Appendix B

Selection Procedure for Trustees


  1. HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sahaja Yoga Trust, Rules and Regulations December 2006, vide 7 b) (i) lay down that “ There shall not be at any time less than two and more than 12 Trustees provided that Shri Mataji shall have the powers to change the maximum number of Trustees.” In the pre dissolved Trust there were 13 Trustees. Apart from these there is one Chairman who is also a Trustee.
  1. A proposal for selection of Trustees was put up by Shri Suresh Kapoor, Executive Secretary before the Coordinators in the all India Coordinators meeting held on 24th April 2011 at Pratishthan, Noida. This was extensively discussed and on the basis of the feedback the following procedure has been adopted for selection of new Trustees. The allocation of Trustees from different parts of the country will be as follows:-

a)National Capital Region (Delhi, Noida, Gurgaon and Faridabad and other areas nearby) 3 Trustees(at least one from Delhi)

b)U.P/Uttarakhand1 Trustee

c)Rajasthan/Gujarat1 Trustee

d)J&K/Punjab/Haryana/Himachal Pradesh/Chandigarh1 Trustee

e)Maharashtra/Goa1 Trustee

f)Karnataka/Kerala1 Trustee

g)Tamilnadu/Andhra Pradesh/Pondicherry1 Trustee

h)Orissa/Bihar/West Bengal/Jharkhand1 Trustee

i)Madhya Pradesh/Chattisgarh1 Trustee

j)Assam/Tripura/Arunachal Pradesh/Nagaland/Manipur/Sikkim/Mizoram1 Trustee

  1. Tenure of the Trustees will be four years.
  1. Six of the Trustees will go out/retire every two years after completion of their tenure of four years. Initially any six Trustees (Selection to be made by lots) will be for six years to establish proper rotation.


  1. Trustees should have basic qualifications as follows-

a)Must be at least a graduate. Additional qualifications such as Chartered accountancy, Law etc will be preferred only if all other conditions are met in equal measure.

b)Must have impeccable integrity and honesty.

c)Must have been in Sahaja Yoga for at least 10 Years.

d)Should be a person full of “Humility” and “Complete devotion and dedication to the Divine Mother and Sahaja Yoga”.

e)While age is no bar but the selected Sahaja Yogi must be physically and mentally fit to travel extensively in his region and elsewhere, and should be dynamic in his approach to Sahaja matters.

  1. A Trustee who has completed his tenure of 4 years cannot have an immediate second term. He/She can become a Trustee only after a gap of 4 years, through the same process as applicable for new trustees.

Selection Process

  1. a)State Coordinator in consultation with the State Coordination Committee of each State, shall select up to two names, out of the names short listed, after screening, i.e. after applying the qualifying criteria and checking their vibratory status and prioritizing the nominees. These names will be forwarded to their Group Coordinators for the purpose of further selection.

b)At the Group level, the Coordinator of the State made responsible for coordination, will be the Convener for the selection process.

c)From each group of States, the Convener will carry out the same process as given above and will forward up to 3 names (either 1 or2 or3 names as per availability of suitable candidates) from each group of States to the National Trust, where once again, the Executive Committee of National Trust will repeat the total process of screening, by employing an independent body for checking the vibratory status, to select the new Trustees.

Checking of Vibratory Status (VS)

  1. Vibratory Status (VS) will be checked by an independent team of 3 (three) Sahaja Yogis, nominated from a City Centre of the State. They will not be told the names of any individual but will be given a folded chit of paper which will have a name inside and a number (say 1, 2 or 3) written outside. Each individual checking the VS will keep the chit of paper in their left hand, go in to thoughtless awareness, and in meditation pray to the Divine Mother to indicate the status of the concerned individual. After having meditated for about 5 to 10 minutes they will give marks out of ten to each chit of Paper. Up to two names having maximum marks will be forwarded to the Group coordinator. At the Group level the same exercise will be conducted to check the VS.
  1. NCR Region. In case of NCR, for its three vacancies, State Coordinators of Delhi, U.P and Haryana will recommend four names from DELHI, and two from NOIDA including Ghaziabad and Greater NOIDA, and GURGAON. Total of 7 names will be forwarded to the National Trust for NCR region. State Coordinator of UP will consider NOIDA, GHAZIABAD and G. NOIDA, while the State Coordinator of Haryana will consider suitable Sahaja Yogis from Gurgaon as well as from Faridabad.
  2. For each selection process group coordinators will be nominated by the national trust prior to the selection process.
  3. National Trust will finalise the list of Trustees, so selected, and forward the same for approval of the Chairman of the Trust.
  4. For the present selection of 12 Trustees. The group coordinators will be as follows:-

GroupGroup Coordinators


b)Uttar Pradesh




f)Andhra Pradesh

g)West Bengal

h)Madhya Pradesh


*There is no requirement for a group coordinator for NCR as the States concerned will submit the names selected directly to the National Trust.