Read the dialogue. Choose the correct alternative to complete the dialogue.

A)  good to see you again
B)  nice to meet you
C)  you’re welcome
D)  I’m so happy / 2)
A)  Glad to meet you too
B)  You’re welcome
C)  See you later
D)  Thank you
A)  See you
B)  Not great
C)  Thank you
D)  You’re welcome

Read the text carefully. Choose the correct alternative to complete each sentence.

4) In the past, jeans and t-shirts
were ______.
A)  popular
B)  ordinary
C)  common
D)  uncommon / 5) Some years ago, women wore
A)  dresses similar to
B)  longer dresses than
C)  the same dresses as
D)  shorter dresses than
6) Fashion is ______over the years.
A)  changeable
B)  the same
C)  similar
D)  stable / 7) Clothes in the past were______now.
A)  as modern as
B)  less formal than
C)  more formal than
D)  more modern than

Read the information and choose the correct alternative to answer each question.

8) When does Rosa start working?
Right after she ______.
A)  gets up
B)  takes a shower
C)  bathes her daughter
D)  takes her daughter to the kindergarden / 9) When does Rosa bathe her little
A)  Before breakfast
B)  After taking a shower
C)  One hour before getting up
D)  One hour after taking a shower
10) What does Rosa do before
breakfast? She ______.
A)  starts working
B)  takes a shower
C)  bathes her daughter
D)  takes her daughter to the kindergarden / 11) How is Rosa’s day?
A)  Busy
B)  Quiet
C)  Useless
D)  Inefficient

Read the letter. Choose the correct alternative to complete each sentence.

Situation: Karla received a letter from her pen pal who lives in New York. Elizabeth wanted to know

about Karla’s family.

12) Karla and Gabriela are ______.
A)  sisters
B)  friends
C)  cousins
D)  brothers / 13) Tom is Karla’ s______.
A)  nephew
B)  brother
C)  sister
D)  niece
14) Jorge is Antonia’ s______.
A)  son
B)  daughter
C)  grandson
D)  granddaughter / 15) Gabriela is Juan’ s______.
A)  daughter
B)  sister
C)  niece
D)  son

Read the text and choose the correct alternative to complete each sentence.

Read the text. Choose the correct alternative to complete each sentence.

Read the dialogue. Choose the correct alternative to complete the dialogue.

A)  Nothing
B)  Hello again
C)  That’ s good
D)  Glad to meet you / 25)
A)  this is
B)  thank you
C)  good morning
D)  well, that’ s bad
A)  Fine, thank you
B)  How about you?
C)  How old are you?
D)  Pleased to meet you

Read the article. Choose the correct alternative to complete each sentence.

Read the text and choose the correct alternative to complete each sentence.

31) Mauricio goes to bed ______Susan.
A)  later than
B)  as late as
C)  as early as
D)  earlier than / 32) Mauricio gets up ______Susan.
A)  later than
B)  as late as
C)  as early as
D)  earlier than
33) Susan’s breakfast is ____Mauricio’s.
A) as healthy as
B) healthier than
C) as unhealthy as
D) unhealthier than / 34) Susan is ______Mauricio.
A)  as unpunctual as
B)  less punctual than
C)  more punctual than
D)  more unpunctual than

Read the information and choose the correct alternative to complete each sentence.

35) There are______specimens at
the La Salle Natural Sciences Museum.
A)  few
B)  many
C)  scarce
D)  absence of / 36) Both museums have ______.
A)  stone work pieces
B)  the same schedule
C)  different display areas
D)  the same number of visitors
37) The Jade Museum has____objects.
A)  wildlife
B)  only jade
C)  only gold
D)  different types of / 38) The La Salle Natural Science Museum
opens______the Jade Museum.
A)  later than
B)  as late as
C)  earlier than
D)  as early as

Read the article. Choose the correct alternative to complete each sentence.

Read the text. Choose the correct alternative to complete each sentence.

43) Anthony is a (n) ______.
A)  middle–aged man
B)  teenager
C)  adult
D)  child / 44) He has brown ______
A)  hair
B)  skin
C)  glasses
D)  tennis shoes
45) The missing boy is ______.
A) thin
B) slim
C) heavy
D) skinny / 46) Anthony was wearing ______clothes.
A) old
B) formal
C) elegant
D) informal

Read the information and choose the correct alternative to complete each sentence.

47) White water rafting can be practiced in
the ______.
A)  Caño Island
B)  Coco Island
C)  Pacific Coast
D)  Pacuare River / 48) Rafting is a______sport in
Costa Rica.
A)  famous
B)  ignored
C)  unknown
D)  unfamiliar
49) These two sports can be practiced
by ______.
A)  beginners
B)  only experts
C)  only licensed instructors
D)  very few people in Costa Rica / 50) A great place to practice diving is _____ .
A)  a calm river
B)  Coco Island
C)  the Pacuare River
D)  the Reventazón River

Read the text . Choose the correct alternative to complete each sentence.

Situation: Karina wants to listen to her favorite rock cd on a new cd player. She follows the

operational manual.

51) The third step to operate a cd player
is to______.
A)  turn the power on
B)  open the disc tray
C)  press the cd button
D)  place the cd label side up / 52) Karina must put the disc on ______.
A)  the way she wants
B)  after opening the disc tray
C)  before pressing the power button
D)  when she presses the play button
53) She has to follow ______instructions
to operate a cd player.
A)  seven
B)  four
C)  five
D)  six / 54) The final step to operate a cd player is to
press the ______button.
A)  play
B)  open
C)  close
D)  power

Read the text and choose the correct alternative to complete each sentence.

Read the dialogue. Choose the correct alternative to complete the dialogue.

Situation: Alex, an 11th grader, meets his classmate Gabriela at school.

59) Gabriela is______in English.
A)  bad
B)  good
C)  terrible
D)  not good / 60) Alex and Gabriela are going to practice
English because ______.
A)  they work
B)  they are experts
C)  Gabriela needs a job
D)  Alex needs it for a job
61) English is ______for many
different jobs.
A)  useful
B)  useless
C)  uncertain
D) impractical / 62) Nowadays English is ______around
the world.
A) spoken
B) ignored
C) prohibited
D) unnecessary

Read the information and choose the correct alternative to complete each sentence.

63) Visitors can find ______in the zoo.
A)  only plants
B)  only animals
C)  plants and animals
D)  only exotic species
64) According to the text, ______can enjoy this zoo.
A)  retired people
B)  zoo lovers only
C)  children under six
D)  people of all ages