Review for Anatomy and Physiology Final

  1. Organ Systems and Introduction to Anatomy?
  2. What are the characteristics of a Living Organisms?
  1. What is required to maintain life?
  1. What are the structural levels of organization?
  1. What are the structures of the 11 organ systems?
  1. What are the general functions of these organ systems?
  1. What are the cavities of the head?
  1. What are the cavities of the body?
  1. What are the body membranes?
  1. Surface Anatomy
  1. Describe the relative body positions and directional terms
  2. Superior, inferior, anterior, posterior, medial, lateral, superficial, deep, proximal, distal
  3. Abdominal regions
  1. Tissues
  2. What is a tissue?
  1. What are the four basic tissues?
  1. How are epithelial cells classified?
  1. Describe the general characteristics of each type of epi tissue
  1. Connective tissue functions?
  1. What are the general characteristics of connective tissues?
  1. Name the connective tissues and provide general description of each.
  1. Distinguish between appositional and interstitial growth.
  1. What are the three types of muscles tissues?
  1. What are the general characteristics of muscle tissue?
  1. What is the location and function of neural tissue?
  1. What is the most important characteristic of neural tissue?
  1. Integumentary System
  2. What is the largest organ in the body?
  1. What are the six major jobs of the skin?
  1. How are the layers of the skin characterized?
  1. Differentiate between the 3 types of burns? What determines the degree of burn?
  1. Skin Disorders and Diseases (P 40)
  1. Skeletal System
  2. What are the general functions?
  1. What are the major divisions?
  1. What are the parts to a long bone?
  1. What is included in the internal anatomy of a bone?
  2. Contrast the fractures of bones.
  1. Explain and provide locations to all of the bones we have learned in class.
  2. What are associated disorders of the skeleton?
  1. Musular System
  1. What are the general functions?
  1. What are the major divisions?
  1. What structures make up skeletal muscle?
  1. Compare and contrast the different types of muscle tissue?
  1. Be able to id all major skeletal muscles and their primary actions.
  1. Neurophysiology (read the chapter…again!)
  2. Function, Classification of a Nerve cells, types of cells in nervous system
  3. Classification of Nervous System: CNS/PNS: somatic vs. autonomic; sympathetic vs. parasympathetic
  4. Neurophysiology
  5. Electrical activity in body
  6. Neurtransmitter Actions
  7. What are NT?
  8. Actions of Norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, ACh
  9. Disorders associated with NT imbalances: SIDS, Schizophrenia, insomnia, alzheimers, Parkison’s, Huntington’s and depression.
  10. Drugs that alter NT action
  11. Methods for how drugs work.: binding to NT, mimic action, increase levels, cause NT to remain in synaptic cleft and examples of each. (drug article)…nicotine WS
  1. Endocrine System
  • Hormone Action
  • Control of Hormonal Secretions
  • Pituitary Gland
  • Thyroid & Parathyroid Glands
  • Adrenal Glands
  • Pancreas & other endocrine glands
  • Stress & its effects
  1. Blood
  • Blood & Blood Cells : Normal Values & Identification
  • Blood Plasma
  • Hemostasis
  • Blood Groups & Transfusions
  1. Cardio System
  • Structure of the Heart
  • Heart Actions
  • Blood Vessels
  • Blood Pressure
  • Paths of Circulation
  • Arterial System
  • Venous System
  1. Lymphatic System
  • Lymphatic Pathways
  • Tissue Fluid and Lymph
  • Lymph movement
  • Lymph nodes
  • Thymus & Spleen
  • Body Defenses against infection
  • Nonspecific Defenses
  • Specific Defenses
  1. Digestive System
  • General characteristics of the alimentary canal
  • Characteristics and functions of the oral cavity
  • Salivary gland organs & secretions
  • Pharynx and esophagus
  • Stomach: Chemical vs Mechanical digestion
  • Pancreas & Liver
  • Small & Large intestines
  1. Respiratory System
  • Organs of the Respiratory System
  • Breathing Mechanism
  • Control of Breathing
  • Alveolar Gas Exchange
  • Gas Transport
  1. Urinary System

Kidneys: Location, structure, functions, nephrons

  • Urine formation
  • Elimination of urine
  • Urinalysis

Reproductive System

  • Organs of the Male Reproductive System
  • Organs of the Female Reproductive System
  • Hormonal Control of Reproductive Functions
  • Pregnancy
  • Mammary Glands
  • Birth Control
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Human Growth & Development (2 Weeks)

  • Prenatal Period
  • Postnatal Period
  • Aging