Self-assessmentfor adult social care needs

This is for private use and will only be read by County Council staff if you choose to submit it.

At this stage, this self-assessment is not about money – it has been designed to help you think about your personal circumstances before looking for care and support. The WSCC booklet “Your life,your choice” can provide more information about social care.

You can save the form and use it when you are thinking for yourself about finding support to meet your care needs. Or you can submit the form to the County Council for a fullerassessment of your needs, and for information and advice.It can be completed online or printed to complete in writing.

When completing the self-assessment it can be helpful to think about how things are working for you now before you think about what needs to change. Often small changes, like a piece of equipment or help to find and join a local group, can make a big difference to people’s quality of life. When thinking about your situation and completing the form you may wish to use our West Sussex Connect to Support website to help you find out more about your options:

It should not take you more than about 20 minutes to complete the form but this will depend on how much information you choose to include.

Please briefly describewhat is important to you in your everyday life. For example, the people who are important to youand the things you like to do.

Please brieflydescribe your health, any disabilities and medication you are taking.

Your strengths

What is working well in your life? Describe the things you can do well for yourself and also where someone is helping you.

Your difficulties

What difficulties are you facing in your everyday life and what would you like to change?

Your goals

What are the goals or outcomes you would like to achieve in your everyday life?

Your ability to enjoy life – the way you feel about yourself(please circle all yes or no)

Does your situation affect your enjoyment of life and the way you feel about yourself in the following things?

Being treated with respect and dignity Y/N

Your physical and mental health, including whether you feel generally

happy with your life Y/N

Keeping yourself safe from abuse or neglect Y/N

Being able to make choices and decisions in your everyday life Y/N

Being able to work or take part in education, training andleisure interests Y/N

Managing your money Y/N

Your family and personal relationships Y/N

The suitability of your home Y/N

Being able to take part in, or help with activities in your community Y/N

The questions below are divided into ten areas of daily living(please tick the statement that applies to you for each question).

1: Your personal care- such aswashing

 I don’t need any help with this

I can do this with the support I have now

 I can’tdo this even with the support I have now

2: Your toilet needs during the day and night

 I don’t need any help with this

 I can do this with the support I have now

 I can’t do this even with the support I have now

3: Being properly dressed - such as wearing clean clotheswhich suit the weather and different activities.

 I don’t need any help with this

 I can do this with the support I have now

 I can’t do this even with the support I have now

4: Managing your home - such as shopping, cleaning, laundry, making sure necessary repairs are carried out and managing your household bills

 I don’t need any help with this

 I can do this with the support I have now

I can’t do this even with the support I have now

5: Living safely in your home - such asmanaging steps, getting in and out of bed, sitting down and getting up from chairs andusing the kitchen and bathroom.

 I don’t need any help with this

I can do this with the support I have now

 I can’t do this even with the support I have now

6: Family and personal relationships - such as being able to communicate with people, being understood and understanding others and being able to socialise. You may need assistance due to language, illness or impairment.

 I don’t need any help with this

I can do this with the support I have now

 I can’t do this even with the support I have now

7: Being able to take part in work, training, education or volunteering– keeping busy and involved at a level that suits you.

 I don’t need any help with this

I can do this with the support I have now

 I can’t do this even with the support I have now

8: Getting out and about in your local community – staying in touch with local groups and activities.

 I don’t need any help with this

I can do this with the support I have now

 I can’t do this even with the support I have now

9: Carrying out caring responsibilities for a child

 I don’t need any help with this

I can do this with the support I have now

 I can’t do this even with the support I have now

What is your relationship to the child? …………………………………………………………..

10: Food and drink -meal preparation, meeting your dietary needs and eating and drinking well.

 I don’t need any help with this

I can do this with the support I have now

 I can’t do this even with the support I have now

Any other social care needs?

Please describe any other needs you have that are not being met. Think about the impact on your life and what changes you want. Please explain this here.

Completed by…………………………………………………………………… Date: ……………………

Keep for your personal reference, orpost to:

West Sussex County Council Adults’ CarePoint,

Second Floor, The Grange,

County Hall,


West Sussex PO19 1RG.

V0.7 Aug 20151