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Pastoral Report
Part V
Type Parish Name - City
For the FISCAL Year Ending June 30, 2016
Due October 28, 2016
V. Worship and Spiritual Life
A. Liturgy
Does your parish have a choir and/or music ministry?If yes, please identify and check below all types of choirs or music provided for your liturgies below:
Traditional Contemporary Spanish Mariachi Cantor Folk/Acoustic Guitar
Children’s Children/Choir and Band Teen Other Organ/Piano only
Does your parish have a program for lectors?
Does your parish have an altar server program?
Does your parish have Extraordinary Ministers (EM) of the Eucharist?
Formal Commissioning Ceremony: How often are they re-commissioned?
Please email a complete list of CommissionedEM ministers to Chancellor.
(Canonical requirement)
How often does your parish sponsor a liturgy specifically for children?
Does your parish sponsor a liturgy aimed at Teens that includes their participation in the planning and implementation of it?
Does your parish have Communal Penance Celebrations?
If yes, check those that apply: Advent Lent
What is the approximate percentage of requests for cremation and/or memorial Masses in the place of the traditional Funeral liturgy this past fiscal year?
Catechetical Messages:
Approximately how many catechesis sessions (homilies, workshops, etc.) concerning the sacrament of Reconciliation have been accomplished in the last year?
Approximately how often is the subject of Christian Marriage addressed in the homily at weekend masses each year?
Approximately how often is the subject of Vocations addressed in the homily at weekend masses each year?
Does the parish participate in Vocation Awareness efforts?
If yes, please check specific forms used:
Sunday Homilies/ Guest Speaker Diocesan Program
Prayer/retreat days (participate) Prayer/retreat days (host)
Catechetical Sessions (children, youth or adult)
Other: Please specify:
Please describe any specific areas, needs or issues regarding liturgy or worship for which you need assistance in an email to Sr. Lois Paha, O.P., DMin.:
B. Devotions and Prayer
Does the parish have exposition of the Blessed Sacrament?
How often?
Does your parish provide opportunities for devotions and prayer? If yes, please select the type
Stations of the Cross Praying the Rosary Our Lady Perpetual Help
Living Stations Living RosaryDivine Mercy Chaplet
Passion Play/Good FridaySimbang Gabi
Las PosadasOur Lady Guadalupe 1st Friday/Saturday
Parish Patron Saint
Others: please list
C. Missionsand Spiritual Renewal Opportunities
Were there any special missions or spiritual renewal opportunities in your parish in the past year? If yes, estimate the number who participated.
D. Ecumenicaland Interfaith Activities
Have you or your parish participated in any ecumenical or interfaith activities (exchange of pulpits, clergy meetings, etc.) in the past year?
Exchange of Pulpits Clergy Meetings PCIC Meetings
Others: please list:
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