February 29, 2016 through March 4, 2016

Throughout the 2016 Idaho Legislative Session, Nurse Leaders of Idaho and the Idaho Nurses Association will provide periodic updates on legislation and activities of interest to nurses, especially in the area of healthcare policy. In addition to these Updates, e-mail communications will alert NLI and INA members to take action in communicating to legislators about bills of interest.

An important CALL TO ACTION this week is to contact your legislator in support of the Healthy Idaho Plan Senate Bill 1205. Call, write, e-mail, and tell your family and friends to do so likewise. Help close the GAP this session for the working poor who earn too much to qualify for Medicaid yet not enough to afford health insurance coverage though the Health Insurance Exchange.

See current information below about the Healthy Idaho Plan and how to contact your legislators.

Week 8

Healthy Idaho Plan S1205

Since the request for funding for the Governor’s Primary Care Access Program failed, Senate and House leadership have been focused on generating votes for the hybrid Healthy Idaho Plan S1205. The Healthy Idaho Plan would close the gap for those 78,000 working adult Idahoans who make too much to qualify for Medicaid but not enough to qualify for subsidized financial support to purchase private health insurance through the Health Insurance Exchange. The Healthy Idaho Plan would initially receive 90% funding from the federal government to bring those Idahoans earning less than 100% of the federal poverty level into a Managed Medicaid program and enroll those between 100% and 138% of the federal poverty levelinto the State Health Insurance Exchange with premiums supported by state and federal funds. Unlike the PCAP program, coveragewould be comprehensive, covering doctors’ visits, preventive care, drugs, emergency care and hospitalization. Savings to Idaho would be realized by reducingreliance on the County Indigent Programs and the State Catastrophic Health Insurance Fund (CAT Fund). This year the state realized $29M in savings in the CAT Fund from those who qualified for the health insurance exchange.

Some legislators have the misperception that this group of uninsured do not work or are unwilling to work. There is also the perception that if you are working, you receive healthcare coverage through your employer. This is not true.These are working poor who struggle to make a living for their families. Although they are working, often the lowest paid jobs do not receive employer healthcare coverage.

Earlier this week, House Speaker Scott Bedke and Senate Pro Tem Brent Hill sparked hope in addressing the uninsured this legislative session. However, word at the Capitol is more skeptical. It is essential that nurses across the state rally in support of the Healthy Idaho Plan. Make it clear to your legislators how important healthcare coverage is to ensure that the working poor have access to comprehensive health and preventative services. The Healthy Idaho Plan uses the Medical Home Model to engage patients in their own care and monitors for compliance. It is the best of all options.

  • Eligibility for Medical Assistance S1205

At the end of this Update is information on how you can contact your legislators.

Concussion – Youth Athletics

  • Youth Athletic Concussions H0557

House bill H0557 was introduced Tuesday to amend the existing law related to concussion injuries in school sports. The bill amends existing law to require school athletic officials review concussion and head injury guidelines annually, requires signed parental acknowledgement and consent to participate in athletic activities (the current law does not require parental signature), and provides for monitoring of a student suspected of suffering a concussion injury prior to returning to school or any athletic activity.This bill conforms Idaho law with recommendations from the CDC and the National Football League.

The Idaho Medical Association and the Definition of Nursing Bill

Following the IMA’s last minute opposition to the Board of Nursing’s bill S1252, after the bill had been formally introduced and scheduled for hearing in the Senate Health and Welfare Committee, the bill was pulled and the Board entered into negotiation with the IMA who had objected to the words “autonomous” in describing nursing practice. The IMA and the Board came to agreement on compromise language, and at the IMA’s insistence, the word “autonomous” was removed. With the deletion of the word “autonomous,” the Board of Nursing felt that the word, “collaborative” should also be removed to avoid any suggestion that the practice of nursing would be submissive to the practice of medicine.

The revised Definition of Nursing Practice was reintroduced Wednesday. It is expected to be on next week’s Senate Health and Welfare Committee’s agenda.The new bill number is S1382. The bill amends the Section 54-1402 of Idaho Code, the Nurse Practice Act:

“Practice of nursing” means assisting individuals or groups of individuals to promote, maintain or restore optimal health throughout the life process by assessing and evaluating their health status, planning and implementing a strategy of care to accomplish defined goals, and evaluating responses to care and treatment the performance by licensed practical nurses, registered nurses and advanced practice registered nurses of acts and services that require formal nursing education and specialized knowledge, judgment and skill, which acts and services assist individuals, groups, communities and populations in order to promote, maintain or restore optimal health and well-being throughout the life process. Nursing practice encompasses a broad continuum of services delivered in health care and non-health care environments for remuneration or as volunteer services. Nursing practice may be clinical as well as nonclinical in a variety of areas including, but not limited to, education, administration, research and public service. Nursing practice occurs at the physical location of the recipient.

  • Definition of Nursing Practice – Revised S1382

Nursing Compact Bills

The two compact bills passed unanimously in the Senate, passed the House Health and Welfare committee and are now headed to the House floor. Idaho entered the Nurse License Compact in 2001. S1251 replaces the existing Nurse License Compact developed by the National Association of State Boards of Nursing. S1250, Advance Practice Nurse License Compact is new. APRNs have not had compact reciprocity before.

  • Nurse Licensure Compact S1251
  • Advanced Practice Nurse Licensure Compact S1250

Suicide Prevention

Last Friday, the Joint Finance Appropriations Committee approved a supplemental appropriation of $971,000 to the Division of Public Health for the four suicide prevention priorities recommended by the Health. Quality Planning Commission (HQPC):

1)Create an Office of Suicide Prevention in the Department of Health and Welfare Office of Public Health;

2)Develop Youth Training for Suicide Prevention (1 in 5 high school students in Idaho, 20%, have had serious suicide ideation. 1 in 10, 10%, have taken steps toward suicide);

3)Fund the Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline with 60% state funds and 40% private contributions, and

4)Focused Public Awareness Campaign tied to behavioral health and community resources.

Senate bill 1326 codifies Suicide Prevention to the Department of Health and Welfare.

  • Suicide Prevention S1326

Mental Health Crisis Centers for Boise and Twin Falls areas

Based upon the success of Crisis Centers in Idaho Falls and Coeur d’Alene, the Governor requested funding for an additional crisis center in Southern Idaho. The Joint Finance Appropriations Committee found a way to fund two new crisis centers in the Boise and Twin Falls regions. The specific location of the centers has not been determined. $715,000 from savings in opening the Northern Idaho Crisis Center will be used to build and open the two new crisis centers.

Sexual Assault Kits

Two bills, H0507 and H0528 creates a statewide system for collecting, testing, tracking and preserving physical evidence kits as evidence in sexual assault investigations. If passed, the bills would require the use of sexual assault kits for cases of suspected sexual assault and ensures that kits are DNA tested unless the victim requests otherwise.

  • Sexual Assault Evidence Kits H0507

Sexual Assault Kit Testing H0528

Faith Healing and Religious Exemption

In response to several children who died without medical attention, Governor Otter asked Senate and House Leadership to address the religious exemption for Faith Healing. There was some discussion of forming an interim committee to draft legislation. Representative John Gannon (D – District 17 Boise) submitted a bill Thursday to House Leadership for introduction. However, with deadline to move bills through both houses and the limited time left before the end of the session, the bill was held.


Send a Message to Your Legislators & Urge Support of the Healthy Idaho Plan

We are closer to passing the Healthy Idaho Plan than ever before, but we need your help to make it a priority this session. By using the above link, you can quickly and easily send a message to all three of your state legislators.

Call Your Legislators & Share Why Closing the Gap Should be a Top Priority


Bills to Watch

Bill No / Description / Last Action
H0341 / Patient freedom of info act / 02/26/2016 Senate - Read second time; filed for Third Reading
H0421 / Health insurance exchange / 02/01/2016 House - Reported Printed and Referred to Ways & Means
H0480 / Exec directors, licensure / 03/02/2016 Senate - Introduced, read first time; referred to: Commerce & Human Resources
H0481 / Right to try act / 03/04/2016 Senate - Reported out of Committee with Do Pass Recommendation; Filed for second reading
H0482 / Boards/qualifications/consumrmembr / 03/02/2016 Senate - Introduced, read first time; referred to: Commerce & Human Resources
H0484 / Primary care access program / 02/15/2016 House - Reported Printed and Referred to Health & Welfare
H0507 / Sexual assault evidenc kits/testing / 02/17/2016 House - Reported Printed and Referred to Judiciary, Rules, & Administration
H0528 / Sexual assault evidence kits / 03/03/2016 Senate - Introduced, read first time; referred to: Judiciary & Rules
H0557 / Ed/youth athletes/concussion monitr / 03/03/2016 House - Reported Printed and Referred to Health & Welfare
S1204 / Medicaid, eligibility expansion / 01/25/2016 Senate - Reported Printed; referred to Health & Welfare
S1205 / Medical assist/eligibility standard / 01/25/2016 Senate - Reported Printed; referred to Health & Welfare
S1250 / Advpracticregisterd nurse compact / 03/04/2016 House - Reported out of Committee with Do Pass Recommendation, Filed for Second Reading
S1251 / Nursing licensure compact / 03/04/2016 House - Reported out of Committee with Do Pass Recommendation, Filed for Second Reading
S1281 / EMS personllicensrinterstatcmpct / 03/04/2016 House - Reported out of Committee with Do Pass Recommendation, Filed for Second Reading
S1326 / Suicide preventn/diretor authority / 03/03/2016 House - Read First Time, Referred to Health & Welfare
S1382 / Nursing, definition revised / 03/04/2016 Senate - Reported Printed; referred to Health & Welfare

As you hear of issues or have question about the legislature, please let Mike know by e-mail at .