Camper Name: / Age / Camp(s) Being Applied For:
Parents Information
Parent’s name:
First / Last / MI
Street address / Apartment / Unit #
City / State / Zip Code
Home Phone #: / () / Cell/Alt # / ()
Email Address:
Marital Status: / Single / Married / Divorced
Employment Information
Place of employment:
Name of employer:
Street address / Unit #
City / State / Zip Code
Phone number: / ()
Family Information
What is your household income level?:
$0-$15,000 / $15,001-$25,000 / $25,001-$35,000
$35,001-$45,000 / Over $45,001
Number of people in your household:
Please explain your reason for requesting scholarship assistance:
Reference Information
How did you hear about Push The Rock?
Please list two personal references we can contact:
Name: / Email:
Name: / Email:
Date of application:
Select your camp(s)
Camp #1 June 18-22 Coed Basketball
Camp #2June 25-29 Coed Soccer
Camp #3 June 25-29 Coed Soccer
Camp #4 June 25-29 Coed Kinder Soccer
Camp #5 June 25-29 Coed All-Sports
Camp #6 July 9-13 Coed Kinder All-Sports
Camp #7 July 9-13 Coed All-Sports
Camp #8 July 9-13 Coed All-Sports
Camp #9 July 23-27 Boys’ Basketball
Camp #10 July 23-27 Coed All-Sports
Camp #11July 30-Aug. 3 Coed All-Sports
Camp #12July 30-Aug. 3 Coed Basketball
Camp #13 Aug. 6-10 Coed All-Sports
Camp #14 Aug. 13-17 Coed All-Sports
Camp Details
8:30AM-2:00PM EmmanuelGrades 1-5 $85
8:30AM-2:00PM Dock Menn.Ages 6-9 $160
8:30AM-2:00PM Dock Menn. Ages 10-13 $160
8:30AM-10:30AM Dock Menn.Ages 4-5 $67
8:30AM-12:00PM Lenape Valley Grades 1-6 $85
8:30AM-10:30AM Dock Menn. Ages 4-5 $67
8:30AM-2:00PM Dock Menn. Ages 6-9 $160
8:30AM-2:00PM Dock Menn. Ages 10-13 $160
8:30AM-2:00PM Bethany BFCAges 8-13 $155
8:30AM-12:00PM CovenantGrades 1-6 $85
8:30AM-12:00PM CovenantGrades 1-6 $85
8:30AM-3:00PM GraceWayAges 9-16 $155
8:30AM-12:00PM New Life BFC Ages 8-14 $85
8:30AM-2:30PM ReaLife Ages 6-13 $70
Personal Information:
Camper’s Name:
State: Zip:
Home Phone: Age: M F
Grade Completed:
Name of School:
Name of Church:
Medical Conditions/Allergies:
(attach sheet if more space is needed)
Parent/Legal Guardian:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone:
Emergency Contact:
T-Shirt Size:
Youth: S M L
Adult: S M L XL
How did you hear about us?
Check, Cash, or Money Order enclosed for the amount of:
Check this box if turning in payment with this form: