Self Generation Incentive Program
Interim Changes to Handbook April 23, 2005 – Rev. 1
Instructions: Place this Interim Change index, along with the Interim Changes, directly behind the Title Page of the Self-Generation Incentive Program Handbook. Annotate the sections impacted with the change number. Interim changes will be incorporated into the next revision to the Handbook.
Types of Changes for SGIP Program Documents
A) CPUC Change – Language added, modified or removed to convey new policies and procedures or other SGIP Program changes required by a CPUC decision. Such a CPUC Change will be incorporated into appropriate existing or new SGIP Policy Documents and/or forms. Effective date—If the CPUC decision requires a CPUC Change to be made by a certain date, that will be the Effective date; otherwise, the CPUC Change will be effective a reasonable time after the CPUC decision is received.
B) WG Change –Language added, modified or removed as a result of a WG decision that SGIP Policy Documents and/or forms require significant changes. Effective date—WG Changes will be effective after WG consensus is reached, made available to the public, and incorporated into the SGIP Policy Documents and/or forms.
C) WG Clarification –Language added, modified or removed as a result of applicants, host customers, or WG members identifying areas where clarification is required to provide consistent direction with regards to program policy and procedures. Effective date—coincides with date of Program inception.
Change No. / Effective Date / Handbook Section # / Section Title / ChangeType / Comments /
1 / N.A. / 3.2.2 / Other Incentives or Rebates / C / Clarification of Incentive Limits
2 / N.A. / 6 / Definitions and Glossary / C / Clarification of Site definition
3 / N.A. / / Emission Credits / C / Correction of equation in Example #1
4 / 8/14/05 / 4.2.8 / Applicant Assignment of Responsibilities / B / This change allows for Applicant Reassignment to allow for 3rd party ownership of the system.
Change Number:
Handbook Section: 3.2.2
Old Text: / In no event can the combined incentives received from SGIP and other funding sources exceed the System Owner’s out-of-pocket expenses (e.g. total eligible project cost) for the project.Revised Text: / In no event can the combined incentives received from SGIP and other funding sources exceed the total eligible project cost.
Comments: / Clarification of total incentive limits relative to project cost.
Change Number:
Handbook Section: 6
Old Text: / Site:A single business enterprise or home located on an integral parcel or parcels of land undivided by a public road or thoroughfare regardless of the number of meters serving that Site. Separate business enterprises or homes on a single parcel of land undivided by a highway, public road, thoroughfare or railroad would be considered for purposes of the SGIP as separate Sites.
Revised Text: / Site:
A single business enterprise or home located on an integral parcel or parcels of land undivided by a public road or thoroughfare regardless of the number of meters serving that Site or, if divided by a public road or thoroughfare, served by a single electric utility meter. Separate business enterprises or homes on a single parcel of land undivided by a highway, public road, thoroughfare or railroad would be considered for purposes of the SGIP as separate Sites.
Comments: / Clarification of Site definition.
Change Number:
Handbook Section:
Section Title: Emissions Credits
Old Text: / AB 1685 NOx Emissions Credit{0.30 [lb/MWh] x .360 [MW]} / {.360 [MW] + (8.256 [MMBtu/yr] / 3.4 [MMBtu/MWh]) / 4,900 EFLH/yr} =
0.126 lb/MWh ≤ 0.14 lb/MWh NOx Passes
Revised Text: / AB 1685 NOx Emissions Credit
{0.30 [lb/MWh] x .360 [MW]} / {.360 [MW] + (8,256 [MMBtu/yr] / 3.4 [MMBtu/MWh]) / 4,900 EFLH/yr} =
0.126 lb/MWh ≤ 0.14 lb/MWh NOx Passes
Comments: / Correction of Example #1 equation from 8.256 MMBtu/yr to 8,256 MMBtu/yr.
Change Number:
Handbook Section: 4.2.8
Section Title: Applicant Assignment of Responsibilities
Old Text: / No assignment of the SGIP application or rights to the reserved incentive can be made before the approval of the Proof of Project Advancement. After Proof of Project Advancement approval, only Applicant assignment will be accepted for extenuating circumstances beyond the Host Customer’s control. Neither the Applicant nor Host Customer shall assign its rights or delegate its duties without the prior written consent of the other party, except in connection with the sale or merger of a substantial portion of its assets. Any such assignment or delegation without the prior written consent of Program Administrator or its assignee, if any, shall be null and void. Consent to assignment shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Applicant and Host Customer must provide assurance of the success of a Project, if assigned, by providing any additional information requested by Program Administrator.Revised Text: / No assignment of the SGIP application or rights to the reserved incentive can be made before the approval of the Proof of Project Advancement. After Proof of Project Advancement approval, Applicant assignment will be accepted for extenuating circumstances beyond the Host Customer’s control, or whereby the System Owner has changed since the initial submission of the Reservation Request Form. Neither the Applicant nor Host Customer shall assign its rights or delegate its duties without the prior written consent of the other party, except in connection with the sale or merger of a substantial portion of its assets. Any such assignment or delegation without the prior written consent of Program Administrator or its assignee, if any, shall be null and void. Consent to assignment shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Applicant and Host Customer must provide assurance of the success of a Project, if assigned, by providing any additional information requested by Program Administrator.
Comments: / This change allows for Applicant Reassignment to allow for 3rd party ownership of the system.
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Print Date 8/15/2005