Effectiveness of Leadership and Management is Good because…
- A culture of high expectations for all pervades the school ethos and as a result teaching, learning and assessment; personal development, behaviour and safety and outcomes for pupils are good.
- The strategic focus on empowering and training our Middle Leaders has led to an improved learning culture and secured progress in pupil outcomes.
- Governance has grown significantly and is now providing stringent challenge and support to the leadership team under an experienced Chair of Governors.
- The forensic analysis of student performance and rigorous monitoring of standards at all leadership levels has secured improvement.
- The leaders of English and Maths are part of the extended leadership team.
- Our Middle Leaders drive key aspects of the school’s work:
- Head of English is lead for Literacy Matters, CPD and Research
- Head of PE is Head of Year 8
- Head of Drama is the Professional Tutor
- Head of Humanities is the lead for our University Preparation Programme
- Second in English is also Head of Year 6 and 7
- Head of PSHE is also Head of Year 10
- Robust action is taken with teachers where poor performance is identified and where support does not secure improvements.
- There is strong relation between the quality of teaching and pay grade and progression. Performance management, CPD and our monitoring calendar triangulate our self-evaluation and lead our planning.
- The provision for those in receipt of the pupil premium grant and catch up funding is good which is securing good progress.
- Student Leadership is being embedded at Oakbank with a charity team leading the school’s commitment to the wider community, sports captains, safeguarding champions and house captains all beginning to shape the future of Oakbank.
- We offer a broad and balanced curriculum which includes our Widening Horizons (extra-curricular) curriculum each day.
- Our strong CPD programme underpins improvements in teaching and learning.
- Our Safeguarding processes and procedures are good and effective as validated by a CST safeguarding audit in Autumn 2015. Ongoing Safeguarding education and training is fundamental to our culture of vigilance and these themes are covered via a robust PHSE programme, regular training assemblies for students and across the pastoral and academic curriculum.
Quality of teaching, learning and assessment is Good because…
- A relentless focus on ensuring that quality first teaching secures progress through focused CPD and performance management has led to teaching that is strong and continuously improving.
- There are examples of outstanding practice in Maths, English, History, PSHE, Drama and PE.
- New staff in key roles have swiftly secured improvements in teaching. Teaching is now ensuring that pupils make good progress from lower than national starting points.
- External validation of assessments and accuracy of marking is a fundamental part of our monitoring calendar.
- The use of feedback, both written and verbal, is securing mastery and empowering pupils to take ownership for their learning.
- A focus on literacy and numeracy is ensuring that no child is being held back by an inability to read and apply and use their mathematical knowledge. Oakbank is a ‘reading’ school.
- Rapid and targeted intervention in English and Maths is ensuring that those who have fallen behind are helped to make substantial and sustained progress.
- Our well-equipped and highly skilled SEN team ensures that our pupils with SEND needs make good progress and that they widen their experiences and reach their potential and are fully included in the life of the school. Pupils with statements have made good progress, a concern in the May 2014 Ofsted report
Personal development, behaviour and welfareis Good because…
- Pupils have positive educational experiences at school that ensure that they are well prepared for the next stage in their education.
- There has been a significant rise in attendance and this is now above national average.
- The appointment of a lead for our University Preparation Programme in January 2015 and the subsequent introduction of the Extended Project Qualification for Year 8 and 9 more able students into our Widening Horizons programme demonstrates the school’s commitment to ensuring that our More Able pupils reach their full potential and are exposed to experiences which will widen their horizons both academically and aspirationally.
- Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is exceptionally well developed and helps to ensure that there is an extremely positive culture for learning.
- Oakbank has, since September 2014, become a ‘telling school’ encouraging a culture of safety.
- Our pupils are proud to be members of the Oakbank community: wearing their uniform with pride, being respectful, demonstrating good attitudes to their learning, being well equipped and punctual.
- There is a zero tolerance approach to bullying.
Outcomes for Pupils is Good because…
- Progress across a wide range of subjects is good and improving.
- The progress of disadvantaged pupils is close to that of other pupils with the same starting points.
- Forensic and strategic intervention for those in receipt of the pupil premium is securing progress.
- Oakbank is a reading school and as such pupils read widely. The whole school is currently enjoying reading the book ‘Wonder’ by RJ Palacio.
- Careers education is mapped across all year groups to ensure that students are prepared for the next phases of their education and can see their learning journey in the context of their long term future. Careers and Life preparation education is a fundamental aspect of learning, covered through a robust PHSE programme and complemented through the pastoral and academic curriculum.