MEETING MINUTESFebruary 2018 Approved

In attendance: Patrick Michel, Rich Everett, Mark St. Charles, Cathy Doughty

SELCRA STAFF:Jason Spiller, Cheryl Royster

Absent: Sam Theiss

  1. Call to Orderby Michel at 6:30pm
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  1. Call to the Public: None
  1. Additions to the Agenda

a)Spiller added Board Elections – to 4 a. Motion by Doughty to keep officers as were elected last year. Second by Everett. Motion passed.

b)Spiller added Meijer park vandalism update – to 9 b.

  1. Approval of the Agenda:Motion to approve the February 2018 meeting agenda by Doughty, second byEverett. Approved.
  1. Introduction of Guests:None
  1. Approval of the Minutes: Motion by Doughty, second by Michelto approve the minutes from theJanuary2018 Board Meeting. Approved.
  1. Receive the Financials: Motion by St. Charles, second by Doughty to receive the January 2018 financials. Received.
  1. Old Business

a)Master Plan update –Master Plan has been submitted to the state. It should be approved by March 1st. Will notify the Board as soon as it goes thru.

b)Meijer Park Vandalism – Received a letter from the prosecuting attorney. They caught the perpetrators and asked us if we wanted to prosecute. In order to recoup the $1750 we decided to go ahead and prosecute for restitution. (Letter from PA attached)

  1. New Business

a)BAS – MOU – A new fee chart was passed by the Brighton School Board. (attached) A continuation of the MOU will be presented to Dr. Gray in May and will be effective July 1, 2018 thru June 30, 2019. Board consensus was, the 6% of revenue is a good fee for use of the facilities.

b)Directors Report – (attached) Spiller touched on current and future programs. Discussion points. Daddy Daughter Dance – (attached) Flyers showing the program with sponsors and a new dinner feature partnership with Stillwater Grill in Brighton. Archery – Michel indicated it might be wise to invest in a trailer for our mobile archery program. Rec Fest – Everett suggested Tony’s dogs for a food truck. It seems to be quite popular at other events around the area. Royster indicated that staff is working on a power point presentation to bring to the Green Oak and Brighton Twp Boards in the near future to show them what we have going on now and for the future. Board asked for an update on talks with St. Pat’s. Spiller has talked with Augustine regarding future programming and partnership. He expects to hear back soon.

  1. Adjournment – Motion to adjourn bySt. Charles, second byDoughty. Adjourned at 7:53pm.

Respectfully submitted, ______

Cheryl Royster, Recording Clerk Sam Theis, Board Secretary