge of task.

Is the task difficult?

What do I already know?

  1. Secure further task information

Before beginning to do an assignment, I go to the library to get as much information as possible concerning the topic.

  1. Consider alternative strategies & resources

What ways can I do this?

How can I accomplish the task?

What resources should I use? A dictionary? The notes from class? Form a study group?

  1. Make a schedule: sequencing, timing, and completing activities related to the goal

What should I do first, second?

How much time to be allocated?

When to start, when to finish?

I start studying 2 weeks before exams, and I pace myself.

I leave the difficult questions until last and then come back to them.

I try and work out what are the most important parts for me to study and spend time to those.

  1. Set contingency plans

What if I run into trouble?

Ask teacher? Ask Tommy?

Environmental Structuring

  1. Physical environment

I isolate myself from anything that distracts me.

I turn off the radio so I can concentrate on what I’m doing.

  1. Self-environment

I have a shower before starting my homework.

When I get tired, I take a break for a while.

  1. Self-consequences

If I do well on a test, I treat myself to a movie.

I imagine what my teacher will say if I don’t do my homework.

Executing, Monitoring, Regulating

Organizing &Transforming

  1. How to tackle the study/learning task?
  • Comprehension:

This topic is related to _____.

The things I know about this topic are ______.

I expect to see these terms: ______

I expect the logic/argument will be supported by these facts: _____

I read the questions before/when I read the article

I highlight/underline/mark the important points.

I make an outline of the article, using the same readings/subheadings.

I make a summary.

I make comments by the side of the text to indicate my reflection.

I ask myself if I agree with the author.

  • Memorization:

How many pieces of information to memorize?

How many major arguments to memorize?

I copy/make notes one by one the 10 major facts.

I write down the major arguments by my own words.

  • Paper Writing:

Write outlines, drafts; mental planning of a task, similar to drafting.

I make an outline before I write a paper.

Checking Goal Direction & Coping with Difficulties

  1. How do I know if I am doing the right thing in the right direction?

I ask myself if I understand the material.

If there is a summary at the end of the material, I check my understanding with it.

I check by making an outline.

I check how much time I have used in reading up to here.

  1. What if I find that I don’t understand?
  • Look back, retrace steps

Did I miss something or misunderstand?

I re-read the earlier section in more details. Did I miss some points?

  • Use errors as cues

Where did I go wrong?

I check the notes I made in class.

I call Tommy.

I re-set my goals/time.

  1. Change strategy or goal

How can I do this another way?

  1. Check schedule

I have to move on now.

Should I stop now?

I see that I understand the article and I remember all the required terms, I should stop now and do other things.

I see that I can only partially understand the article and I can only remember some of the required terms, but I have other urgent and important tasks to handle, I stop doing this task now.

  1. If time and effort spent are on target and
If judgment of learning is below standard,
Then attribute the negative difference to high task difficulty.
  1. If task difficulty is high,
Then quit the task.
(Winne & Hadwin,1998)
  1. Reassuring, positive self-talk

I can do this now!

  1. Deal with distractions

Do not watch TV while studying, turn off the radio.

Isolate myself in a room.

  1. Continuous motivation

What to reward myself after finishing the task?

After the 3-hour reading, I watch TV, listen to the radio.

If I do well on the test, I reward myself with ...

Rehearsing & Memorizing

How to ensure that I understand and remember the article?

I answer the questions in the article.

I self-set some questions to ask myself.

I write down the arguments and terms in my own words.

I keep writing the statements until I remember them.

I recite the statements and check if they are right.

I check it with Tommy.


  1. Check the quality of work or effort
  • Redo, rework
  • Reread
  • Use different methods to solve a problem and see if the answer is still the same
  • Visualize previously learned material and compare the “picture” with the answer or completed work
  • Correct, revise, edit work
  • Reflect on work related behavior

I check over my work to make sure I did it right.

I reflect on my conduct and try to work out shy my work was not finished on time.

  1. Use other sources to check work
  • Compare with peers, textbook solutions, answer books, other books
  • Ask others to check completed work

I ask my mother to check my homework.

I look up the answers in the back of the textbook.

I compare my work with my friend’s.

  1. Test the extent of knowledge or ability to perform a task
  • Self-test
  • Construct quizzes
  • Get others to ask questions

I ask my mother to test me to see if I know it.

  1. Reflect on competence

Are my actions effective and efficient?

Were my goals well set?

Did I overestimate my ability in comprehending/memorizing the article?

Should I use other strategies to read the article?