MUMBAI - 400 020.
Note :i)Tender documents are not transferable.
ii)Tender documents should be submitted intact without detaching any pages.
iii)In case Downloaded Tender documents from internet while submitting the
tender, requisite amount of tender cost shall be enclosed in the form of DD in favour
Chief Cashier, Western Railway,
Churchgate.Mumbai-400 020.without which the tender shall be summarily are rejected.
iv)For execution of agreement- "The agreement shall be executed based on the hard copy available in the Railway's office". No any tempering/additions shall be made in the downloaded tender document. "If it is found at any stage that some additions, alterations have been made the tender shall be liable to be summarily rejected and action will be taken against tenderer.
Sealed tenders are invited by Inspector General/RPF, Western Railway Headquarters office, Churchgate, Mumbai – 400 020 for and on behalf of the president of India from established and reliable firms for the following work.
Name of Work / Hiring of 02 Xerox Machines for the use of Inspector General /RPF Office of Western Railway, Headquarter, Churchgate Mumbai for the period of two (02) years.Estimated Cost of Work / Rs 2,40,000/- (for Two Xerox Machines)
Earnest Money Deposit / Rs 12,000/-
Cost of Tender Decument / Rs 2000/- (If required by Post Rs 2500/-)
Completion Period / Two Years
Validity of Offers / 120 Days from the Date of Opening
Issue of Tender Document / Start From 08.01.2016 at 10.00 hrs
End On 08.02.2016 at 12.00 hrs
Receipt of Offers / Till 15.00 hrs on 08.02.2016
Tender Opening / At 15.30 hrs
Non-transferable tender documents containing detailed description of the schedules of supply of material & work along with other Terms & Conditions can be obtained from the Office of Inspector General/RPF, Western Railway Headquarter office, Old Building, Ground Floor, Churchgate, Mumbai – 400 020 on production of money receipt of above mentioned cost of tender document deposited with Chief Cashier Western Railway or the Station Master of any Railway Station over Western Railway or demand draft in the name of Chief Cashier, Western Railway, Churchgate, Mumbai – 400 020.Postal Order/Cheque will not be accepted. The contractor desires getting the tender document by post should send and additional amount of Rs 500/- per Document, set for the speed post charges. Railway does not taken any responsibility in case of request for purchase of tender form is not received due to postal or any other delay. Tenderer may purchase the tender document themselves or through authorized agent or behalf of their principals with letter of authority from the principal.
The tender documents can be down loaded from web site www.wr.indianrail.gov.in and the cost of tender document in above said form shall be submitted alongwith tender documents & it should not be merged with Earnest Money.
Bids from Tenderers who have not purchased the documents from Railways or downloaded from web site but cost of tender is not submitted in above said form tender document and Bids not accompanied by Earnest Money will be summarily rejected.
Qualifying Criteria:
1 / The firm should have to submit a list of new Xerox machines owned by them indicating their model and date of purchase.2 / The firm shall submit the certificate from OEM/Authorised dealer, stating that the Xerox machine which will be supplied by the contractor shall be new & not reconditioned with the make, model and date of manufacturing.
3 / The firm shall have experience of at least three years for Hiring of Xerox Machine with certificate from any Govt/Semi GovtOrganisation and shall have office/branch office in Mumbai Suburban Area over Western & Central Railway.
4 / The firm shall submit the turnover of the firm for last three years
5 / The firm should submit the list of qualified engineers which will be attached to local office Mumbai with their qualification and experience.
6 / The firm shall submit the list of client i.e. Govt/Semi Govt with full address and telephone number with the certificate of performance for last five years
7 / Railway reserves the rights to cancel/modified the tender at any stage and no tender fee shall be refunded.
Note : - The tenderer who does not submit any proof for meeting the
qualifying criteria shall be considered as incomplete and shall be
summarily rejected.
for Inspector General-cum-CSC/RPF
Western Railway, Headquarters Office,
Churchgate, Mumbai – 400 020
For and on behalf of the President of India.
TENDER NO SFG 43/2/2/1 Hiring Vol - IName of Work : / Hiring of 02 (Two) Xerox Machine for the use to Inspector General office of Western Railway, Headquarter Office, Churchgate for the period of two year.
Tender form can be obtained from the office of the Inspector General office of Western Railway, Headquarter Office, Churchgate Mumbai - 400 020 on any working days on production of a cash receipt of Rs 2000/- (Rs Two thousand only) (non-refundable) deposited with the Station Master of any Railway Station of Western Railway or Demand Draft in name of Chief Cashier, Western Railway, Churchgate Mumbai - 400 020. Tenders will be sold till 12.00 hrs on 08.02.2016. Sealed tenders will be received till 15.00 hrs on 08.02.2016. Under no circumstances, the amount paid for the tender will be refunded. Tender form is non-transferable.
2 / Qualifying Criteria
a / The firm should have to submit a list of new Xerox machines owned by them indicating their model and date of purchase.
b / The firm shall submit the certificate from OEM/Authorised dealer, stating that the Xerox machine, which will be supply by the contractor, shall be new & not reconditioned with the make, model and date of manufacturing.
c / The firm should have experience at least three years for Hiring of Xerox Machine with certificate from any Govt./Semi Govt. Organisation and shall have Office/Branch Office in Mumbai Suburban Area of Central of Western Railway.
d / The firm shall submit the turnover of the firm for last three years.
e / The firm should attach the list of client i.e. Govt./Semi Govt. with full address with the certificate of performance for last five years.
f / Railway reserves the rights to cancel the tender at any stage and no tender fee shall be refundable.
Note / The Tenderer who does not submit any proof for meeting the qualifying criteria shall be consider as incomplete and shall be summarily rejected.
The tender document in original along with the schedule of material & works duly filled in the duly signed and stamped on each page, complete in all respects shall be enclosed in an envelope. This envelops shall then be sealed nad following shall be super scribed on the envelope
TENDER No SFG 43/2/2/1 Hiring Vol- I
Date of Opening 08.02.2016 Time at 15.30 hrs.
Name of Work:
Hiring of Two Xerox Machines for the use of Inspector General/RPF office of Western Railway, Headquarter Office, Old Building, Ground Floor Churchgate, Mumbai 400 020 for the period of two years.
This envelope should be addressed to INSPECTOR GENERAL/RPF, WESTERN RAILWAY, HEADQUARTER OFFICE, OLD BUILDING GROUND FLOOR CHURCHGATE, MUMBAI - 400 020. The Tender should be deposited in the Tender Box in the office of the Inspector General/RPF, Western Railway, Headquarter Office, Old Building, Ground Floor Churchgate, Mumbai 400 020 before closing of the tender box at 15.00 hrs on date 08.02.2016.
Tender Sealed and super scribed as mentioned above, can be sent by Registered Post with acknowledgement to theabove-mentioned office, but no tender received after 15.00 hres on date 08.02.2016 shall ordinarily be considered.
4 / System of Quoting Rates
Tenderer are requested to quote their rates in terms of percentage above or below the estimated cost of the Railways. In the schedule of material and works enclosed with this tender documents. The quotedrate includes all duties, Taxes, charges (service tax) etc. Tenderer if quoting any other rates anywhere other than the Schedule of Material & Works shall not be considered.
The tenders shall be opened on date 08.02.2015 at 15.30 hrs in the office of the Inspector General/RPF, Western Railway, Headquarter Office, Old Building Ground floor Churchgate, Mumbai 400 020 and the rates will be read out in the presence of representatives of the firms, who may be present.
The following documents shall invariablybe accompanied with the offer, failing which the offer shall be treated as invalid and liable to be summarily rejected without any correspondence with the firm. Hence the firm is well advised to ensure that all the minimum documents, as laid down hereunder are attached with their offer
(i) / Accepted form of Earnest Money amounting to Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees Ten thousand only) drawn in favour of the Chief Cashier, Western Railway, Churchgate, Mumbai 400 020. Bank Guarantee is not acceptable form of Earnest Money Deposit.
(ii) / Original tender documents purchased from Western Railway for the work including prices and schedule of Material & Works duly signed and stamped on each page.
(iii) / Tender if down loaded from the web site then Earnest Money amounting to Rs. 10,000/- and cost of tender documents i.e. Rs. 2000/- separately in the form of Demand draft drawn in favour of the Chief Cashier/Western Railway, Churchgate, Mumbai-400 020 should be enclosed along with the offer.
(iv) / List of personnel, organisation available on hand and proposed to be engaged for the subject work, covering name, designation, experience, contact telephone/mobile number etc.
(v) / Certified copy of Partnership deed in case of partnership firms Memorandum of Articles of Association of the firm, extract of board of directors meeting authorizing signatory to submit the offer of the Railways.
(vi) / Power of Attorney, (if any) in acceptable form duly notarized from Magistrate as per GCC clause No. 16 of Annexure-1.
(vii) / Clause wise compliance of special condition of contract, instructions to Tenders etc. with documentary support.
As far as possible the tender/s bid should not have any condition or specification or assumption contrary to the provisions in tender documents on which the tender/s bid is based. Tenderer/s Special Conditions, not in conformity with the tender specifications/drawings are required to be listed separately with details of exact financial implications, if any. Railway will not take cognizance of conditions/ variations from the tender documents or drawings etc.
It needs to be emphasized that only such conditions/stipulations which are at variance with the tender conditions, codal provision stipulated in the tender documents need be mentioned.
Only such special conditions/specifications stipulated by the tenders/s which have been specifically approved by the Railway in writing shall be deemed to have been accepted by the Railway and shall form part of the Contract Agreement. The Tenderer/s stipulations which are at variance with the tender conditions/stipulations, codal provisions and not approved/accepted by Railways shall be withdrawn by the Tenderer/s.
The tender must be accompanied with requisite Earnest money mentioned in the tender notice, deposited cash or in any of the forms as mentioned below drawn in favour of "Chief Cashier, Western Railway, Churchgate, Mumbai 400 020' Payable at Mumbai, ailing which the tender will be summarily rejected.
Deposit receipt, Pay orders and Demand drafts, these forms of earnest money could be either of the State Bank of India or of any Nationalized Banks No. confirmatory advice form the Reserve Bank of India will be necessary.
Deposit receipt executed by the Scheduled Banks (other than the State Bank of India and the Nationalized Banks) approved by the Reserve Bank of India for the purpose.
The tender must be accompanied with requisite Earnest money mentioned in the tender notice, deposited in cash or in any of the forms as mentioned below drawn in favour of "Chief Cashier, Western Railway, Churchgate, Mumbai 400 020" Payable at Mumbai, failing which the tender will be summarily rejected.
Deposit receipt, Pay orders and Demand drafts, these forms of earnest money could be either of the State Bank of India or of any Nationalized Banks No. confirmatory advice form the Reserve Bank of India will be necessary.
Deposit receipt executed by the Scheduled Banks (other than the State Bank of India and the Nationalized Banks) approved by the Reserve Bank of India for the purpose.
The earnest money wherever it is deposited in cash should be remitted to the Chief Cashier, Western Railway, Churchgate, Mumbai 400 020 and the receipt obtained thereof should be enclosed with the tender as a proof of the deposit of requisite earnest money. the earnest money should not be deposited with Stations.
Lump sum/Standing Earnest money is not acceptable as EMD.
The Tender(s)shall keep the offer open for a minimum period of validity as mentioned in the tender documents. It is understood that the tender documents has been sold/issued to the Tenderers and the Tenderer(s) is / are permitted to tender in consideration of the stipulation on his/their part after submitting his/their tender subject to the period being extended.Further, if required by mutual agreement from time to time., he will not reside from his offer or modify the terms and conditions thereof in a manner not acceptable to Western Railway. Should the Tenderer fail to observe or comply with the foregoing stipulation, the amount deposited, as Earnest Money for the due performance of the above stipulation shall be forfeited to the Railway.
If the tender is accepted, the amount of Earnest Money will be retained and adjusted as Security Deposit for the due and faithful fulfilment of the contract. This amount of Security Deposit shall be forfeited without prejudice to any other right or remedies of the tenderer do not execute the contract agreement after acceptance of the tender within 15 (Fifteen) days after receipt of notice issued by the Railway that such documents are ready and or the tender do not commence the work within fifteen days from date of issue of acceptance letter.
The Earnest Money of the unsuccessful tenderer (s) will , save as here-in-before provided, be returned to the unsuccessful tenderer (s) within a reasonable time but the Railway shall not be responsible for any loss or depreciation that may happen to the Security for the due performance of the stipulation to keep the offer open for the period specified in the tender documents or to the Earnest Money while in their possession not be liable to pay interest thereon.
(i) / Authorised agents are allowed to buy the tender documents on behalf of their principals with letter of authority from the principal.
(ii) / Tender submitted by the tenderers who have not purchased the tender documents themselves or through their agents and tenders from agents without letter of authority from the principals will be summarily rejected.
(iii) / Telex and incomplete offers will be summarily rejected.
(iv) / Offer should be very clear. Any ambiguity in rates/offer shall be summarily rejected.
(v) / All corrections and over-writing must be attested/countersigned by the tenderer.
(vi) / The Tenderer should read the conditions carefully and also see the Schedule of material and works before submitting the offer and also ascertain site conditions and the valume of works involved before quoting the rates
(vii) / New Arbitration Act 1996 will be in force in place of Arbitration Act 1940.
Booklet of General Condition of Contract (GCC) Works hand Book Part III,August 98 edition/latest amendments, may be purchased by Tenderer from General Branch of Western Railway at their own cost.
for Inspector General-cum-CSC/RPF
Western Railway, Headquarters Office,
Churchgate, Mumbai – 400 020
For and on behalf of the President of India
a / Tender shall be governed by General condition of contract G.C.C. August 1998/latest edition, Technical specifications etc. Where there is any conflict between the instructions to tenderers,conditions of tendering, special conditions of contract, Tender forms, annexure etc. on one hand and General Conditions of Contract on the other, the former shall prevail.
b / Any Special conditions stated by the Tenderer in the covering letter submitted along with the tender shall be deemed to be part of the Contract to such extent only as have been explicitly accepted by the Railway.
c / It should clearly be understood that the contractor agrees to furnish without any extra costanything and everything necessaryfor the complete installation and its reliable safe and satisfactory working except such items as are specifically stated as being supplied by the Railway in this tender and at the time of placing the contract by the written agreement, the contractor shall quote for the work, giving all information.