Rev 3/14/08
Selected Definitions (from NCHRP 240)
Mainline Toll Plaza – A toll plaza located on the main roadway, which creates a barrier to traffic flow.
Recovery Zone – The distance perpendicular to the toll plaza measured from the departing end of the toll island to the area before the departure transition or merge begins. Usually equal to the length of the longest vehicle permitted on the facility.
Toll Island – A raised platform, usually made of concrete, consisting of some form of crash protection or attenuation device on the traffic approach side where a toll booth or free standing ACM is located.
Toll Plaza – A place at which tolls are collected. A toll plaza typically includes a toll booth or barrier, approach and departure transition lanes, a queue area, a recovery zone, advance toll signing, a plaza administration or utility building, and a parking area for personnel.
Note: The following term was used in a comment, but does (may) not need to appear in MUTCD.
Split Toll Plaza – A plaza off the main travel roadway that accommodates conventional toll collection methods as well as ETC for commercial traffic and adjacent interchange traffic. Used in conjunction with express lanes.
The following term was used in the prior definition:
Express Lanes – A mainline travel lane equipped with ETC that provides non-stop, barrier-free toll collection. [AKA: “Non-stop ETC Only lane”]
Proposed definition:
Toll Plaza Lane – An individual lane located within a toll plaza in which a toll ticket is issued or a toll payment is rendered. A toll plaza lane’s length is that of the adjacent toll island(s).