Selected bibliography

“Of crimes against the audience? Not guilty.” Enhancing your presentation skills

Wendy Rodgers, University of Guelph Library

Ontario Library Association Superconference; Toronto, Ontario; Feb. 4, 2005

Works cited during presentation

Aaron, Stephen. Stage Fright: Its Role in Acting. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1986.

Ayres, J. "Speech Preparation Processes and Speech Apprehension." Communication Education 45.3 (1996): 228-35.

Blokzijl, Wim, and Roos Naeff. "The Instructor as Stagehand: Dutch Student Responses to PowerPoint." Business Communication Quarterly 67.1 (2004): 70-7.

Daly, John A., Anita L. Vangelisti, and David J. Weber. "Speech Anxiety Affects how People Prepare Speeches: A Protocol Analysis of the Preparation Process of Speakers." Communication Monographs 62.4 (1995): 383-97.

Gottesman, Deb, and Buzz Mauro. Taking Center Stage: Masterful Public Speaking using Acting Skills You Never Knew You had. New York: Berkley Books, 2001.

Hoff, Ron. I Can See You Naked: A New Revised Edition of the National Bestseller on Making Fearless Presentations. Kansas City: Andrews and McMeel, 1992.

Kunkel, Karl R. "A Research Note Assessing the Benefit of Presentation Software in Two Different Lecture Courses." Teaching Sociology 32.April (2004): 188-96.

LeBlanc III, H. Paul. “The use of PowerPoint in the Public Speaking Classroom.” Paper presented at the 87th Annual Meeting of the National Communication Association (Atlanta, GA, Nov. 1-4, 2001). ERIC Document Reproduction Service.

Menzel, Kent E., and Lori J. Carrell. "The Relationship between Preparation and Performance in Public Speaking." Communication Education 43.1 (1994): 17-26.

Motley, Michael T. Overcoming Your Fear of Public Speaking: A Proven Method. Houghton Mifflin, 1997.

Motley, Michael T. "Public Speaking Anxiety Qua Performance Anxiety: A Revised Model and an Alternative Therapy." Communication, Cognition, and Anxiety. Ed. Melanie Booth-Butterfield. London: Sage Publications, 1991. 85-104.

Rapee, Ronald M., and Lina Lim. "Discrepancy between Self- and Observer Ratings of Performance in Social Phobics." Journal of abnormal psychology 101.4 (1992): 728-31.

Savitsky, Kenneth, and Thomas Gilovich. "The Illusion of Transparency and the Alleviation of Speech Anxiety." Journal of experimental social psychology 39.6 (2003): 618-25.

Shurtleff, Michael. Audition: Everything an Actor Needs to Know to Get the Part. New York: Walker and Company, 1978.

The Speeches of Martin Luther King, Jr. The Speeches Collection. MPI Home Video, 1989.

Stanislavskii, Constantin. An Actor's Handbook: An Alphabetical Arrangement of Concise Statements on Aspects of Acting. Ed., Trans. Elizabeth Reynolds Hapgood. New York: Theatre Arts Books, 1963.

Tufte, Edward R. The Cognitive Style of PowerPoint. Connecticut: Graphics Press, 2003.

Other recommended reading

Bell, Steven J. "End PowerPoint Dependency Now!" American Libraries 35.6 (2004): 56-9.

Billingham, Jo. Giving Presentations. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003.

Statz, Sarah R. Public Speaking Handbook for Librarians and Information Professionals. North Carolina: McFarland & Company, 2003.