1 of 2Inclusion Development Programme Primary and Secondary: Teaching and supporting pupils with speech, language and communication needs

Self-evaluation checklist for the learner

Note: The self-evaluation checklist should be completed by learners before and after using the resource to identify existing knowledge and understanding, and the areas in which they might enhance their skills.

Members of leadership teams in schools may encourage staff to complete the self-evaluation checklist before and after using this resource and share the results to produce an audit of knowledge and skills. This audit could help leadership teams prioritise areas for development.

Codes used:

K – knowledge

A – adjustment to practice

My knowledge and understanding of the importance of communication in everyday life and of how to make adjustments to my practice in the classroom to enable those with SLCN to learn and achieve. / Rate 1–4
1 = not very confident
4 = very confident
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
1. Speech, language and communication in life and learning
1K / I understand the different components of speech, language and communication.
2. A communication supportive environment for all
2K / I know of specific strategies that I can use to improve my communication style in the classroom to enhance the learning of all pupils.
3A / I understand how to apply multi-sensory approaches to teaching and learning so that they enhance the learning opportunities for all pupils.
4A / I know how to adjust my questions to scaffold the learning of all pupils and so that they are actively involved in their learning.
5A / I select specific strategies to use in my teaching to create an environment that supports language and communication for all.
3. What are speech, language and communication needs?
6K / I know about the main areas that are affected in individuals with SLCN and can identify pupils that I think have SLCN.
7K / I know the barriers to learning that these conditions can present for pupils with SLCN.
8A / I liaise with other professionals to ensure that I understand the range of strategies that I can adopt to remove barriers and support the learning of pupils with SLCN.
9A / I personalise the learning for pupils with SLCN and know the strategies that work best for them.
4. What can I do to improve teaching and learning for pupils SLCN?
10A / I frequently review the organisation of my classroom to ensure that the learning environment supports pupils with SLCN.
11K / I know that pupils with SLCN need exposure to good models of language and communication and am aware of this when grouping pupils for tasks.
12A / I know a range of specific strategies that I can use to support learning in the classroom.
13A / I make specific adjustments for individuals with SLCN to ensure that they understand the objectives of the lesson and what successful learning looks like.
14A / I encourage pupils with SLCN to develop independence and provide them with opportunities and strategies to do so.
Total score out of 56

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