Outline & Handout To Accompany

Odyssey's Barry B. Longyear Podcast:


2 Outline of Presentation "Imagine Or Die."

5Alphadex Sample Page (294)

6AlphadexSource References & Codes (2)

8TimelineSample Page (150)

9 Note Link Index Sample(548)

11"A Tourist's Guide to Liavek" by Will Shetterly and Emma Bull, with contributions by

Patricia C. Wrede, Steven Brust, Pamela Dean, and Kara Dalkey

13 Information Presentation (Screen Display)

Numerals following each sample title indicate the number of pages in the actual document.

Copyrighted Material expanded from Barry B. Longyear's The Write Stuff

Enchanteds Publishing, 2011.

6x9", Trade Paperback, 615 pages


Kindle, $9.95



Creating, Feeding, and Caring For a Professional Imagination

-- Outline --

Barry B. Longyear

I. The Bleeding Obvious

II. Three Types of imagination:

A. Borrowed

B. Generated

C. Amalgamated

D. Going there

III. The Six Writing Senses

A. Knowing

1. Research

2. Organization

a. Alphadex

b. Timeline

c. Parallel timeline

d. Notes

e. Spreadsheets used as easels

3. Presentation of research (screen layout)

a. Depends on screen size

b. Basic layout (MS, Adex, Notes, Time)

c. Bigger screen area (MS, MS-prev. version, Adex, Notes, Time, Para Time, XLmaps & Images)

B. Looking

1. Net images, photos, paintings, clippings, and drawings

a. Characters (faces, figures, fashions, occupations)

b. Locations (landscapes, seascapes, cities, towns, floor plans, buildings, homes, monuments, etc.)

c. Furniture (animals, appliances, airplanes, cars, equipment, etc.)

2. Maps & floor plans

a. Google Earth

b. DeLorme

c. National Geographic Topo

d. AAA road maps & road atlas

e. Scan maps from books

f. Downloadable maps from internet

g. Free and purchasable historical map reproductions

3. On site visits

a. Photos

b. Diagrams

c. Local histories & materials

c. Your notes (terrain, vegetation, weather, directions, local population (customs, language, dress, manners, etc.))

4. Movies, plays, DVDs, videos

5. Screen Layout

a. Wallpaper

b. Slideshow screensaver

c. Display Theme

d. Spreadsheet image collections

C. Listening

1. Music

a. Recorded (tapes, discs, records, sound tracks, movie scores.

b. Broadcast (Radio, Direct TV)

c. Self made (play instrument, write song lyrics)

2. Sound effects

D. Touching-Feeling

1. Getting in character's feelings

a. About situation

b. Physical condition (health, nutrition, sanitation, physical configuration, attire)

c. Mental condition

d. Location

2. Setting

a. Time & place

b. Weather

c. Terrain

d. Soils

e. Vegetation

E. Tasting

1. Food

a. Period

b. Quality

c. Surroundings

d. Accompanying events

2. Location

a. Seashore

b. Desert

c. Woodland

d. Rain forest

e. City

f. Village

3. Event

a. Battle

b. Target shooting

c. Paper making

d. Metal smelting

e. Candy making

f. Athletics

g. Sucking blood

h. Hanging with the unwashed

i. Being treated in a clinic, hospital, doctor's office, back alley.

j. Timbering

k. Slaughtering

l. Weather

F. Sniffing

1. Food

a. Period

b. Quality

c. Surroundings

d. Accompanying events

2. Location

a. Seashore

b. Desert

c. Woodland

d. Rain forest

e. City

f. Village

3. Event

a. Battle

b. Target shooting

c. Paper making

d. Metal smelting

e. Candy making

f. Athletics

g. Sucking blood

h. Hanging with the unwashed

i. Being treated in a clinic, hospital, doctor's office, back alley.

j. Timbering

k. Slaughtering

l. Weather

4. Office aids

a. Incense

b. Story articles (fired guns, slugs, bloody clothing, dirty clothing, leather, brass polish, etc.)


Confessions of a Confederate Vampire Series


Miller, James A. Surgeon, 18th North Carolina. Previously served as private in Company G of the 18th, appointed regimental surgeon on June 15, 1861. Transferred to Ft. Branch in February, 1863. Replaced by Thomas B. Lane.

Mines. Castle:White Squirrel, Lost Lamb, North Gap.

Minot, Suzanne. From Brevard, one of the young debutants enamored of the young Alan Castle. Black hair.

Moore, John (Cap, Captain John). E Company, 18th Regiment NC Troops, Lane's Brigade. Born 1830 in New Hanover County where he resided as a farmer prior to enlisting on the Lower Black River at age 31, May 17, 1861. Mustered in as Private and was promoted to Corporal in September-October, 1861. Elected 1st Lieutenant to rank from April 24, 1862, and was promoted to Captain on January 13, 1863.Captured at Falling Waters, MD, July 14, 1863. Confined at several prisons until confined at Johnson's Island, Ohio, December 9, 1863. Released January 11, 1865, after taking the Oath of Allegiance.

Morgan, Catherine Holland. Wife of Walter Morgan."She is a handsome woman, as tall as her husband, with chestnut colored hair brushed straight back and gathered into a practical, if not attractive, bun. She carries an expression of weariness reminiscent of foot soldiers after three days march on too little food and even less sleep. I peek for a moment into her mind and find, to my surprise, a fellow Unionist. She also despairs for the Union cause. As an added burden, she struggles to keep her house maintained and food on the table, as well as attempting to placate her husband's civilian patients who have difficulty obtaining appointments. I am introduced to her as help in this regard, at no additional cost, which brings out an attractive smile. See: Holland, June (sister).

Morgan Household: Walter Morgan, Catherine Morgan, Alan Castle, Clay, Rena, George Dempsey (first sergeant, Private patient, 22nd Georgia), Andrew Beale (Artillery Sergeant, Nelson's Battalion, Kirkpatrick's (Virginia) Battery, Amherst Artillery, Army Reserve Artillery), June Holland.

Morgan, Walter. Doctor at Chimborazo Hospital, friend of General Lane's. Asked to look into the case of Alan Castle. "A head shorter than I am, he is clean shaven with delicate features, clear blue eyes, and rather younger than I expected, his hair blond and roughly finger combed out of his eyes." Husband of Catherine. Owner of slaves Clay and Rena. Horse: Hippocrates.

Morgan, Walter, Patients. CRITICAL: 3 men, six women, two children. TOTAL: 171, 16 currently in the CSA or CSN, 7 in the USA and who communicate by post.

Morrison, Joseph G. J.G. Morrison, Confederate (CSV), Lieutenant J.G. Morrison (CSV).Joseph Graham Morrison (1842 - 1906)Home State: North Carolina, Command Billet: Aide-de-camp Branch of Service: Staff Unit: Jackson's Command.

Before the Antietam Campaign: He was named for his maternal grandfather, Revolutionary War figure and later General Joseph Graham. As the Civil War began he was a student at the Virginia Military Academy (Class of 1865), but he left school and was commissioned Lieutenant and ADC on his brother-in-law Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson’s staff inJune 1862. Jackson had married Morrison's sister Mary Anna in 1857.

Cedar Mountain in August …"... was his first experience on the battlefield. His bearing was fearless and chivalric. He was riding one of the General’s horses, which, shot in the jaw, was rearing and plunging, sprinkling both his rider and himself with blood. It was suggested to the General that he had better call that youth in or his career would be a short one, but he replied that his example would not be lost upon the troops and he would learn more discretion after a battle or two. He would not permit him to be recalled. Morrison escaped that day but after the General’s death he was badly wounded twice and came out of the army with the loss of a foot."(from Douglas 1)

In the Antietam Campaign: He was aide-de-camp (ADC) to General Jackson on the Maryland Campaign.


Confessions of a Confederate Vampire Series


Beatie.Army of the Potomac: Birth of Command, November 1860-September 1861, by Russel H. Beatie, Da Capo Press, 2002.

Carheart. Lost Triumph: Lee's real plan at Gettysburg---and why it failed, by Tom Carheart, Putnam, 2005.

Chamberlain.The Passing Armies: An account of the Final Campaign of the Army of the Potomac, Based Upon Personal Reminiscences of the Fifth Army Corps, by Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, Putnam, 1915.

EOMH. The Encyclopedia of Military History, from 3500 B.C. to the present, by R. Ernest Dupuy and Trevor N. Dupuy, Harper & Row, 1977.

EOB.An Encyclopedia of Battles by David Eggenberger, Dover Publications, 1985.

Fitz. General Lee, A Biography of Robert E. Lee by General Fitzhugh Lee, Da Capo Press Edition, 1994.

Foote.The Civil War, a Narrative by Shelby Foote, Random House, 1958.

Freeman. R. E. Lee, by Douglas Southall Freeman, Scribner's, 1949 Edition.

FreemanLL. Lee's Lieutenants, A Study in Command by Douglas Southall Freeman, Scribner's, 1942-46.

Glatthaar. Genral Lee's Army: From Victory To Collapse by Joseph T. Glatthaar, Free Press, 2008.

Green.Chimborazo Hospital: A Description and Evaluation of the Confederacy's Largest Hospital by Carol Cranmer Green, doctoral history dissertation submitted to and approved by the graduate Faculty of Texas Tech University, May 1999.

Hanchett. The Lincoln Murder Conspiraciesby William Hanchett, University of Illinois Press, 1989, p189. (Mention of the Lincoln paper burning related by N.M. Butler, Pres. Of Columbia University).

Harsh. Taken at the Flood: Robert E. Lee & Confederate Strategy in the Maryland Campaign of 1862, by Joseph L. Harsh, Kent State University Press, 1999.

HarshCC. Sounding the Shallows: A Confederate Companion for the Maryland Campaign of 1862, by Joseph L. Harsh, Kent State University Press, 2000.

Hitchcock. Fifty Years In Camp And Field: Diary of Major-General Ethan Allen Hitchcock, U.S.A by Ethan Allen Hitchcock and W. A. Croffut, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1909. (Kessinger Reprint)

Hood.Advance and Retreat: Personal Experiences in the United States and Confederate States Armies, by John Bell Hood, Hood Orphan Memorial Fund, 1879 (Kessinger Reprint).

Lee, Jr. Recollections and Letters of General Robert E. Lee by his son Captain Robert E. Lee, Konecky, ?.

Long.Memoirs of Robert E. Lee by A. L. Long, The Blue and Gray Press, 1983.

Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Memoirs of the Civil War in America by James Longstreet, Lippincott, 1896. (Kessinger Reprint)

Markle. Spies & Spymasters of the Civil War by Donald E. Markle, Hippocrene Books, 2004.

Marshall. Lee's Aide-De-Camp Charles Marshall, Edited by Frederick Maurice, University of Nebraska Press, 1927.

Milton. Lincoln's Spymaster: Thomas Haines Dudley and the Liverpool Network by David Hepburn Milton, Stackpole Books, 2003.

Piston. Lee's Tarnished Lieutenant, James Longstreet and His Place in Southern History by William Garrett Piston, University of Georgia Press, 1987.

Rister.Robert E. Lee in Texas by Carl Coke Rister, U. of Oklahoma Press, 1946.

Sears.George B. McClellan: The Young Napoleon, by Stephen W Sears, Da Capo Press, 1988,

SearsCh.Chancellorsville, Stephen W. Sears, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1996.

Taylor. Four Years with General Lee by Walter H. Taylor, Indiana University Press, 1996.

Taylor Letters. Lee's Adjutant: The Wartime Letters of Colonel Walter Herron Taylor, 1862-1865, Edited by R. Lockwood Tower with John S. Belmont, University of South Carolina Press, 1995.

Thomas. Robert E. Lee A Biography by Emory M. Thomas, Norton, 1995.

Tower. Lee's Adjutant, The Wartime Letters of Colonel Walter Herron Taylor, 1862-1865, Edited by R. Lockwood Tower, University of South Carolina Press, 1995.

Wartime. The Wartime Papers of Robert E. Lee, Edited by Clifford Dowdey and Louis H. Manarin, Da Capo Press, 1961.

Webb. The Texas Rangers by Walter Prescott Webb, University of Texas Press, 1965. Print File.

Wik. + "Title". Wikipedia article.

(Code) + "Title" Miscellaneous Internet article.


Confessions of a Confederate Vampire Series

timeline sample

MAY, 1863

1. Friday. May 1, 1863 Port Gibson / Thompson's Hill; May 1-2, 1863 Chalk Bluff. Lane's Brigade not engaged in fighting, formed into line of battle near Chancellorsville that evening. Cold night.


2. Saturday, May 2. Cold morning. After a hard march Lane's Brigade in column on the Orange turnpike..

Major Barry, 18th NC Infantry, orders firing into the night. Jackson wounded

Jackson's left arm amputated by Dr. Hunter McGuire


3. Sunday, May 3. Fredericksburg II / Marye's Heights; May 3-4, 1863 Salem Church / Banks' Ford. Col. Thomas James Purdie, 18th Regiment North Carolina Troops, killed at Chancellorsville. Maj. John Decatur Barry assumes command.

Sunday, MAY 3, 1863



3. 3 AM Lee gets news that Jackson and A.P. Hill were both wounded and Jackson's corps was now commanded by Stuart. [Thomas p283]


5. Lane's Brigade in the attack on the Federal works.

Black and Reaves over the top

Black struck by artillery shot.


Col. Purdie killed, Major Barry assumes command of the 18th.

Union forces drive Confederates from works.


8. Black gets blood from Captain Cross, USA.

9. Black snacks on Union quartermaster sergeant. Knocked unconscious and removed from the field by order of Major Barry.


11 Lane's Brigade drawn back into supporting role.

12 Noon



3. Black awakens tied up in an officer's tent. Surgeons examine him.

4 General Lane visits and gives Alan Castle his orders to Chimborazo hospital.

5. After meeting with Major Barry, Sergeant Bullard steals three horses as Alan loots the camp. Sky clouding up.

6 The ambulance train leaves Chancellorsville for Guinney's Station.








Monday, MAY 4, 1863


Confessions of a Confederate Vampire Series

Note link index


Battles of the 18th North CarolinaInfantryRegiment

18th North CarolinaInfantry

History of the18th NC Infantry

Battle of Guilford Courthouse (1781)

Orderof Battle

Battle of Churubusco

Order of Battle

AVN OrderofBattle- Chancellorsville

USA Order of Battle - Chancellorsville

AVN-Order of Battle - Sharpsburg

AVN - Order of Battle - Fredericksburg


Wheelswithin wheels

Code Duello

Confederate Constitution

Confederate Postage

Surrender andConfederate Gold







Transylvania County


Devil's Courthouse

Tanasee Bald


Waterfall Index


Transylvania Company

North Carolina secedes from the Union

North Carolina Geology


North Carolina Military Institute

Wounding of Stonewall Jackson

McGuire account

Jackson Bio & Death House

Wife's account


1st Virginia Infantry (unused)

12TH Mississippi Infantry

25th North Carolina Infantry

30th Virginia Infantry

Roster: Co. F "Bowling Green Guards"

62nd North Carolina Infantry

Davidson & D.H. Hill

55th Virginia Infantry


ArmySpeech Jargon



Pisgah National Forest Historic Sites


Vampire Legends

Legends ofthe Hungarian Sea


Washington, D.C.

St. Elizabeth's Hospital




Guinney's Station


Bowling Green


Patient Assignments by State

Chimborazo Hospital

Jackson - Winder Hospitals

Libby Prison

History of Libby Prison

Libby Prison, Interiors, regulations, etc

Other Prisonsin Richmond

Police Department

Rail lines.

List of Poker Hands

Truth Will Out








by Will Shetterly and Emma Bull, with contributions by

Patricia C. Wrede, Steven Brust, Pamela, Dean, and Kara Dalkey

1. Liavek

A description of the city, Liavek, covering population, location, the location's strategic and economic importance to the development of the city.

A listing of the different quarters in Liavek, outlining the nature and style of each neighborhood, along with principle landmarks.

A detailed description of Liavek's Old Town, outlining population, institutions, landmarks, etc.

A general description of the area surrounding the city. (Maps ) .

2. Citizens

General physical description of Liavekans. Rules of citizenship in Liavek.

The rights of men v. women.

3. History

A chronological recounting of the settlement of the city, the influence of various races, wars, political and economic developments on the city's growth and current form.

4. Social Structure and Government

The Levar, hereditary ruler of Liavek. The Regent.

The nobility, and the Levar's Council.

Merchants, traders, skilled and unskilled craftsmen, indentured servants.

5. Law and Law Enforcement

Nature of the law and kinds of penalties. Unwritten rules of dueling.

The Levar's Guard (enforcers of the law).

Trials, courts, and rules of procedure and retrial.

6. Language, Customs of Greeting, and Titles of Nobility.

The genealogy of the Liavekan.

Forms of greeting by those from different cities/nations.

Hierarchy of Nobility and forms of address.

Association and/or awards of lands with titles.

7. Clothing

Description in relation to prevailing weather/temperature.

8. Weaponry

Types of weapons in existence; personal, offensive and defensive fortifications.

Personal preferences for dress, dueling, occupations.

9. Transportation and Communication Modes of land travel.

Postal system, publications, printing. (Road & street maps)

10. Money

Monetary units and descriptions. An idea of prices.

11. Food and Drink

Agriculture, production, storage, and marketing. Game, sea foods, exotic crops.

Special dishes and delicacies.

Beers, wines, etc.

12. The Calendar and Holidays

Derivative of the Liavekan calendar, names and number of months, festival period.

Days of the week, holidays and unofficial holidays and/or days off. Nature of holidays.

13. Gods

The nature of the local belief in gods, demons, etc.

14. Religion

Description of the principle organized religions, their

supporting institutions, practices, powers, functions, etc.

15. Tichen

Brief description of a competing empire to the north, and its


16. Ka Zhir

17. Gold Harbor

(Other cities, nations, etc.)


The Farlands

20. Other Sapient Beings

Descriptions of the non-humans and semi-humans that live in

the area, their powers, customs, etc.

21. A Magician's Primer

The rules of magic in this universe.


1. A separate reference paper listing and describing common

background characters, what they do and have done.

2. Authors' Characters. Listing and description of characters

created by the contributing authors that other contributing authors

may use.

With each story, additional background is filled in, producing

additional reference works, such as: more detailed maps, Liavekan card

games, local songs, a Liavekan Tarot, and so on.



Screen Display