Deaf Ears

Acts 26:22-32

Main Idea: Without both faith and humility, God’s Truth falls on deaf ears.

  1. Those who cling to the world’s wisdom reject God’s Truth. (vv. 22-24)
  2. Paul is obviously well-educated, but…
  3. Believing prophecy is ridiculous.
  4. Messiahs don’t suffer and die.
  5. People don’t come back from the dead.
  6. The Gospel includes many ideas that are nonsense to the world.
  7. Logic and reason will never convince those whose hearts are set against the supernatural.
  8. The Scriptures tell us of an all-powerful divine Creator whose character is immeasurably more righteous than ours,and whose ways are unsearchable.

“For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” (1 Corinthians 1:18)

  1. If your Gospel doesn’t sound foolish to the world, you haven’t explained it all yet!
  1. Those who will not humbly consider God’s Truth will reject it. (25-32)
  2. Agrippa knows the Jewish Scriptures and“believes” the prophesies.
  3. However, he does not want to be convinced, and so he will not be.
  4. Agrippa thinks the debate is a contest between him and Paul.
  5. Paul knows that the debate is really between Agrippa and Truth.
  1. What about you?
  2. If you aren’t willing to believe even the “odd” things in the Bible, you will deny Truth.

“We walk by faith, not by sight.” (2 Corinthians 5:7 ESV)

  1. Will you believe what the Bible says about salvation?
  2. Will you believe what the Bible says about holiness?
  3. Will you believe what the Bible says about victory?
  4. Will you believe what the Bible says about finances?
  5. Will you believe what the Bible says about sexual morality?
  1. If you aren’t willing to apply the hard truths of the Bible, you will reject truth.

““Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you?”(Luke 6:46 ESV)

  1. For a good “test case,” read Romans 12:9-13:1 and consider how much you’ve pursued obedience to these commands!



Romans 12:9-13:1


What excuses do you make in order to convince yourself that it’s OK to ignore the commands to:

  1. Honor others above yourself? (v.10)
  1. Be patient in affliction? (v. 12)
  1. Share with God’s people in need? (v. 13)
  1. Practice hospitality? (v. 13)
  1. Bless your persecutors? (v. 14)
  1. Be willing to associate with people of low position? (v. 16)
  1. Refrain from seeking revenge? (v. 19)
  1. Overcome evil with good? (v. 20)

Many of these things don’t make much sense to the world. Do you embrace these practices (or others in this chapter) simply because Scripture tells you that this is how God’s people are to live?

Are there any other things taught in Scripture that you have rejected out of pride or scorn?


God, do not let me become so enthralled with the world’s wisdom that I lose faith in your supernatural love, power, and wisdom. Teach me how to see the world through your eyes rather than the pragmatic self-sufficiency of our culture. Humble me so that I will find joy in obeying all of your commands to love.


Pick one thing in Romans 12:9-13:1 that you do poorly and ask God to give you a passion to live it out. When the opportunity arises to live out that area of obedience, do not delay, but obey immediately!