June 27, 2013
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bauerle, with Beck, Sandquist and Beckman present.
Beck moved to approve the agenda with the addition of reports on fairground improvement and Northeast Health. Second by Sandquist, carried.
Sandquist expressed his concerns about an issue with payroll concerning overtime paid. Beckman will contact Dan Pederson, Accountant, to discuss the issue.
Payable vouchers and payroll were reviewed. Beck moved to approve payable vouchers as presented. Second by Bauerle, carried. Beck moved to approve payroll as presented. Bauerle second, carried.
Minutes of the June 18, 2013 meeting were reviewed. Bauerle moved to approve the minutes as presented. Second by Beck, carried.
Bauerle reported on the Hospital Board meeting. Bauerle asked the Board to put July 18th at 6:00 on their calendar to meet a potential new doctor at Dave Garnas’s home.
Bauerle gave the Northeast Colorado Health Department report. There is a rabies case in Phillips County.
Bauerle told the Board of a complaint concerning the Bruns’ property and that the bine weed and thistle is a nuisance.
The Board contacted Randy Renquist, Road & Bridge, by phone to let him know they would be doing a site visit at County Rd 6 and Hwy 385 concerning a landowner issue and then County Rd 4 and Hwy 385 for a county property for inspection.
Bauerle expressed concerns that he has not seen the brochure from the Travel Region which is partially funded by the county.
Discussion was held on the Communications Center. Bill Jessen, Motorolla, was contacted by phone. Jessen told the Board he will give them the final numbers as soon as possible. Discussion was held on the moto bridge requirement.
Tracy Kizer, Weed & Pest, joined the meeting. Bauerle told Kizer of the bind weed, thistle issue. The Board asked Kizer to inspect the property to determine if it is a nuisance. Kizer left the meeting.
Discussion was held on the finishing of the chairs. Alan Harris had a couple of the chairs soda blasted and finished for an example.
Beck moved to sign the contract between the Department of Human Services of Phillips, Sedgwick, Washington and Yuma counties and Centennial Mental Health Center. Sandquist second, carried.
Discussion was held on Building Permit #482. Cumming, Assessor, joined the meeting. Building permit fees were discussed. Beck moved to approve Building Permit #482 for Rober Family Enterprises LLLP for a road crossing located at 35-12-45. Sandquist second, carried. Cumming left the meeting.
James Wittler, Attorney, Terry Martin, Jason Koberstein, Pete Walter and Katie Stortenbecker, Conservation District joined the meeting. Todd Rogers and Mark Reifenrath joined the meeting by phone. Mr. Martin shared his concerns about Mr. Reifenrath property blowing onto his property causing damage. Mr. Koberstein add that they had contacted Mr. Reifenrath and nothing was done until the damage was already done. Mr. Reifenrath responded by explained the problems he has had growing crop on the property. Mr. Reifenrath plan of action is to plant a cover crop to hold everything together and stop the blowing dirt. Walter and Stortenbecker spoke to Daniel Palic who said that Mr. Reifenrath’s land does not qualify as highly erodible land. The Conservation District’s stand on this issue is that the plan of action to plant a cover crop will be the best solution at this moment. Bauerle explained the Palic wants to have the conservation plan re-written to include alternatives. The Board feels the plan of action is the correct start and will address this issue if it continues. The Board and Wittler will look at the property later today and will compose a letter to send to Reifenrath, Martin and CC the Conservation District and Todd Rogers. The Guests left the meeting except for Wittler.
Wittler presented the Board with documentation concerning the Reifenrath property. The meeting will adjourn at 10:00 a.m. so the Board and Wittler can look at the properties discussed.
The meeting reconvened at 11:21 a.m. Discussion was held on the findings of the Reifenrath property and C.R.S 35-72-103 and that there is damage occurring to Mr. Martin’s property. Bauerle moved to have Wittler draft a citation based on their findings of damage occurring and send it to Mr. Reifenrath with a Conservation District plan to be put in order by July 9th, 2013. Beck second, carried. Wittler reported that he was contacted by CTSI and the Green’s suggested an amount to fix the cement issue in their garage. Beck moved to approve CTSI paying the settlement with Mike and Sharon Green. Sandquist second, carried. Wittler then updated the Board on the Steve Collins cement issue. The adjuster suggested not going forward with coring and feels that the county is not liable and will be contacting Mr. Collins. Beck asked if Wittler could send a letter to both parties and Wittler will contact Janet Grossnickel to see what documentation has already been sent to keep the lines of communication open.
Beck reported on the ten county meeting concerning the formation of a new state. Discussion was held. Wittler left the meeting.
Let it be known that the Board signed the Sedgwick County Cost Allocation for Human Services for fiscal year 2012.
Let it be known that a check was received from the Stretesky Foundation for the Communication Center.
Meeting was adjourned.
Gene Bauerle, Chairman Christy M. Beckman, Clerk to the Board