/ Area (Sq.km) / Population / Density (Population per Sq.km) / Sex Ratio (Females per 1000 Males) 20011 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1. / Andhra Pradesh / 275045 / 76210007 / 277 / 978
2. / Arunachal Pradesh / 83743 / 1097968 / 13 / 893
3. / Assam / 78438 / 26655528 / 340 / 935
4. / Bihar / 94163 / 82998509 / 881 / 919
5. / Chatisgarh / 135191 / 20833803 / 154 / 989
6. / Goa / 3702 / 1347668 / 364 / 961
7. / Gujarat / 196024 / 50671017 / 258 / 920
8. / Haryana / 44212 / 21144564 / 478 / 861
9. / Himachal Pradesh / 55673 / 6077900 / 109 / 968
10. / Jammu & Kashmir / 222236 / 10143700 / 46 / 892
11. / Jharkhand / 79714 / 26945829 / 338 / 941
12. / Karnataka / 191791 / 52850562 / 276 / 965
13. / Kerala / 38863 / 31841374 / 819 / 1058
14. / Madhya Pradesh / 308245 / 60348023 / 196 / 919
15. / Maharashtra / 307713 / 96878627 / 315 / 922
16. / Manipur * / 22327 / 2293896 / 103 / 978
17. / Meghalaya / 22429 / 2318822 / 103 / 972
18. / Mizoram / 21081 / 888573 / 42 / 935
19. / Nagaland / 16579 / 1990036 / 120 / 900
20. / Orissa / 155707 / 36804660 / 236 / 972
21. / Punjab / 50362 / 24358999 / 484 / 876
22. / Rajasthan / 342239 / 56507188 / 165 / 921
23. / Sikkim / 7096 / 540851 / 76 / 875
24. / Tamil Nadu / 130058 / 62405679 / 480 / 987
25. / Tripura / 10486 / 3199203 / 305 / 948
26. / Uttar Pradesh / 240928 / 166197921 / 690 / 898
27. / Uttarakhand / 53483 / 8489349 / 159 / 962
28. / West Bengal / 88752 / 80176197 / 903 / 934
ALL INDIA / 3287240 / 1028737436 / 313 / 933
* Excludes Mao-maram, Paomata and Purul sub-divisions of Senapati district of Manipur
N.A. – Not Available
/ Decennial growth of Population2001 / Population 2001 / Increase in Urban population (%) 1991-01*
Rural / Urban
1 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
1. / Andhra Pradesh / 76210007 / 55401067 / 20808940 / 14.6
2. / Arunachal Pradesh / 1097968 / 870087 / 227881 / 27.0
3. / Assam / 26655528 / 23216288 / 3439240 / 36.0
4. / Bihar / 82998509 / 74316709 / 8681800 / 23.6
5. / Chatisgarh / 20833803 / 16648056 / 4185747 / --
6. / Goa / 1347668 / 677091 / 670577 / 40.0
7. / Gujarat / 50671017 / 31740767 / 18930250 / 33.0
8. / Haryana / 21144564 / 15029260 / 6115304 / 48.8
9. / Himachal Pradesh / 6077900 / 5482319 / 595581 / 50.0
10. / Jammu & Kashmir / 10143700 / 7627062 / 2516638 / 38.9
11. / Jharkhand / 26945829 / 20952088 / 5993741 / --
12. / Karnataka / 52850562 / 34889033 / 17961529 / 28.8
13. / Kerala / 31841374 / 23574449 / 8266925 / 7.8
14. / Madhya Pradesh / 60348023 / 44380878 / 15967145 / 5.2
15. / Maharashtra / 96878627 / 55777647 / 41100980 / 34.4
16. / Manipur / 2293896 / 1590820 / 575968 / 20.0
17. / Meghalaya / 2318822 / 1864711 / 454111 / 66.7
18. / Mizoram / 888573 / 447567 / 441006 / 33.3
19. / Nagaland / 1990036 / 1647249 / 342787 / 100.0
20. / Orissa / 36804660 / 31287422 / 5517238 / 31.0
21. / Punjab / 24358999 / 16096488 / 8262511 / 36.7
22. / Rajasthan / 56507188 / 43292813 / 13214375 / 30.7
23. / Sikkim / 540851 / 480981 / 59870 / --
24. / Tamil Nadu / 62405679 / 34921681 / 27483998 / 42.4
25. / Tripura / 3199203 / 2653453 / 545750 / 25.0
26. / Uttar Pradesh / 166197921 / 131658339 / 34539582 / 25.0
27. / Uttarakhand / 8489349 / 6310275 / 2179074 / --
28. / West Bengal / 80176197 / 57748946 / 22427251 / 20.3
ALL INDIA / 1028737436 / 742617747 / 286119689 / 31.2
* Official Projection and not census estimate
/ Ratio of Urban population (%) 2001 census / Scheduled Caste population as percent-age of total population, 2001 / Scheduled Tribe population as percent-age of total population, 2001 / Projected population (Mn.)2006
1 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13
1. / Andhra Pradesh / 27.30 / 16.2 / 6.6 / 80.6
2. / Arunachal Pradesh / 20.75 / 0.6 / 64.2 / N.A.
3. / Assam / 12.90 / 6.9 / 12.4 / 28.4
4. / Bihar / 10.46 / 15.7 / 0.9 / 111.1
5. / Chatisgarh / 20.09 / 11.6 / 31.8 / N.A.
6. / Goa / 49.76 / 1.8 / 0.0 / 1.9
7. / Gujarat / 37.36 / 7.1 / 14.8 / 52.5
8. / Haryana / 28.92 / 19.3 / 0.0 / 21.7
9. / Himachal Pradesh / 9.80 / 24.7 / 4.0 / 7.5
10. / Jammu & Kashmir / 24.81 / 7.6 / 10.9 / 11.1
11. / Jharkhand / 22.24 / 11.8 / 26.3 / N.A.
12. / Karnataka / 33.99 / 16.2 / 6.6 / 56.2
13. / Kerala / 25.96 / 9.8 / 1.1 / 34.2
14. / Madhya Pradesh / 26.46 / 15.2 / 20.3 / 88.6
15. / Maharashtra / 42.43 / 10.2 / 8.9 / 97.3
16. / Manipur / 25.11 / 2.8 / 34.2 / 2.9
17. / Meghalaya / 19.58 / 0.5 / 85.9 / 2.8
18. / Mizoram / 49.63 / 0.0 / 94.5 / N.A.
19. / Nagaland / 17.23 / 0.0 / 89.1 / 1.9
20. / Orissa / 14.99 / 16.5 / 22.1 / 37.8
21. / Punjab / 33.92 / 28.9 / 0.0 / 25.3
22. / Rajasthan / 23.39 / 17.2 / 12.6 / 59.6
23. / Sikkim / 11.07 / 5.0 / 20.6 / N.A.
24. / Tamil Nadu / 44.04 / 19.0 / 1.0 / 65.0
25. / Tripura / 17.06 / 17.4 / 31.1 / 4.4
26. / Uttar Pradesh / 20.78 / 21.1 / 0.1 / 194.1
27. / Uttarakhand / 25.67 / 17.9 / 3.0 / N.A.
28. / West Bengal / 27.97 / 23.0 / 5.5 / 85.4
ALL INDIA / 27.81 / 16.2 / 8.2 / 1094.1
States / Projected Population (Mn.)2011 / 2016
1 / 14 / 15
1. / Andhra Pradesh / 84.8 / 88.6
2. / Arunachal Pradesh / N.A. / N.A.
3. / Assam / 30.5 / 32.5
4. / Bihar / 121.3 / 132.3
5. / Chatisgarh / N.A. / N.A.
6. / Goa / 2.0 / 2.1
7. / Gujarat / 56.1 / 59.3
8. / Haryana / 23.4 / 25.2
9. / Himachal Pradesh / 7.9 / 7.9
10. / Jammu & Kashmir / 11.6 / 11.4
11. / Jharkhand / N.A. / N.A.
12. / Karnataka / 59.6 / 62.8
13. / Kerala / 35.6 / 36.9
14. / Madhya Pradesh / 96.6 / 105.2
15. / Maharashtra / 102.6 / 107.8
16. / Manipur / 3.2 / 3.3
17. / Meghalaya / 3.1 / 3.2
18. / Mizoram / N.A. / N.A.
19. / Nagaland / 2.2 / 2.3
20. / Orissa / 39.5 / 41.0
21. / Punjab / 26.7 / 28.0
22. / Rajasthan / 65.3 / 71.4
23. / Sikkim / N.A. / N.A.
24. / Tamil Nadu / 67.6 / 69.9
25. / Tripura / 4.8 / 5.0
26. / Uttar Pradesh / 217.1 / 242.9
27. / Uttarakhand / N.A. / N.A.
28. / West Bengal / 90.8 / 96.2
ALL INDIA / 1178.9 / 1263.5
* Excluding Nagaland (Rural) due to non-receipt
/ Literacy Rate 2001Persons / Male / Female
1 / 16 / 17 / 18
1. / Andhra Pradesh / 60.5 / 70.3 / 50.4
2. / Arunachal Pradesh / 54.3 / 63.8 / 43.5
3. / Assam / 63.3 / 71.3 / 54.6
4. / Bihar / 47.0 / 59.7 / 33.1
5. / Chatisgarh / 64.7 / 77.4 / 51.9
6. / Goa / 82.0 / 88.4 / 75.4
7. / Gujarat / 69.1 / 79.7 / 57.8
8. / Haryana / 67.9 / 78.5 / 55.7
9. / Himachal Pradesh / 76.5 / 85.3 / 67.4
10. / Jammu & Kashmir / 55.5 / 66.6 / 43.0
11. / Jharkhand / 53.6 / 67.3 / 38.9
12. / Karnataka / 66.6 / 76.1 / 56.9
13. / Kerala / 90.9 / 94.2 / 87.7
14. / Madhya Pradesh / 63.7 / 76.1 / 50.3
15. / Maharashtra / 76.9 / 86.0 / 67.0
16. / Manipur / 70.5 / 80.3 / 60.5
17. / Meghalaya / 62.6 / 65.4 / 59.6
18. / Mizoram / 88.8 / 90.7 / 86.7
19. / Nagaland / 66.6 / 71.2 / 61.5
20. / Orissa / 63.1 / 75.3 / 50.5
21. / Punjab / 69.7 / 75.2 / 63.4
22. / Rajasthan / 60.4 / 75.7 / 43.9
23. / Sikkim / 68.8 / 76.0 / 60.4
24. / Tamil Nadu / 73.5 / 82.4 / 64.4
25. / Tripura / 73.2 / 81.0 / 64.9
26. / Uttar Pradesh / 56.3 / 68.8 / 42.2
27. / Uttarakhand / 71.6 / 83.3 / 59.6
28. / West Bengal / 68.6 / 77.0 / 59.6
ALL INDIA / 64.8 / 75.3 / 53.7
/Literacy Rate – 2004
/ Area under Food Grains (Rice)('000' Hec) / Production of Rice
('000' Tonne)
Rural / Urban
2005-06 / 2006-07 / 2005-06 / 2006-07
1 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22
1. / Andhra Pradesh / 50 / 75 / 3982 / 3978 / 11704 / 11872
2. / Arunachal Pradesh / 55 / - / 122 / 122 / 146 / 146
3. / Assam / 81 / 94 / 2420 / 2189 / 3553 / 2916
4. / Bihar / 47 / 79 / 3252 / 3357 / 3496 / 4989
5. / Chatisgarh / 57 / 83 / 3747 / 3724 / 5012 / 5041
6. / Goa / - / - / 52 / 53 / 147 / 130
7. / Gujarat / 63 / 83 / 666 / 734 / 1298 / 1390
8. / Haryana / 69 / 83 / 1052 / 1041 / 3210 / 3371
9. / Himachal Pradesh / 79 / - / 79 / 79 / 112 / 124
10. / Jammu & Kashmir / 60 / 82 / 259 / 253 / 557 / 554
11. / Jharkhand / 51 / 84 / 1355 / 1624 / 1558 / 2968
12. / Karnataka / 61 / 80 / 1485 / 1395 / 5744 / 3446
13. / Kerala / 91 / 95 / 276 / 264 / 630 / 631
14. / Madhya Pradesh / 55 / 79 / 1658 / 1661 / 1656 / 1368
15. / Maharashtra / 69 / 89 / 1515 / 1529 / 2695 / 2569
16. / Manipur / 82 / 89 / 166 / 166 / 386 / 386
17. / Meghalaya / - / - / 101 / 105 / 152 / 200
18. / Mizoram / - / 99 / 56 / 53 / 99 / 30
19. / Nagaland / - / - / 156 / 165 / 263 / 264
20. / Orissa / 61 / 78 / 4479 / 4450 / 6859 / 6825
21. / Punjab / 71 / 88 / 2642 / 2621 / 10193 / 10138
22. / Rajasthan / 53 / 81 / 107 / 108 / 153 / 170
23. / Sikkim / - / - / 15 / 15 / 22 / 22
24. / Tamil Nadu / 68 / 85 / 2051 / 1931 / 5220 / 6611
25. / Tripura / 77 / - / 245 / 251 / 553 / 621
26. / Uttar Pradesh / 56 / 70 / 5578 / 5921 / 11134 / 11124
27. / Uttarakhand / - / - / 302 / 281 / 590 / 556
28. / West Bengal / 68 / 88 / 5783 / 5687 / 14511 / 14746
ALL INDIA / 61 / 82 / 43660 / 43768 / 91793 / 93355
/ Average Yield of Rice (Qtls. Per Hec.) / Total Forest Area 2003 (Sq.Kms) / Total Livestock 2003 (P) ('000' Numbers) / Poultry – 2003 (P)('000' Numbers)
2005-06 / 2006-07
1 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26
1. / Andhra Pradesh / 29.4 / - / 44419 / 48195 / 102278
2. / Arunachal Pradesh / 12.0 / - / 68019 / 1257 / 1743
3. / Assam / 14.7 / - / 27826 / 13829 / 21664
4. / Bihar / 10.8 / - / 5558 / 27162 / 13911
5. / Chatisgarh / 13.4 / - / 55998 / 13493 / 8181
6. / Goa / 28.2 / 24.6 / 2156 / 212 / 566
7. / Gujarat / 19.5 / - / 14946 / 21655 / 8153
8. / Haryana / 30.5 / - / 1517 / 8885 / 13619
9. / Himachal Pradesh / 14.2 / - / 14353 / 5116 / 767
10. / Jammu & Kashmir / 21.5 / - / 21267 / 9899 / 5568
11. / Jharkhand / 11.5 / - / 22716 / 15826 / 14429
12. / Karnataka / 38.7 / - / 36449 / 25621 / 25593
13. / Kerala / 22.8 / - / 15577 / 3481 / 12216
14. / Madhya Pradesh / 10.0 / 447.2 / 76429 / 35617 / 11705
15. / Maharashtra / 17.8 / - / 46865 / 36763 / 37968
16. / Manipur / 23.2 / 23.2 / 17219 / 971 / 2941
17. / Meghalaya / 15.1 / 19.2 / 16839 / 1551 / 2821
18. / Mizoram / 17.8 / 5.6 / 18430 / 280 / 1125
19. / Nagaland / 16.8 / 16.0 / 13609 / 1349 / 2789
20. / Orissa / 15.3 / - / 48366 / 23391 / 17611
21. / Punjab / 38.6 / - / 1580 / 8608 / 10779
22. / Rajasthan / 14.3 / - / 15826 / 49136 / 6192
23. / Sikkim / 14.3 / 14.3 / 3262 / 337 / 322
24. / Tamil Nadu / 25.5 / - / 22643 / 24942 / 86591
25. / Tripura / 22.6 / - / 8093 / 1458 / 3057
26. / Uttar Pradesh / 20.0 / - / 24465 / 58531 / 11718
27. / Uttarakhand / 19.5 / - / 14118 / 4943 / 1984
28. / West Bengal / 25.1 / 130.6 / 12343 / 41619 / 60656
/ 21.0 / 21.3 / 678333 / 485002 / 489012SELECT SOCIO-ECONOMIC INDICATORS FOR ALL STATES AND INDIA (Contd.)
/ Production of Milk 2005-06 ('000' Tonne) / Production of Egg2005-06 (Nos. in Crores) / Percent-age of main workers to total population 2001 / Annual Survey of Industries (Factory Sector) No. of Factories 2004-05
1 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30
1. / Andhra Pradesh / 7624 / 1645.3 / 38.1 / 15572
2. / Arunachal Pradesh / 48 / 0.7 / - / -
3. / Assam / 747 / 53.6 / 26.6 / 1710
4. / Bihar / 5060 / 100.1 / 25.4 / 1674
5. / Chatisgarh / 839 / 88.8 / - / 1343
6. / Goa / 56 / 1.5 / - / 518
7. / Gujarat / 6960 / 57.8 / 33.7 / 13603
8. / Haryana / 5299 / 151.3 / 29.6 / 4339
9. / Himachal Pradesh / 869 / 7.5 / 23.4 / 653
10. / Jammu & Kashmir / 1400 / 63.2 / 25.2 / 424
11. / Jharkhand / 1335 / 69.7 / - / 1607
12. / Karnataka / 4022 / 183.5 / 36.7 / 7596
13. / Kerala / 2063 / 119.6 / 25.9 / 5493
14. / Madhya Pradesh / 6283 / 94.1 / 31.7 / 3028
15. / Maharashtra / 6769 / 352.3 / 36.9 / 18912
16. / Manipur / 77 / 8.4 / - / 55
17. / Meghalaya / 73 / 9.7 / - / 58
18. / Mizoram / 15 / 3.3 / - / -
19. / Nagaland / 74 / 8.7 / - / 113
20. / Orissa / 1342 / 127.9 / 26.1 / 1749
21. / Punjab / 8909 / 352.0 / 32.2 / 7575