North Kyme Parish Council
Date: Wednesday 13th January 2016 / Venue: North Kyme Village Hall / Time: 7.30 p.m.Present: Cllr G Pout (Chairman) Cllr G Panton Cllr R Wright
Cllr A Yeoman Cllr G Everard Cllr J Dring
In attendance: K Handley (Clerk)
District Councillor Ogden
District Councillor Matthan
Parishioners: 1
99/01/16 Apologies Cllr G Bailey
100/01/16 Chairman’s Opening address:
The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting.
101/01/16 Minutes
The notes were accepted as a true and accurate record and proposed by Cllr A Yeomans and seconded by Cllr G Everard
102/01/16 Declarations of Interest
103/01/16 Feedback on action points;
· Signage for Vacherie Lane: the clerk read out the response received from Rowan Smith. After discussion the Chairman said he will speak to the PCSO regarding a perceived speeding issue on Vacherie Lane.
· Register of electors: clerk distributed copies to Councillors. The Chairman reminded the meeting that they are confidential documents.
· Thank you to Mr Graves: clerk confirmed that thank you gift had been delivered.
· Thank you to Mablethorpe Contractors: clerk informed the meeting that letter had been written
103/01/16 Planning application The Plough Inn 3 Church Lane North Kyme Lincoln
Planning application received from the Plough Public House for the building of three eco houses and alterations to the existing public house ( 16/0009/FUL)
After discussion the Councillors agreed the following;
Some concern was expressed regarding car parking but the consensus was that it would be of benefit to the village.
Action: the clerk was asked to record the following comments to be passed on to planning; the council were delighted to see the building of three affordable homes in the village which would, hopefully, attract a younger age group to the village. The council were delighted to see a community asset being revitalised and therefore were in full support of this development.
104/01/16 Financial report
The balance of the Lloyds account as per the bank statement as of the 14th December 2015 was £4,368.56. This does include the insurance money for the stolen SID of £2,387.00.
Cheques to be approved:
Payee / Cheque no / Amount / Prop/secondedClerk / 000383 / £21.00 ink cartridges / Cllr G Panton
Cllr R Wright
Cluster group(SID) / 000384 / £2445.60 / Cllr G Panton
Cllr R Wright
Clerk (thank you to Mr Graves) / 000385 / £26.00 / Cllr G Pout
Cllr A Yeomans
105/01/16 Precept Calculator
The clerk reported that due to the savings needed to be made by LCC the grant paid with the precept would be considerable less this year.
106/01/16 Issues arising from the public forum
Cllr Dring informed the meeting that a parishioner had complained about the Hot Tub sign on the ground by the picnic area.
The Cluster meeting has been rearranged for the 8th February at South Kyme village hall. The meeting will start at 7.30 p.m. Cllr G Panton to attend.
Action: clerk to email South Kyme with this information and also ask that fly tipping be put on the agenda.
107/01/16 Date and time of next meeting
The next meeting will be Wednesday 10th February at 7.30 p.m.
108/01/16 Close of meeting
The meeting closed at 8.35 p.m.
Public Forum
Mr Paul Waterson, the Church Warden, spoke to the Parish Council to formally thank them for the donation to buy the new church noticeboard. He also thanked the Parish Council for the volunteers who kept the churchyard looking so good. It had been a tremendous help in easing the financial burden. The next major refurbishment which was needed is the replacement of the old radiators.
The Chairman asked how spaces there were available in the graveyard and there are 30 spaces which should enable the graveyard to be used for the next ten to twelve years.
2 Karen Handley Clerk