Laura A. Volpicelli-Daley, PhD
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Center for Neurodegeneration and Experimental Therapeutics
1719 6th Ave South
CIRC 552
Birmingham, AL 35294
Phone 205-996-7695
PhD, Neuroscience, Emory University Atlanta, Georgia; Advisor: Allan Levey, MD, PhD
BA, Mathematics and English Literature, Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, PA
Research Training and Job Experience:
2013-present: Assistant Professor, Center for Neurodegeneration and Experimental Therapeutics, UAB-Birmingham
2009-2012: Senior Research Investigator, Center for Neurodegenerative Disease, University of Pennsylvania; Supervisor: Virginia Lee MBA, PhD
2005 – 2009: Associate Research Scientist, Cell Biology Department, Yale University, New Haven CT; Supervisor: Pietro De Camilli, MD, Howard Hughes Medical Investigator
2003-2005: Postdoctoral Fellow, Biochemistry Department, Emory University, Atlanta GA; Supervisor: Richard A. Kahn, PhD
Grants, Fellowships, Development Awards:
2016-2018: Department of Defense Neurotoxin Exposure Treatment Parkinson's Research (PI) $125,000 annual direct costs
2016-2018: Michael J Fox Foundation Animal Models Program (PI) $80,000 annual direct costs
2014-2018: Michael J Fox Foundation LRRK2 LEAPs award. (co-PI) $197,031 annual direct costs to Andrew West
2012-2014: American Parkinson Disease Association (PI) “LRRK2 in pathological synuclein transmission”
2004-2007: Ruth L. Kirchstein National Research Service Award (NIH) for postdoctoral training
2002: Glenn/American Federation for Aging Research scholarship for Research in the Biology
of Aging
2000-2002: PhRMA Foundation Predoctoral Training Grant
1998-2000: NIGMS Neuroscience Training Grant
Citations: 2380
h-index: 25
i10-index: 29
1. Invited to contribute review by Patrik Brundin: Volpicelli-Daley, LA Axonal transport and neurodegeneration. Special Issue Neurobiology of Disease
2. Invite to co-author chapter by Patrik Brundin for Handbook of Clinical Neurology: Volpicelli-Daley and Brundin P. Prion-like mechanism in Parkinson.
3. Volpicelli-Daley, L.A., Adbelmotilib, H., Liu, Z., Stoyka, L., Daher, J.P., Milnerwood, A.J., Unni, V.K., Hirst, W.D., Yue, Z., Zhao, H.T., Fraser, K. and West, A.B. G2019S-LRRK2 expression augments a-synuclein sequestration into inclusions in neurons. Journal of Neuroscience 36:7415-7427.
4. Volpicelli-Daley, L.A., Kirik, D., Stoyka, L.E. Standaert, D.G. Harms, A.S. How can rAAV-α-synuclein and the fibril α-synuclein models advance our understanding of Parkinson disease? Journal of Neurochemistry, In Press.
5. Standaert, D.G. and Volpicelli-Daley, L.A. Invisible Killers. Movement Disorders. 2016 31:44.
6. Thome, A.D., Harms, A.S., Volpicelli-Daley, L.A., and Standaert, D.G. microRNA-155 regulates alpha-synuclein-induced inflammatory responses in models of Parkinson Disease. J. Neurosci 2016 36:2383-90.
7. Olanow, CW, Bartus, R, Volpicelli-Daley LA, and Kordower, J. Trophic Factors for PD: To Live or Let Die. Movement Disorders. 2015 30:1715-24.
8. Aime P, Sun X, Zareen N, Rao A, Berman Z, Volpicelli L, Bernd P, Crary JF, Levy OA, Green LA. Trib3 is elevated in Parkinson’s disease and mediates death in Parkinson’s disease Models. J. Neurosci. 2015 35:10731-49.
9. Daher JP, Abdelmotilib HA, Hu X, Volpicelli-Daley LA, Moehle MS, Fraser KB, Needle E, Chen Y, Steyn SJ, Galatsis P, Hirst WD, West AB. Leucine-rich Repeat Kinase 2 (LRRK2) Pharmacological Inhibition Abates α-Synuclein Gene-induced Neurodegeneration. J. Biol. Chem. 2015 290:19433-44.
10. Volpicelli-Daley LA, Gamble KL, Schultheiss CE, Riddle DM ,West AB, Lee VM-Y Formation of α-Synuclein Lewy Neurite-like aggregates in Axons Impedes the Transport of Distinct Endosomes. Molecular Biology of the Cell 2014 25:4010-4023.
11. Liu A, Galemmo, RA Jr, Fraser KB, Moehle MS, Sen S,Volpicelli-Daley LA, DeLucas LJ, Ross LJ, Valiyaveettil J, Moukha-Chafiq O, Pathak AK, Ananthan S, Kezar H, White EL, Gupta V, Maddry JA, Suto MJ, West AB. Unique Functional and Structural Properties of the LRRK2 Protein ATP-binding Pocket. J Biol Chem 2014 289:32937-3295.
12. Volpicelli-Daley LA, Luk, KC, Lee V.M.-Y Addition of exogenous α-Synuclein Pre-formed fibrils to Primary Neuronal Cultures to seed recruitment of endogenous α-Synuclein to Lewy body and Lewy Neurite-like aggregates. Nature Protocols 2014 9:2135-2146
13. Daher JP,Volpicelli-Daley LA, Blackburn JP, Moehle MS, West AB. Abrogation of α-synuclein-mediated dopaminergic neurodegeneration in LRRK2-deficient rats. Proc Natl Acad Sci 2014 111:9289-9294.
14. West AB, Cowell RM, Daher JP, Moehle MS, Hinkle KM, Melrose HL, Standaert DG, Volpicelli-Daley LA. Differential LRRK2 expression in the cortex, striatum, and substantia nigra in transgenic and nontransgenic rodents.J Comp Neurol 2014 522:2465-2480.
15. Zhu L, Zhong M, Zhao J, Rhee H, Caesar I, Knight EM,Volpicelli-Daley L, Bustos V, Netzer W, Liu L, Lucast L, Ehrlich ME, Robakis NK, Gandy SE, Cai D. Reduction of synaptojanin 1 accelerates Aβ clearance and attenuates cognitive deterioration in an Alzheimer mouse model. J Biol Chem 2013 288:32050-32063.
16. Tanik, S.A., Schultheiss, C.E., Volpicelli-Daley, L.A. Brunden, K.R. and Lee, V.M.-Y. Lewy body-like α-synuclein aggregates resist degradation and impair macroautophagy. J. Biol. Chem.2013 288:15194-15210.
17. Dryanovski,D.I., Guzman, J., Xie, Z., Galteri, D.J., Volpicelli-Daley, L.A., Lee, V.M.-Y., Miller, R.J., Schumacker, P.T., and Surmeier, D.J. Calcium entry and synuclein inclusions elevate dendritic mitochondrial oxidant stress in dopaminergic neurons. J. Neurosci 2013 33:10154-64.
18. Soda, K., Balkin, D.M., Ferguson, S.M., Volpicelli, L.A., Tian, X., Paradise, S., Wu, Y., Ma, H., Son, S.H., Zheng, R., Moeckel, G., Holzman, L.B., De Camilli, P. and Ishibe, S. Role of dynamin, synaptojanin, and endophilin in podocyte foot processes. J. Clin Invest 2012 122:4401-11.
19. Cooper, O. Seo,H., Andrabi, Guardia-Laguarta, C., Graziotto, J., Sundberg, M., McLean, J.R. Carrillo-Reid, L., Xie, Z., Osborn, T., Hargus, G., Deleidi, M., Lawson, T., Bogetofte, H., Perez-Torres, E., Clark, L., Moskowitz, C., Mazzulli, J., Chen, L., Volpicelli-Daley, L. Romero, N., Jiang, H., Uitti, R.J., Huang, Z., Opala, G., Scarffe, L.A., Dawson, V.L., Klein, C., Feng, J., Ross, O.A., Trojanowski, J.Q., Lee, V.M.-Y., Marder, K., Surmeier, J.D., Wszolek, Z.K., Przedborski, S., Krainc, D. Dawson, T.M., Isacson, O. Pharmacological rescue of mitochondrial deficits in iPSC-derived neural cells from patients with familial Parkinson's disease. Science Translational Medicine. 2012 4:141ra90
20. Chen-Plotkin, A.S., Unger, T.L., Bill, E., Kwong, L.K., Volpicelli-Daley, L.A., Akle, S., Grossman, M., Van Deerlin, V., Trojanowski, J.Q., and Lee, V.M.-Y. TMEM106B, the risk gene for frontotemproal dementia, is regulated by miRNA-132 and affects progranulin. Journal of Neuroscience. 2012 32: 11213-27.
21. Volpicelli-Daley, L.A., Luk, K.C., Patel, T.P., Tanik, S.A., Riddle, D.M., Steiber, A., Meany, D.F., Trojanowski, J.Q., and Lee, V.M.-Y. Exogenous α-synuclein Fibrils Initiate Propagation of Lewy neurite and Lewy body-like Pathology that lead to Synaptic Dysfunction and Cell Death in Neurons. Neuron. 2011 72:57-71.
22. Shen H, Ferguson SM, Dephoure N, Park R, Yang Y, Volpicelli-Daley L, Gygi S, Schlessinger J, De Camilli P. Constitutive Ack phosphorylation at arrested endocytic clathrin coated pits of cells that lack dynamin. Molecular Biology of the Cell 2011 22:593-502.
23. Volpicelli-Daley, L.A., Volpicelli-Daley LA, Lucast L, Gong LW, Liu L, Sasaki J, Sasaki T, Abrams CS, Kanaho Y, De Camilli P. Phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinases and phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate synthesis in the brain. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2010 285: 28708-14.
24. Vasudevan, L., Jeromin, A., Volpicelli-Daley, L.A., De Camilli, P., Holowka, D., Baird, B. The α and γ Isoforms of Type I PIP5kinase Regulate Distinct Stages of Ca2+ Mobilization in Mast Cells. Journal of Cell Science. 2009 122:2567-2574.
25. Pan, W. Choi, S.C., Wang, H., Qin, Y., Volpicelli-Daley, L.A., Swan, L., Lucast, L., Khoo, C., Zhang, X., Li, L., Abrams, CS, Sokol, S.Y., Wu, D. Wnt3a-mediated formation of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate regulates LRP6 phosphorylation. Science, 2008 321:1350-1353.
26. Volpicelli-Daley, L.A., and De Camilli, P. Phosphionositides and neurodegeneration Nature Medicine, 2007 13:784-786.
27. Kahn R.A., Volpicelli-Daley, L.A., Bowzard, B., Shrivastava-Ranjan, P., Li, Y., Zhou, C., Cunningham, L. Arf family GTPases:role in membrane traffic and microtubule dynamics. Biochem Soc Trans 2005 33:1269-1272.
28. Volpicelli-Daley, L.A., Li, Y., Zhang, C-J, and Kahn, R.A. Isoform specific effects of Arf1-5 on organelle morphology and traffic through secretory and endocytic pathways. Molecular Biology of the Cell 2005 16:4495-4508.
29. Volpicelli-Daley, L.A. and Levey, A. Immunohistochemical localization of proteins in the nervous system. Curr Protoc Neurosci 2004 Chapter 1:Unit 1.2
30. Volpicelli, L.A. and Levey, A.I. Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor subtypes in cerebral cortex and hippocampus. Progress in Brain Research, 2004 145:59-66.
31. Volpicelli-Daley, L.A., Hrabovska, A., Duysen, E.G., Lockridge, O., and Levey, A.I. Altered striatal function and muscarinic cholinergic receptors in acetylcholinesterase knockout mice. Molecular Pharmacology, 2003 64:1309-16.
32. Volpicelli-Daley, L.A., Duysen, E.G., Lockridge, O., and Levey, A.I. Altered hippocampal and cortical muscarinic acetylcholine receptors in acetylcholinesterase deficient mice. Annals of Neurology, 2003 53: 788-796.
33. Murph, M., Scaccia, L.A., Volpicelli, L.A. and Radhakrishna, H. Agonist-induced internalization of lysophophatidic acid-coupled EDG-2/LPA1 receptors via clathrin-dependent endocytosis. Journal of Cell Science, 2003 116:1969-80.
34. Li, B., Duysen, E.G., Volpicelli-Daley, L.A., Levey, A.I. and Lockridge, O. Tolerance to muscarinic acetylcholine receptor activation in acetylcholinesterase knockout mice. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 2003 74:977-86.
35. Volpicelli, L.A., Lah, J.J., Fang, G., Goldenring, J.R. and Levey, A.I. Rab11a and the atypical myosin Vb direct transit of the M4 subtype of muscarinic acetylcholine receptor through the recycling pathway. Journal of Neuroscience 2002, 22:9776-84.
36. Zhang, W., Basile, A.S., Gomeza, J., Volpicelli, L.A., Levey, A.I. and Wess, J. Characterization of central inhibitory muscarinic autoreceptors by the use of muscarinic acetylcholine receptor knockout mice. Journal of Neuroscience 2002, 22:1709-17.
37. Volpicelli, L.A., Lah, J.J. and Levey, A.I. Rab5 regulates targeting of the m4 subtype of muscarinic acetylcholine receptor to early endosomes and multivesicular bodies. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2001, 276:47590-8.
38. Volpicelli, L.A., Easterling, K.W., Kimmel, H.L. and Holtzman, S.G. Sensitization to daily morphine injections in rats with unilateral lesions of the substantia nigra. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 1999, 64:487,493.
2017 European Academy of Balzano Italy, April
International Basal Ganglia Society meeting; Pathophysiology of Parkinson’s disease session, March
2016 Keynote Speaker at the University of Pennsylvania Center for Neurodegenerative Disease Retreat, October 11th
Invited Speaker at UAB Comprehensive Neuroscience Center, October 7
Invited Speaker at California Institute of Technology, November 11
Invited Speaker at UCLA, November 12
Invited Speaker at the University of Pittsburgh December 14
2015 Invited Speaker at Parkinson’s disease Gordon Research Conference “Emerging Research in the Etiology and Pathogenesis of a Complex Disease” New London, NH
2014 “Defining the most efficient a-synuclein conformer for seeding pathologic inclusions” Presented at Society For Neuroscience conference Washington DC
2013 "Exogenous α-synuclein fibrils induce Lewy neurite and Lewy body-like pathology leading to synaptic dysfunction, impaired axonal transport, and neuron death” Presented at 23rd Neuropharmacology Conference/The Synaptic Basis of Neurodegenerative Disorders San Diego, CA
2002: Invited presentation: Altered muscarinic acetylcholine receptors in acetylcholinesterase knockout mice. Presented at: The Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College, London, England
2000: Invited presentation: M1 and M4 subtypes of muscarinic receptors traffic through distinct endosomal compartments in PC12 cells. Presented at : Ninth International Symposium: Subtypes of Muscarinic Receptors, Houston, TX.
Editorial Board
Nature Publication Journal, Parkinson’s disease
Invited Guest Editor by Timothy Greenamyre, Neurobiology of Disease special issue: “Pathogenic Templating Proteins”
Manuscript Reviewer:
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Acta Neuropathologica
Neurobiology of Disease
Journal of Neurochemistry
Grant Reviewer:
Michael J. Fox Foundation
Medical Research Council; UK
Alzheimer’s Disease-Related Dementias (ADRD) 2016 Summit: Invited panelist with Elizier Masliah MD, UCSD, Modeling Lewy Body Dementias
Ongoing Collaborations:
California Institute of Technology: Viviana Gradinaru, PhD; Henry Lester, PhD
Cambridge University, UK: Christopher Dobson, PhD
Columbia University: Lloyd Greene, PhD; Oren Levy MD, PhD; Shang-Han Kuo, MD
EURAC Research, Bolzano Italy: Mattia Volta, PhD
University of Bordeaux, France: Benjamin Dehay, PhD
University of California, Los Angeles: Nigel Maidment, PhD
University of Toronto, Canada: Joanne Nash, PhD
University of Vancouver, Canada: Austen Milnerwood, PhD
University of Zaragoza, Spain: Nunilo Cremades, PhD
Professional Organizations:
Society for Neuroscience
American Society for Cell Biology
Teaching and Mentoring:
2015-present Course director, Parkinson’s disease Journal Club (GBSC 700)
2016 Lectures on Prion diseases and multiple systems atrophy, Translational Approaches in Neurodegeneration (GBS 729)
2014 Synuclein lecture in Molecular Neurodegeneration (GBS 700)
2014 Evaluation of UAB Neuroscience Summer Seminar Series (GBS 737)
2014 Lecture at University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa “Neurotalks” seminar series
2016 Mentor of Assel Dhib and Neena John, Neuroscience Honors graduate students
2014-present Co-mentor with David Standaert of Lindsay Stoyka, MSTP student
2012-2013 Mentor of Ashley Brock, UAB neuroscience honors student
2000-2002 Mentor of senior thesis project of undergraduate student at Emory University