May 23rd, 2016

Selectboard Meeting called to Order at 7:00 by Chair Lou Beam.

Present: Lou Beam, Ron BatchelderandBud Ross

Minutes of theMay 16th, 2016 Meeting acceptedas written. (Unanimous)

Chair, Lou Beam, reviewed the Town Calendar.

The Board recognized Jim Grenier, New Hampshire House Representative.

Jim updated the Board on bills he has been working at the State. Jim mentioned that one bill in progress is relevant to the Regional School District and the new Charter School in Alstead concerning the debate on transportation. This bill would allow the Charter Schools to ask the District for transportation but not mandate it; the Charter School would also have to pay their costs for transportation. Jim and the Board talked about what impact the Charter School could have on the School District and taxes. It will affect the bottom line. Jim talked about the changes allowing active military personnel to wear their uniforms in graduation ceremonies. Lou asked if there was anything in the works that would affect taxes. Jim talked about State aid to the schools and that they are looking to change the caps for the funding and have the money to offset the end of Hold Harmless. The Board thanked Jim for coming.

The Board recognized Ray L’Abbe, Police Chief.

Ray let the Board know that the new cruiser is currently on its way from Texas. Ray had an itemized list of the accessories to be added to the cruiser and the prices that the Board had requested. Ray went over the accessories and how they would fit into the cruiser, why they were needed and the price of the items and how they fit in the budget. Ray said he is going to use money from his donation fund for the graphics. Ray mentioned that his budget will most likely be over because of the error in the warrant article but he will explain during Town Meeting that the trade in would offset that amount. He did note that he received dealer cost on the accessories. The Board thanked Ray.

Bud brought to the Board attention that the logging operation traveling down Hemlock Road Sunday night into Monday morning. The Board decided to call DOT again to check the weights. Bud thought to call the Municipal Association about the noise, which disturbed a number of residents that night, to see if there are any legal limitations.

Old Business:

1. The Board opened a bid for the dump truck (7:50).

7:50 Move to accept the bid for $5,000.00 for the 2002 dump truck from Dan Colon. (Ron, Bud).

2. The Board reviewed a bid from Griffin Construction on the Food Shelf ceiling. It was discussed that something needed to be done this year. They decided to use $2000 that had been earmarked for replacement windows to put towards the repairs at the Food Shelf and add the cost of windows into next year’s budget.

7:55 Move to accept the bid with 8” blown in insulation for $3,730.00. $2000.00 to be paid this year with remainder to be paid in 2017. Ron moved. Unanimous vote.

3. The Board reviewed the tax abatements from Commerford, Neider and Perkins.

7:58 Move to accept the abatements for the Sherburne property by John Hatfield.Ron moved. Unanimous vote.

7:58 Move to deny the request for the abatement for the Zucker property per the assessors’ recommendation. Ron moved. Unanimous vote.

4. The Board discussed options for a new website. A new site would cost approximately $4- 5,000.00. The Board decided to set up a meeting and investigate options and plan on it for next year’s budget.

5. The Board reviewed and signed an MS-1 Extension form for the DRA.

New Business:

1. The Board discussed a broken tree on Holden Hill that is hanging dangerously. A resident was concerned that it would topple into the road. The tree is nearly 50’. The Board decided that it is too big to have Todd cut down. Lou recommended having a professional come in to take it down. The Board agreed. They also discussed a tree on Green Road that the Coop has yet to take down.

2. Lou mentioned to the Board that he had gone up to the Langdon transfer station to take pictures of the compactor. He said that while he was there he noticed old culverts, a refrigerator, dishwasher and stove and other debris. He proposed that they rent a dumpster to get rid of the mess.

8:07 Move to rent dumpster for one time clean up. Ron moved. Bud seconded.

3. The Boardreviewed an email from the assessors concerning a resident. The Board decided that no action needed to be taken.

4. The Board reviewed and signed an Excavation Tax Warrant.

5. The Board reviewed and signed orders.

8:27Motion to Adjourn (Bud, Ron)

Respectfully submitted by Jessica Jarvis