Selected Resources for Russian Literature



Karen Rondestvedt

Curator for Slavic & East European Collections

345A Green Library East; (650) 725-1052


Molly Molloy

Slavic Reference Librarian

GreenLib.InformationCenter; (650)725-6243



Machine-readable version of this guide:


For material listed below with “Link in Databases section,” go to StanfordUniversity Libraries home page,/, click on Databases & Articles. Search title of database or use the By Title A-Z list. You can also find most of the Slavic ones listed under the category Slavic and Eastern European Studies.

Note that material in databases Stanford subscribes to generally does not appear in the results of Google searches.

Academic Search Premier.Covers 1965- .
Multidisciplinary database providing full text for over 4,650 English-language scholarly publications, more than 3,600 of them peer-reviewed. Abstracts and indexing for 8,200 English-language journals. Link in Databases section.

American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies (ABSEES). Covers 1990-
Indexes scholarly books & articles published in North America. Before 1990, use paper version. Indexing here is way behind. Link in Databases section.

Bikkulova, Irina. Kratkii putevoditel’ po russkomu literaturnomu zarubezh’iu.Moskva: Gumanitarnaia akademiia, 1993-
Z2513.5 .E42 B55 1993 (Green stacks) We have only one volume

Bychkova, E.N. 106 literaturnykh imen russkogo zarubezh’ia: bibliograficheskii ukazatel’. Moskva: Gos. publichnaia istoricheskaiabiblioteka, 1992.
Z2503.5.E42 B96 1992 (Green stacks)

The Current Digest of the (Post-)Soviet Press [Columbus, Ohio, etc.]: American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies [etc.], 1949- .
D839 .C87 Green stacks & SAL3
Weekly. Translated summaries of selected articles in Soviet and post-Soviet press. In addition to paper version, full run isonline as part of East View’s Universal Databases. It is also indexed in several other databases of English-language sources.Find link in SearchWorks record, in E-Journals section of SUL website, or go to and click on its title. Be sure to read “A Special Note on Transliteration in The Current Digest” on front online page.Current Digest can be used as partial index to articles in original Russian.

East ViewUniversal Databases.Aggregation of over 300 full-text Russian (mostly), Baltic and NIS newspapers, newswires, magazines, scholarly journals and government publications. Language is predominantly Russian, but there is also material in English and some in Ukrainian. Contents categories include: Russian Central Newspapers, Russian Regional Newspapers, Social Sciences & Humanities (scholarly journals, mostly Russian, including several relating to Russian literature), Russian Governmental Publications, Russian Military & Security Periodicals, Russian/NIS Newswires, CIS & Baltic Newspapers, Ukrainian Periodicals, Current Digest of the Post-Soviet Press, Vestnik Evropy (digitized 19th-century newspaper), Pravda Digital Archive. Lists of titles included in each category can be found by clicking on name of category. Most categories include material in English. Link in Databases section. In Databases section, most categories of Universal Databasesare also listed separately. Each periodical included here is also listed by title in SearchWorks with a link.

L'Emigration russe: revues et recueils, 1920-1980: index général des articles. Paris : Institut d'études slaves, 1988.
Z2513 .E42 E44 1988 (LaneRoom)
AI15 .E43 1988 (Hoover Reference)
Indexes 45 Russian emigré periodicals and 16 collections. Supplemented for 1981-1995 by Russkaia emigratsiia: zhurnaly i sborniki (see below)

Film Periodicals, Index. Covers 1972- Link in Databases section.

Film/TV Documentation Collections. Link in Databases section.

FEB: Fundamental’naia elektronnaia biblioteka “Russkaia literatura i folklor.” accessible via link in Databases section.
Huge collection of digitized texts, from Gorky Institute of World Literature and InformregistrCenter at the Russian Ministry for Communications. “A repository of Russian verbal art and the scholarly and other texts vital to understanding it.” Primary texts are searchable, as well as viewable as they appeared in original editions. Also secondary sources, bibliographies, Literaturnaia entsiklopediia (1929-1939), etc.

Foster, Ludmila A. Bibliografiiarusskoi zarubezhnoi literatury, 1918-1968. Boston: GK Hall, 1970.
Z2513 .F66 (Green stacks, Lane Room)

Glad, John. RussiaAbroad: Writers, History, Politics.Tenafly, NJ: Hermitage & Birchbark Press,1999.
DK35.5 .G5 1999 (Green stacks; Hoover also has a copy)

Historical Abstracts. Covers 1954- .
Indexes articles from major journals published all over the world in many languages. For items published before 1954, use paper version and/or C.R.I.S.: The Combined Retrospective Index Set to Journals in History, 1838-1974. Foreign language coverage is considerably less in earlier years. Link in Databases section.

Kandel’, B.L. Bibliografiia russkikh bibliografii po zarubezhnoi khudozhestvennoĭ literature i literaturovedeniiu. Leningrad: 1962.
Z6511 .K28 (SAL3)

Letopis’ gazetnykh statei. Moskva: Vsesoiuznaia knizhnaia palata, 1936-
AI15 .L35 Green stacks; Hoover
Soviet/Russian general newspaper index. Works like Letopis’ zhurnal’nykh statei below. 1998- available online as part of Russian National Bibliography. Link in SearchWorks record and in Databases section.

Letopis’ zhurnal’nykh statei. Moskva: Kniga, 1926-
AI15 .L4 Green stacks; latest year in GreenInformationCenter. SAL1/2 has another set through 2000, including issues Green may be missing.

Soviet/Russian general journal index. Earlier title: Zhurnal’naia letopis’. Frequency has been weekly for many years. Does not cumulate. Arranged by broad subject, then alphabetically by author. Some years have proper name and geographical indexes, others don’t. IndianaUniversity’s digitized version of 1956-1975: 1998- available online as part of Russian National Bibliography. Links in SearchWorks record and in Databases section.

Literaturnaia entsiklopediia russkogo zarubezh’ia, 1918-1940. Ed. by A.N. Nikoliukin et al. Moskva: ROSSPEN, 1997- 3vols.
PG3515 .L58 1997 (Lane Room; Hoover has a copy too)

MLA International Bibliography of Books and Articles on the Modern Languages and Literatures, 1921-
Z7006 .M64GreenInformationCenter (1921-1959 only).
1926- available online for sure, and maybe whole run. Link on Databases list. If earlier issues are not online, use paper version.

Novaia literatura po sotsial’nym i gumanitarnym naukam: literaturovedenie. Moskva: INION, 1993-
Z6513 .N67 (Green stacks) Earlier incarnations of this bibliography in stacks nearby.

Monthly. Well-selected scholarly articles, mostly from Russian journals. Literaturovedenie is one of the fields covered. Earlier incarnations were called Novaia otechestvennaia literatura po sotsial’nym i gumanitarnym naukam, Novaia sovetskaia literatura po obshchestvennym naukam and Novaia sovetskaia literatura po/o… Contents 1993- available online in Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies (see its entry below).

Rossiia i rossiiskaia emigratsiia v vospominaniiakh i dnevnikakh: annotirovannyi ukazatel’ knig, zhurnal’nykh i gazetnykh publikatsii, izdannykh za rubezhom v 1917-1991 gg. Moskva: ROSSPEN, 2003- 4 vols. in 5.
DK269 .R67 2003 (Green stacks)

Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies, 1993-
Indexes well-selected scholarly articles in social sciences and humanities, mostly from Russian journals. Duplicates content of paper-formatNovaia literatura po sotsial’nym i gumanitarnym naukam, 1993- in all the fields covered (see its entry above). Search in Cyrillic. Link in Databases section.

Russian National Bibliography. Covers 1998- Searchable online version of 8 parts of official national bibliography, including Letopis’ zhurnal’nykh statei, Letopis’ gazetnykh statei andLetopis’ avtoreferatov dissertatsii. Link in Databases section. 1996 and 1997 available on CD-ROM; see SearchWorks for location.

Russkaia emigratsiia: zhurnaly i sborniki na russkom iazyke, 1981-1995: svodnyi ukazatel’ statei. Paris: Institut d'études slaves; Moskva: Rosspen, 2005.
Z6955 .R87 2005 (Green stacks)
Supplements L'Emigration russe: revues et recueils, 1920-1980 above.

World News Connection. Full-text English language translations of selected foreign television and radio broadcasts, newspaper & journal articles, press releases, 1996- . Before 1996, appeared in print as Daily Report: Central Eurasia (1992-1996) and Daily Report: Eastern Europe, among other sections. Before 1992 appeared under various similar titles, which are retrievable in SearchWorks using termFBIS. This search will also pull up topical reports on microfiche (example: FBIS Report: Science & Technology: Central Eurasia) and paper and CD-ROM indexes to this material. Link in Databases section.


Some sources for determining whether you can borrow them on interlibrary loan

Note: if you can't find a wanted item using SearchWorks, try our old catalog, Socrates ( also linked from library home page), before investigating interlibrary loan.

University of California, Berkeley’s library, Click on OskiCat for their catalog. Getting material from Berkeley is your fastest choice. There is also a link on the Databases page.

WorldCat (OCLC). Huge database of holdings of many libraries, the majority of which are in North America. Largest library database in world.Books and journal titles only, no articles. Use to see if a book or journal is likely to be available on interlibrary loan. Search Cyrillic titles in LC transliteration. Link in Databases section.

If you still can’t find the book or journal title

Note: In all of these sources, look up authors and/or titles of books and titles of journals. (These catalogs do not list articles.)

The National Union Catalog, Pre-1956 Imprints; A Cumulative Author List Representing Library of Congress Printed Cards and Titles Reported by Other American Libraries. London, Mansell, 1968-1981. 754 vols.
Z881 .U49 A19 F (Green stacks)
Photocopy entry and attach it to paper interlibrary loan form, or write NUC pre-56 + vol. no. and page no. on online form.

The Slavic Cyrillic Union Catalog of Pre-1956 Imprints. Totowa, N. J. : Rowman and Littlefield, 1980. 174 microfiches (in binder).
MFICHE 333 Green Media-Microtext Collection; ask for it by number at Media-Micro desk.
Useful for items in Cyrillic from before 1956. If you find it here, print page or copy holdings information and put it into your interlibrary loan request. This source duplicates Cyrillic items in National Union Catalog above, but includes additional titles and additional holding libraries.

Online catalogs of the Russian National Library in St. Petersburg, ClickonЭлектронные каталоги. ForolderpublicationsseetheirГенеральный алфавитный каталог книг на русском языке (1725-1998). This is scanned catalog cards of the library’s entire general card catalog.Search it in Cyrillic. Put in the beginning of the author’s surname if you have it or the title if you don’t. You’ll be given a range of numbered cards; find the proper one by trial and error. For books published 1986 and later, you can use their regular электронныйкаталог. There are separate electronic catalogs of periodicals, 18th-century books, and other things. If you find your item only here, print the card and bring the print-out to me. We do not have an interlibrary loan arrangement with this library, but I can request a photocopy or microfilm for you on exchange. (Their document delivery service is much faster than their exchange service, but youwould have to pay for it. It is not terribly expensive.)

University of Washington’s list of websites of selected importantlibraries in region,
Most online library catalogs will have much better coverage for more recent material than for older. If you findа book or periodical only in one of those libraries, you will not be able to use interlibrary loan. Bring the information to me.


For fastest service, determine whether UC Berkeley has the item and if it’s available. Details on Stanford’s reciprocal borrowing program with Berkeley, as well as eligibility, forms and links, can be found via the SUL home page, -> Services-> Interlibrary Services->Document Delivery Request Forms. Choose RLCP Request Form if you found the material at Berkeley.

If neither Stanford nor Berkeley has the item, you need regular ILL. In general, you do not need to determine who has it; Interlibrary Services staff will do that. Forms are available online (from SUL home page, Interlibrary Services-> Document Delivery Request Forms => SULAIR Interlibrary Borrowing) and at Green Information Desk. FOR CYRILLIC, USE LC TRANSLITERATION WITHOUT DIACRITICS. Do not abbreviate journal or book titles. Print clearly if using paper form. Also note where you got the citation from, in such a way that others can find that item. The older the item you want is, the more chance there is that the Interlibrary Services staff will have trouble finding it.

It will speed your request for a book (or journal article if Stanford does not have the journal at all) if you check WorldCat. If you find it there, that’s enough. In the Source of Citation blank on the form, write WorldCat and the Accession Number from the record for the item. If you don’t find it there and it pre-dates 1956, check it in one of sources above.

If you still cannot find the item, come and see me or e-mail me the citation. Please transliterate the Cyrillic correctly. (A large proportion of unfindable items involve transliteration problems, especially when the item is—or is likely to be—in old orthography. The LC transliteration system does not modernize old orthography.)


Search Engines and Link Sites

Guide to Slavic, Eurasian, and East European Information Resources, From University of Illinois Slavic Reference Service. Very useful site, which includes guides on many subjects.

Link Collection, from Slavic Research Center of Hokkaido University, .

REENIC: Russian and EastEuropeanNetworkInformationCenter, From Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies, Univesity of Texas at Austin.

REESWeb, From Center for Russian & East European Studies, University of Pittsburgh. All subjects, but emphasis on humanities and social sciences.

Slavic and Eastern European Collections in the Stanford University Libraries, Also accessible from Stanford University Libraries home page.Under Research Help,click on Humanities & Area Studies -Slavic & Eastern European Collections. Content at present compiled mostly by my predecessor, Wojciech Zalewski, although I have updated some of it. Contains a huge amount of information, including additional electronic resources, film listings, music, art, Russian bibliographical sources, etc. We have more films than are listed there, a few links may no longer work, etc.

Slavistik-Portal = Portal po slavistike, From Berlin State Library, financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation). Interface, instructions and description in German, Russian or English, although German version is the most complete. Large, sophisticated database with a variety of ways to retrieve information. All social sciences and humanities subjects, but emphasis is on languages and literatures of the region.

ViFaOst, From a partnership of Bavarian State Library, Department for East and South East European Historyat the Historical Seminar of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich,Institute for Eastern European Studiesin Regensburg, Herder-Institutin Marburg, andGöttingen State and University Library. Also financed by German Research Foundation. Interface, instructions and description in German, Russian or English. Large, sophisticated database covering social sciences and humanities subjects, with emphasis on history and social sciences.

Wojciech Zalewski,Russian Reference Works, is anexcellent bibliography,by my predecessor, but itwas last updated in 1999.

Transliteration Tables

ALA-LC Romanization Tables: Transliteration Schemes for Non-Roman Scripts, Use this system for library catalogs in English-speaking world, as well as for WorldCat.

Transliteration of Non-Roman Scripts, From Thomas T. Pedersen. Includes Library of Congress (LC) system and others.

Транслитерациярусскогоалфавита, From Charles Boutler. Does not include LC system for English (!), but has transliteration systems for many other languages, e.g., Polish, Swedish, German.

Cyrillic Keyboards and Alternatives

Cyrillicize Windows,
Detailed, illustrated instructions for installing Russian keyboards on Windows Vista and XP, with link to another site for installing Cyrillic on computers running other operating systems including Macintosh, Linux and older Windows versions. Vista instructions should work for Windows 7. Instructions work, by analogy, for Latin-alphabet languages with non-Western diacritics.

Paul Gorodyansky’s Russian Keyboard Online,
Type Russian and Ukrainian Cyrillic with Windows computer when no system keyboard tools are available.,
Type with a Latin-alphabet keyboard, produce text in Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Hebrew, etc., to copy and paste into your document or your browser’s search box.

Bibliographic Software

EndNote.Matt Jockers’ Tutorials:
Product itself can be purchased from Stanford Bookstore or online. EndNote versions 8 and later support Cyrillic, storing it as Unicode UTF-8. Earlier versions probably don’t support Cyrillic.

RefWorks. Page about RefWorks from Stanford University Libraries’ Science & Engineering Resource Group:
Use of RefWorks depends on a subscription, either by Stanford (may be discontinued at any time) or by you ($80 per year). It should work with Cyrillic.

Zotero. QuickStart Guide, from Stanford’s Cubberly Education Library,
Zotero is “a free, easy-to-use Firefox extension to help you collect, manage, and cite your research sources. It lives right where you do your work — in the web browser itself.” Supports Cyrillic. Interfaces available in many languages including Russian.


If you wonder whethera particular journal or newspaperis available online, check its title inSearchWorks.Sometimes there is more than one record for a title, and the link is in only one of them, so scroll down and read the records carefully. Ifyoudon't find it there, try searching it on Stanford’s e-journals site(click on E-Journals from the libraries’ home page, If necessary, try browsing the alphabetical list by initial letter. Not all journals are online, of course.


RSS feeds from SearchWorkswill alert you to Stanford’s newly cataloged books on the history of Russia, the Soviet Union and its successor states;Russian literature; and selected other fields. URL: You can see them online or subscribe to individual ones.


Mark Steinberg, “Russian Archival Resources,” University of Illinois, 2006, online guide to the subject by a history professor. Includes many links, not only to archival sites, but also to additional material like terminology related to archival organization.

Patricia Kennedy Grimsted, ArcheoBiblioBase, Amsterdam: International Institute of Social History, English-language version of АрхивыРоссии, but organized differently and including additional material and a search engine. АрхивыРоссии itself is likely to be more up-to-date for service hours and contact information.

Федеральное архивное агенство (Росархив), Архивы России,
Up-to-date site covering many types of archives, not only those administered by Rosarkhiv. Coverage is best for those under Rosarkhiv, as one might expect.