Goal Setting, Task Analysis, Sequencing, Time Scheduling, Resource Allocation
- Set manageable goals
What am I supposed to do?
What is the task?
What is the purpose/goal in doing the task?
- Analyze task difficulty. Use prior knowledge of task.
Is the task difficult?
What do I already know?
- Secure further task information
Before beginning to do an assignment, I go to the library to get as much information as possible concerning the topic.
- Consider alternative strategies & resources
What ways can I do this?
How can I accomplish the task?
What resources should I use? A dictionary? The notes from class? Form a study group?
- Make a schedule: sequencing, timing, and completing activities related to the goal
What should I do first, second?
How much time to be allocated?
When to start, when to finish?
I start studying 2 weeks before exams, and I pace myself.
I leave the difficult questions until last and then come back to them.
I try and work out what are the most important parts for me to study and spend time to those.
- Set contingency plans
What if I run into trouble?
Ask teacher? Ask Tommy?
Environmental Structuring
- Physical environment
I isolate myself from anything that distracts me.
I turn off the radio so I can concentrate on what I’m doing.
- Self-environment
I have a shower before starting my homework.
When I get tired, I take a break for a while.
- Self-consequences
If I do well on a test, I treat myself to a movie.
I imagine what my teacher will say if I don’t do my homework.
Executing, Monitoring, Regulating
Organizing &Transforming
- How to tackle the study/learning task?
- Comprehension:
This topic is related to _____.
The things I know about this topic are ______.
I expect to see these terms: ______
I expect the logic/argument will be supported by these facts: _____
I read the questions before/when I read the article
I highlight/underline/mark the important points.
I make an outline of the article, using the same readings/subheadings.
I make a summary.
I make comments by the side of the text to indicate my reflection.
I ask myself if I agree with the author.
- Memorization:
How many pieces of information to memorize?
How many major arguments to memorize?
I copy/make notes one by one the 10 major facts.
I write down the major arguments by my own words.
- Paper Writing:
Write outlines, drafts; mental planning of a task, similar to drafting.
I make an outline before I write a paper.
Checking Goal Direction & Coping with Difficulties
- How do I know if I am doing the right thing in the right direction?
I ask myself if I understand the material.
If there is a summary at the end of the material, I check my understanding with it.
I check by making an outline.
I check how much time I have used in reading up to here.
- What if I find that I don’t understand?
- Look back, retrace steps
Did I miss something or misunderstand?
I re-read the earlier section in more details. Did I miss some points?
- Use errors as cues
Where did I go wrong?
I check the notes I made in class.
I call Tommy.
I re-set my goals/time.
- Change strategy or goal
How can I do this another way?
- Check schedule
I have to move on now.
Should I stop now?
I see that I understand the article and I remember all the required terms, I should stop now and do other things.
I see that I can only partially understand the article and I can only remember some of the required terms, but I have other urgent and important tasks to handle, I stop doing this task now.
- If time and effort spent are on target and
Then attribute the negative difference to high task difficulty.
- If task difficulty is high,
(Winne & Hadwin,1998)
- Reassuring, positive self-talk
I can do this now!
- Deal with distractions
Do not watch TV while studying, turn off the radio.
Isolate myself in a room.
- Continuous motivation
What to reward myself after finishing the task?
After the 3-hour reading, I watch TV, listen to the radio.
If I do well on the test, I reward myself with ...
Rehearsing & Memorizing
How to ensure that I understand and remember the article?
I answer the questions in the article.
I self-set some questions to ask myself.
I write down the arguments and terms in my own words.
I keep writing the statements until I remember them.
I recite the statements and check if they are right.
I check it with Tommy.
- Check the quality of work or effort
- Redo, rework
- Reread
- Use different methods to solve a problem and see if the answer is still the same
- Visualize previously learned material and compare the “picture” with the answer or completed work
- Correct, revise, edit work
- Reflect on work related behavior
I check over my work to make sure I did it right.
I reflect on my conduct and try to work out shy my work was not finished on time.
- Use other sources to check work
- Compare with peers, textbook solutions, answer books, other books
- Ask others to check completed work
I ask my mother to check my homework.
I look up the answers in the back of the textbook.
I compare my work with my friend’s.
- Test the extent of knowledge or ability to perform a task
- Self-test
- Construct quizzes
- Get others to ask questions
I ask my mother to test me to see if I know it.
- Reflect on competence
Are my actions effective and efficient?
Were my goals well set?
Did I overestimate my ability in comprehending/memorizing the article?
Should I use other strategies to read the article?