As part of our growth strategy, the Church Councils in all three of our churches have agreed to appoint a new Local Leadership Team (LLT). In the case of All Hallows and St Matthew & St James, they will succeed the Shared Ministry Teams (SMTs) whose term of service ends this summer. Readers in each church (Rachel Metcalf, Jim Page and Chris Stead at All Hallows; Derek Atherton at St Barnabas; Peter Franklin at St Matthew & St James) have already been invited, and some members of the SMTs have also agreed to serve. We want others to join them.

We would like members of each church prayerfully to consider those they think would be suitable members of LLT.See Acts 6.1-7 for the model we are following. Note the results in v.7 – the number of disciples grew larger and larger!

What are the LLTs for?

  1. The LLT’s key responsibilities will be in the areas of worship, discipleship (including small groups), pastoral care and outreach, working closely with and supporting church groups already active in these areas.
  2. They will collectively share the ministry and mission work traditionally undertaken by a vicar, and engage the whole church in mission and ministry, encouraging every person in their own particular calling and gifting.
  3. They will hold and oversee the implementation of the Vision for each church, as agreed by the Church Council, helping everyone to see where we are going as the Holy Spirit leads us.
  4. They will affirm and demonstrate the BLESS values of the Team Ministry, and be a model ‘community of blessing.’

What kind of people are we looking for?

The LLT will support, encourage, reflect, generate and connect ideas, serve, care, love and discern. For this reason, we are not necessarily looking for ‘up front’ worship leaders on a Sunday morning.

We are looking for people who demonstrate a genuine concern for the lives of others, both within the church and in the wider community. They will be good listeners, both to God and to others – and above all people of prayer. They will be good team players, not pursuing their own agendas, but working together for the good of the whole church community to achieve the church’s vision.

Together, they will have faith and courage, to help our community of blessing move into God’s future – from ‘going to church’ to ‘being the church’. They will have a desire to see others – boys and girls, men and women – come to a living and personal faith in Jesus Christ, which manifests itself in ‘whole-life discipleship’, 7 days a week.

Who will discern the members of LLT?

During the month of June, we will be gathering names from members of each church. On June 25th, our new Staff Team* will prayerfully consider the nominations and put together three LLTs, bearing in mind age and gender mix and the variety of gifts each person can offer. I will then approach those proposed to be members of the LLT to enquire whether they are willing to serve. The complete list of LLT members will be presented to the PCC in July for their approval, and subsequently the Team will be announced to the congregation.

What happens next?

The new LLT will start immediately in July, meeting before the summer holiday, and will train ‘on the job’, learning and growing together. There will be some additional teamwork training in the autumn. The LLT will be commissioned by their own church, and will serve for three years, with a review after one year. They will be accountable to the PCC, to whom they will report at each PCC meeting.

What will be the role of the Clergy?

Godfrey and Alan will be closely involved, in oversight and encouragement to those in local leadership and will provide resourcing and training.Godfrey will attend approximately one in three meetings of each team; Alan will attend as and when required, either on his own initiative or at the request of the LLT. The monthly Staff Team meetings will receive reports from the LLT member of each church.

Do you have any other questions?

Please contact me directly (724 1561; ) or talk to any other member of the Staff Team.

Thank you very much for participating in this vital process of discernment and selection. Please pray for this process and for those whom God is calling to this work.

Would you please return the attached form to church no later Sunday, 24th Juneand earlier if possible? If you prefer, you can make your nominations via email: this letter and form are available on the church website.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely in Christ,

PsDon’t leave it to someone else! You may be the only one to identify someone whom God is calling!

*Staff Team consists of Godfrey and Alan (the two clergy), Rich Reardon (youth minister), Kathryn McNee (as Team administrator), Christopher Stead (All Hallows), Karen Dooley (St Barnabas) and Glen Penrhyn-Lowe (St Matthew & St James).


I have prayerfully considered and would like to nominate the following person(s) for the Local Leadership Team (LLT) in (insert name of) Church

Their gifts and qualities:
Their gifts and qualities
Their gifts and qualities:
Their gifts and qualities:
Your name
Telephone/Mobile Number:
Email address

This Form is to be returned in confidence to the letterbox in church or via email to Godfrey Butland: .