Town of Stockton Springs
Select Board – Evening Meeting
May 4, 2017
- Roll Call: Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:01 p.m.
Present: Peter Curley, Sara Skolfield.
Absent: Lesley Cosmano.
Also Present: Courtney O’Donnell – Town Manager, Mac Smith – Recording Secretary.
- Adjustments to the Agenda
There were no adjustments to the agenda.
- Treasurer’s Report
Mr. Curley asked questions regarding the Treasurer’s Report.
- Public Comments
Kris Braga and three girls from the local Girl Scout troop spoke to the Select Board regarding moving the Stockton students to the Bucksport school. Haley Braga said she and her friends had made connections and a foundation at Searsport and to move would be like starting school over again. She said the attitude at Searsport is very positive. Rebekah Mellor said the Stockton students had already been moved once and did not want to be moved again. Ms. Mellor complimented the school principal and said she liked where she is at. Hannah Mellor said the move to Searsport was difficult and the move to Bucksport would be even harder. The girls said the school was their community and they had been raised in that community. Emma Gaecklin, who said she is from Searsport, expressed concern that if Stockton moved to Bucksport, the town of Searsport would not be able to keep the school open and she would have to move. The girls said their teachers were fantastic. Rebekah said the teachers there knew the students’ names and took extra effort to know and help their students. Mr. Curley explained that the
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Stockton Select Board was trying to deal with high, and possibly unsustainable, taxes. He said people were struggling to pay their taxes. He said the Select Board represents everybody in town. He said the Select Board had an obligation to explore options. He said he is not personally pushing for any option. Ms. O’Donnell complimented the girls on the their courage for making their presentation. She explained that the meeting on May 25 was not the final decision-making meeting. Mr. Curley said the decision was not the Select Board’s and that the citizens should have an opportunity to make the decision.
Ms. Braga updated the Select Board regarding a few projects the the Girl Scouts were involved in, including donating a tree to the Stockton Library. Ms. Braga updated the Select Board regarding the garden project on Steamboat Wharf Road.
Ms. Braga asked if the May 25 meeting had been publicized. Ms. O’Donnell explained the different sources where the meeting had been publicized. Ms. O’Donnell said they had reached out to Searsport to pass out flyers but had not heard back. Ms. Liversidge asked if she could take flyers to the elementary school for the students to bring home.
- Other Business
Ms. O’Donnell told the Select Board that George Russell wants to do the work regarding shore erosion in August because if he does it now, the dump trucks could damage the road to Stockton Harbor.
- Adjournment
Motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously to adjourn the meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m.
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