November 4, 2013

PRESENT: Board of Selectmen: Ted Poirier, Scott Littlefield, Gerry Taylor; Treasurer/Selectmen Clerk Angela Cushman, CEO Jim Roberts, Tax Collector Yvonne Shaw


OTHERS PRESENT: Tom McKenney, Arelle Harris, Jennie Metcalf, Ryan Sommer, Jen Harriman, Jocelyn Lydon, Shannon Porter, Sue Sydnor, Jim Moran, Brian Pellerin, Millie Tuttle

Selectmen Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at 18:00.

Agenda approved by Selectmen.


No action to report.



1.  Fire Commission. No updates at this time

2.  Waste Management. This is an item that will be addressed in the near future.

3.  Road Updates. Scott Littlefield communicated that the shouldering on River Road has been completed. The top coat will be completed next year. Ryan Sommer wanted the Selectmen know how appreciative he is of the response of the Road Commissioner, Mike Souliere, to his request of repairing the washout around the mailboxes at 471 Buzzell Rd.

4.  Parks & Recreation. Ryan Sommer asked for approval for the letter of appeals. The Selectmen approved the letter to be mailed to residents and businesses after the November 18th Special Town meeting. Ryan asked about the brochure the committee has put together. The brochure will not be distributed until after the vote on the 18th. Scott Littlefield asked about the size of the committee. Jim Roberts has researched the town records and found that the committee was formed in 1978 as Dayton Recreation Commission with 5 members. In the absence of terms statue states terms are for one year. The committee will notify the Selectmen which of the members will be voting members to update the appointments. If the town wants to change the name of the committee to Parks & Recreation that will need to be approved by the voters of the town. The committee asked if the photocopier at the town office could be used to produce 1,000 copies to mail out to residents. Angela Cushman communicated there are approximately 700 tax payers. The committee indicated that 150 businesses will receive also receive a letter. The Selectmen approved the use of the photocopier. The Selectmen also agreed to having mailing labels printed out for the 700 tax payers. The committee agreed to supply the paper and labels. An email address has been set up for the Parks & Recreation Committee which is . The Selectmen approved posters and a survey for programs that will be displayed during Election Day on November 5th. The committee will also be handing out bottled water. Scott Littlefield asked about the dollar amount of $35,000 on the brochure. The appeals letter also indicates this amount. Jennie Metcalf stated that the committee will be asking the Selectmen in the spring for $25,000 to be placed on the annual town warrant. What is raised will be used to buy more equipment and woodchips. The committee is hoping to raise $10,000. The Selectmen approved a goals banner of $35,000 to be placed outside of the town office which will be updated by the committee. The Selectmen also approved an email being sent out the website to notify residents of the new Parks & Recreation bulletin board in the town office and to notify residents of the change to the warrant for the Special Town Meeting. Angela Cushman to send out an email. The current play structure and storage shed will remain as part of the playground. Ryan stated that the plan is to install another play structure, a new swing set and woodchips. The committee will be meeting November 12th & 26th.

5.  Foreclosure notices. Angela Cushman, Treasurer, communicated that 6 of the 11 properties are still outstanding at this time.

6.  Upcoming events. Public Hearing RSU Withdrawal Thursday, Nov. 7th. The office staff asked the Selectmen how they should be responding to residents asking how they should vote on the RSU withdrawal question. At this time the Selectmen are not making a recommendation. They will be attending the Public Hearing this Thursday to learn about the financials before making a recommendation.


  1. Warrant for Special Town Meeting. The Selectmen signed the warrant.
  2. Committees. The office is researching town records to determine when all town committees were formed and will be drafting an ordinance that addresses all the committees on number of members, terms, how vacancies are filled, etc.


1.  Tom McKenney asked if the Selectmen could have a set meeting schedule like the 1st and 3rd. The response was that the warrants are every other week.

2.  Brian Pellerin communicated that a group will be working on the ball fields on November 16th & 17th. Brian expressed a concern about getting too close to the cemetery and having a steep drop. Jim Roberts and Brian Pellerin to re-look at the layout.


No correspondence.


1.  11/07/13 A/P Warrant

2.  11/07/13 P/Y Warrant

3.  11/07/13 GMFR P/Y Warrant

4.  10/10/13 & 10/21/13 Selectmen Meeting

5.  Request for time off


1.  Hollis Rd – shouldering & tree trimming – Mike Souliere to complete work & will take about a week to complete.

2.  Notary Public

3.  Stop sign inventory – Mike Souliere

4.  Mirror for Buda Rd – Mike Souliere


Scott Littlefield made a motion to enter into an executive session pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A § 405(6)(A) to discuss a personnel issue at 19:24.

Scott Littlefield made a motion to end executive session at 19:50

Scott Littlefield made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 19:50.

*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.

______Ted Poirier, Chair

______Scott Littlefield

______Gerry Taylor
