Book List is printed on both sides
3rd Year Book List 2016/17
Subject / Book And Publisher / Works and other materials needed* Literacy Initiative / As part of our Literacy Initiative all students must purchase & have in school 3 suitable reading books of their choice
Irish / Ms Lalor’s class only-ScaoilAmach é 1(2)(Gnáth)+ ScaoilAmachArís é (Bonn)
Mr o laoire’s class - An Dtuigeanntú. (print) Keep Íontas 2 (print and digital) (Gnáth)+Íontas3(ard) f / Keep Hardback dictionary (pocket).
Graimear an Draoi as before.
Exam papers (confirm in Sept)
2 Hardback Copies + Folder
English / * Keep All texts books from 2nd Yr. Great expectations2 (have this) / 2 x Hardback copied. €13 for Merchant of Venice play in Thurles,To be given to Teacher in Sept.
Maths / Text & Test 2 Jnr Cert OL(OL only)
Text & Test 2 Practice Book OL (OL only)
Text & Test 2 Jnr Cert HL (HL only) / Casio natural display calculator,
Formulae and Tables book,
mathematical set,
project maths graph copy(A4 size)
Geogebra App(free)
History / Timeline from first year / Resource and revision workbook (buy if don’t have)– Mentor
Exam papers-(Edco). Continue with A4 hardback from last year
Exercise copy
Geography / Geography in Action / Geography in Action workbook.
2 x A4 Hardback copies
Exam papers EDCO.
Colouring Pencils, Pencil + Pocket display folder.
CSPE / Keep Make a Difference / Keep Workbook (Folens). Manuscript copy and exam papers(Edco)
Religion / Any Student with Ipad to pay €13.90
Science / As last year / Text book, work book, experiment book, as last yr. exam papers. Hard Back
French / Bienvenueen France 2 (retain). / Oxford School French Dictionary.
French Grammar Made Easy. Edco Exam Papers
Business Studies / From 2nd yr. Keep Ready for business & work book (hardcopy/ebook. Edco- Richard Delaney Less Stress more success business- John F O’Sullivan / Record bks 1, 2, 3. Hardback. 2 x Hardbacks.
Tech Graphics
Woodwork / €25 to be paid to teacher in sept( materials will not be given out until payment is made
Home Economics / Same as 2nd yr. including workbook / Hardback (continue from last yr.). 1 x homework copy. Folder from last yr. €10.
Metalwork / Same as last Year / €25 to be paid to teacher in sept (materials will not be given out until payment is made.
Steel Ruler
A4 Hardback.
Exam Papers
Art / A4 Sketch Pad Refill pack with pencils (2B, 4B, and 6B),
Spanish / El Primer Paso 2 Hard Copy (retained from Last Yr.) – Folens ,
Vamos a escuchar 2 -Folens (retained from Last Yr. / Hardback kept from 1st yr.
Exam papers, Cheap headphone for use in Language Lab
Sphe / Healthy Lifestyle 3 Physical (Gill and McMillan) / Copy
Please log on to using your username and password to make payments. Alternatively cash/cheque payments should be made to the Teacher in an envelope with the name, purpose and correct amount enclosed. Receipts will be issued in the school journal. All of these payments must be paid by September 15th 2016
Maura Murphy
Woodwork / €25Home Economics / €10
Metalwork / €25
Locker and Journal / €20