2015 Select Team Coach Application (Season Nov 1, 2015 – July 31, 2016)

Applicant Information: ALL fields must be completed or application approval /non-approval may be delayed

Gender (Circle): B / G Division (Circle): U19 U16 U14 U12 U10

Date thru which you want to coach this team:

Name: Email Address:

Address: City/Zip:

Home #: Cell #: Work #:

Current division you are coaching: B / G U Team #: Circle Position: HEAD / ASST COACH

Coach Qualifications: ALL fields must be completed or application approval /non-approval may be delayed

# of years as a Head Coach: Highest Division you have coached:

# of years as an Asst. Coach: # of years as a Certified Referee:

Safe Haven Certified (Required) Date:

Current Coach Certification Level (Required) : Date of Certification:

Referee Badge Level: Date of Certification:

Please describe why you feel you should be given the opportunity to represent Region 16 as a coach in our Select Team program: (use the back of this page if you need additional space)

List previous coaching and Select Team experience (indicate your position & division of each team), include any other factors you would like us to consider when reviewing your application: (use the back of this page if you need additional space)

Notice to Applicants

By completing this application, you are requesting to be considered by the AYSO Region 16 Select Team Committee, to be appointed as the coach for a select team. The acceptance of this application for consideration by the Committee does not construe any promise or guarantee of appointment to this position. The Committee will review all applicants for each age division and will in good faith appoint the coach that they (the Committee) feels is best suited to represent our region, and best suited for the prospective team.

Applicants, by signing this application, agree to abide by the AYSO Rules & Regulations, Region 16 Regional Guidelines and the decisions of the Select Team Committee in the governance of their respective team and AYSO spirit and philosophies. Failure to comply with the AYSO Rules & Regulations, Region 16 Regional Guidelines, Select Team Policies, or Board directives may subject the participant to disciplinary action, up to and including, removal from the program. I understand that this program is separate from the regular AYSO season and is financially self-funded among each team.

Applicant Signature: Date:


First of all, thank you for wanting to coach a select team. It's a huge commitment, highly competitive, and hopefully we are all dedicating our time and efforts for the same reason….the children.

Our Select Team Committee for our secondary season is comprised of Region 16 volunteers. The Committee will recommend coaches for this program. The final review and approval is left to the Regional Commissioner & Assistant Regional Commissioner who will ensure that the best applicants have been selected to represent Region 16.

With respect to the process, the deadline to submit your select coach application is Saturday (10/10/15)

Verbal applications will not be recognized. You must allow the Select Team Committee time to review all the applications, and possibly investigate any concerns our region may have regarding this upcoming secondary season. Select Team Committee members will not be allowed to recommend their own applications for acceptance. Please do not assume that you can become a select coach simply by default if no one else submits an application. Until you are formally approved and selected, you do not have a select team and therefore you are NOT to offer anyone a position (players or Asst Coaches). Doing so, could disqualify you and your child from the Select Team program.

With respect to the children, they are very impressionable. The mere mention of playing on a select team is all a child needs to hear before they're booking their flight to Florida for the National Games. What you might consider scouting; a child may consider a promise to play. For this reason, we insist that you DO NOT engage in any direct scouting conversations with potential players or parents until given permission by the Select Team Committee. Please feel free to attend games, maybe even talk to a few coaches, but NOT the children or parents.

We're glad you're excited and hopeful, please stay that way. We just ask that you realize that we go through these procedures for the safety and sanity of all involved…..especially the children. Furthermore, if you cannot respect our rules during the application process, we have no choice but to believe that you won't respect the rules set forth by other regions/tournaments during this select season.

Thank you again for your interest in this program. A decision will be made as quickly as possible and we will notify all applicants of our final decision.

Gary Ramaley

Select Team Program Coordinator

AYSO Region 16 North Torrance