Ubuntu Institute Fellowship Programme
Selection Criteria for Outbound Fellows
Participants must be:
§ Between the ages of 18 and 30 years of age
§ All applicants must speak English, be able to express themselves clearly and be comfortable in a foreign environment
§ Must be available for a 6-18 month period (make sure it’s ok with their families and have no other personal commitments at that time-that would need them to come back home)
§ Must have an ID, passport, medical report and no criminal records
§ Must be mature, hard working and willing to adapt to a foreign environment.
§ Must have a related qualification (optional)
§ Police Clearance certificate
§ Medical report (signed by a doctor)
§ Motivational letter – Profile, describe their previous academic and/or work experience, skills and knowledge they can contribute and what they hope to gain professionally and professionally from the training experience.
§ Previous work experience is required, however not necessarily in the hospitality field.(only H2B VISA CLASS)
§ Must be available from November/December through July of the following year.
§ Applicants must be hard working, outward going and be able to interact well with guests.