Mr. Johansen’s Junior Class

Self-Portrait Project

Instructions: Use the following format to structure your project.Speak to family members and friends to help with the various times and events in your life that you may have trouble recalling. The content of your report should be at least fifteen typed pages (double spaced and12 font) and based on YOUR life.Projects can be emailed to me at you need any assistance, please ask.

Develop a cover sheet, which must include the following information. You are encouraged to be ascreative/artistic as possible with the cover. Follow each section and provide as much information as possible. You must develop a table of contents and give a unique title to each of the ten sections.


Self Portrait Title:

All About Me: Then, Now, And To BE

Name: ______



Section one: Family Tree

Create a family tree. Try to go back as far as you can. You can easily find a template for a family tree online. Be creative!


Section two: Introduction

My name is ______. I am ____ years of age and was born at _____ am/pm on ______(Day, Month, and Year). My nationality is ______with my father’s family from the city of ___ (City & Country) ______and my mother’s family from the city of______(City and Country). I received my name from______(Person, Place, or Thing). My first name means ______. My middle name means______. My last name means______. My mother’s maiden name is ______. The names and ages of my sibling(s) is/are______. What is your sibling order and what does it mean to you (Advantages\ Disadvantages)?

(You may also discuss your religion, birthstone, zodiac sign, or any other important personal and family information.)


Section Three: Then

As a very young child, I was………. (Then)

Discuss your emotions, likes\dislikes, happy and sad moments, favorite holidays, memories, fears, activities, friends, pets, your house, school, relocating, etc…

As a young adolescent, I was………. (Then)

Discuss the same aspects while including other topics such as conflicts, social interests and any other changes that took place in you life. Who was you role model, and why?


Section Four:

Today, as a young adult I am………….. (Now)

Discuss yourself as you are today. How would you describe yourself emotionally, socially, physically, and intellectually? What have you accomplished or achieved so far in life? Do not be Modest!

Section Five: To Be

What are your plans and goals? How do you see yourself in five years from now? How do you see yourself in ten years from now?

Section Six Q&A:

Answer the following questions. Make sure your answers are well thought out and realistic. Be as specific as possible.

  1. If you were given Ten million dollars, what would you do with the money and why?
  2. If you had only 24 hours to live, what would you do in the time you have left and why?
  3. If you could ask one person one question who would it be, what would you ask, and why?


Section Seven:

  • Regrets (Things did\did not do)
  • Prized possession (What/Why/Who would you give it to)
  • Favorite and worst memory
  • Personal art work


Section Eight:

1. Baby picture

  1. Youth picture
  2. Young adolescent picture
  3. Current picture
  4. A picture that is symbolic of who you are (BE CREATIVE & EXPLAIN WHY)

Section Nine:

You are to compose original poems using the provided formats. Be as descriptive as possible in your writing.

1. Emotion Poem: Choose any emotion you wish to write about.

______is (Color) ______

Smells like____

Tastes like_____

Sounds like_____

Feels like______

Looks like ______

______is ______(Give a metaphoric statement)

2. Bio Poem:

First name

Four traits that describe you

Sibling of (Son/daughter of)

Lover of (Three people/places/things)

Who feels (Three ideas/emotions/beliefs)

Who needs (Three things)

Who gives (Three things)

Who fears (Three things)

Who would like to see (Three people/places/things)

Resident of (Your city, street or state)

Last name

3. Personality Profile:

I want ______

I hope ______

I love ______

I really dislike ______

I am most afraid of ______

I want most to be ______

I’m happiest when ______

Things about myself I’ll have to live with ______

The qualities I most admire in other people ______

What I want most in a boy/girl friend ______

I think my boy/girlfriend has a right to expect me to ______

I think marriage is ______

Write about your interests in:

Sports ______

Hobbies ______

Favorite type of movie ______

Favorite TV show ______

Favorite music ______

Magazines read regularly ______

Best book read this year ______

Most admired public figure ______

  1. I Am Poem

I am ______

(two special characteristics)

I wonder ______

(something you are actually curious about)

I hear ______

(an imaginary sound)

I see ______

(an imaginary sight)

I want ______

(an actual desire)

I am ______

(the first line of the poem)

I pretend ______

(something you actually pretend to do)

I feel ______

(a feeling about something imaginary)

I touch ______

(an imaginary touch)

I worry ______

(something that really bothers you)

I cry ______

(something that makes you very sad)

I am ______

(the first line of the poem repeated)

I understand ______

(something you know is true)

I say ______

(something you believe in)

I dream ______

(something you actually dream about)

I try ______

(something you really make effort about)

I hope ______

(something you actually hope for)

I am ______

(the first line of the poem repeated)


Section Ten:

What did you learn about yourself from doing this project? (Minimum three paragraphs)


Final Thoughts:

Good luck with your work! If you require any assistance, or run into a problem, please see me.