Segment 3 Protocol: Lesson debrief and planning for next time
Powerful coaching phrases
I don't know, let's find out…
nWhat do you think?
Tell me more about that...
TEACHER:Reflect on the lesson: prompts for discussion before looking at data
- When considering the lesson as a whole, what stands out for you? How did you think the lesson went?
- How do you think the lesson went, did it go the way you planned?
- Talk me through your lesson.
- What went well? What needed adjustment?
- What were you trying to accomplish in the lesson?
If demoing a lesson
- What would you do differently? Why?
- How is this different from how you might have delivered the lesson?
COACH:Look at the data: prompts for examining the data
- Let me show you my notes. Here's what I saw…
- What are your thoughts about what I saw during the lesson?
Prompts to fall back on
- Tell me what you thought when… What triggered that thought?
- What went really smoothly and why? How can you set this up for success again?
- How do you know that…
- What I hear you saying is…
- What were you surprised about?
This leads me to think that we should take a look at…
- One of the things I really recommend to you is.... so that, kids can....
- What I would like you to try is.... and this is what I expect to see as a result…
- The next time we....
TEACHER:Retell the recommendations
Retell, check for understanding: rephrase what you heard.
- What are you going to try?
- What does this all mean to you?
COACH:Planning for next time
What can you imagine us focusing on next?
Complete the Segment 1 protocol together.
- How can we improve upon our coaching exchanges in the future?