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Your 2012

Self Managed Superannuation Fund

Financial Statements Checklist

Dear Valued Client

Please use this checklist to assist you in gathering information for your Self Managed Superannuation Fund Financial Statements and Income tax return. The checklist outlines the key documents and information that we require.

Yes No N/A
Income – Please provide evidence
 / Dividend Statements (Payment/DRP date falling within 01/07/11 – 30/06/12) / 
 / Buy & Sell Contracts – shares, real estate etc. / 
 / ETP documents – e.g. Rollins from other funds / 
 / Listed/Unlisted Trust quarterly distribution statements AND Annual Taxation Statement (normally issued approx. September 2012) / 
 / Interest received summaries – statement from financial institution / 
 / Rental property summaries – agent / 
Expenses – Please provide evidence
 / Financial Planning fees / 
 / Rental property expenses / 
 / Pension payments – please identify / 
 / Life Insurance policy documents – showing policy owner, insurance type, & summary of premium paid for the year / 
 / Other Investment expenses e.g. property valuation costs etc….. / 

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Your 2012

Self Managed Superannuation Fund

Financial Statements Checklist

Yes No N/A
Assets – Please provide evidence
 / Please provide bank statements for the full financial year and detail all deposits and withdrawals not readily recognisable e.g. EFT amounts / 
 / Please provide all Term Deposits and Fixed Interest investment documentation for the financial year / 
 / Please provide purchase contracts for all acquisitions e.g. real estate etc. / 
 / Please provide share or trust holding statements at 30 June 2012 (if available) to confirm investment ownership details / 
 / Please provide all details on investment restructures during the year e.g. share buy-backs, mergers, capital returns etc. / 
Other items
 / Please provide all cheque books (or cheque book details) used in the 2012 financial year / 
 / Please provide all deposit books used in the 2012 financial year / 

Please return this checklist together with the required information at your appointment or alternatively post the documents to our office at your earliest convenience.Information can also be emailed to us at:

If we can assist you with any further matters please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to help.

Services we offer

  • Taxation Consultants
  • Bookkeeping & Payroll

  • Business Advisors
  • Budgeting & Cashflow

  • Superannuation including Self Managed Superannuation
  • Auditing & Corporate Governance

  • Financial Management

K:\HSoft\Doc\DocBase\!Flinders Partners\Checklists & Forms\Checklists\Clients\SMSF 2012 Financials Checklist.Doc