February 15, 2011Bulletin #7Page 1

Bid Results

Philadelphia Procurement, Dept. of Commerce, Div. of Aviation

Bid No. 6918-General Construction Work for Runway 9R Safety Area

*James J. Anderson Construction Co., Inc.$3,331,926.50

Alt. $210,720.00

South State, Inc.$3,521,751.60

Alt. $224,275.00

*Seravalli, Inc.$3,616,165.00

Alt. $299,370.00

*Glasgow, Inc.$3,637,666.00

Alt. $352,120.00

*A.P. Construction, Inc.$3,770,905.00

Alt. $375,350.00

Petrongolo Contractors, Inc.$3,790,290.00

Alt. $304,150.00

Tony DePaul & Son$3,962,860.00

Alt. $190,110.00

*C. Abbonizio Contractors, Inc.$4,079,259.00

Alt. $209,134.00

*JPC Group, Inc.$4,085,495.00

Alt. $231,000.00

*Buckley & Company, Inc.$4,277,510.00

Alt. $193,250.00

*Denotes Member of CAEP

Bid Postponement for Philadelphia Procurement

Please be advised that the City of Philadelphia Dept. of Public Property Bid No. 4059GCON- Improvements at Fairhill Square/Rivera Rec. Center, has been postponed until Thursday, March 10, 2011 until 10:30 a.m. in Room 170A, Municipal Services Building. (Originally scheduled to open 2/22/11)

Industry News

DOT Issues DBE Rule Changes

The US Department of Transportation (DOT) issued a number of changes to theDisadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) regulationsthat will impact contractors working on FHWA, FAA, and FTA funded contracts. Most of AGC’s concerns and recommendations were not reflected in the regulatory changes. DOT used this rulemaking as an opportunity to tighten down on how states are implementing DBE requirements.DOT also indicated that it plans on issuing additional regulatory changes to address additional implementation issues.

The significant changes are as follows:

  • Counting Purchases from Prime Contractors- DOT left unchanged its current regulations that allow prime contractors to count towards meeting their DBE contract goal material purchased by a DBE from a non-DBE source. However, the regulation does not allow the prime to count the cost of the material if it is purchased from the prime.

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Continued: DOT Issues DBE Rule Changes

  • Termination of DBE Firms- DOT clarified in its regulations that the prime contractor can terminate a DBE contract only for good cause and with the written consent of the state DOT (or other owner). The regulation spells out what constitutes “good cause” including failure of the DBE to comply with contract terms.
  • Personal Net Worth- DOT increased the personal net worth cap for the DBE owner to still remain eligible for the program from $750,000 to $1.31 million.
  • Interstate Certification- DOT has amended its regulation to make it easier for DBEs certified in one state to have their certification adopted by other states. States are not required to comply with these certification amendments until January 1, 2012.
  • Accountability on Goal Achievement- DOT amended the regulations to require that should a state fail to achieve its annual goal, it must justify the failure and devise a strategy for correcting the failure in the future.
  • Program Oversight- DOT amended the regulations to require states to more closely monitor contract goal implementation. The new requirements require states to closely examine actual DBE participation on jobs by increasing their scrutiny of paperwork submissions and by site visits.
  • Small Business Provisions- DOT altered the regulations to make programs that foster small business participation in state DOT contracts an integral part of the state’s DBE program. DOT states that increased involvement by small businesses in general will lead to increased DBE participation. Examples of small business programs include: setting aside contracts for exclusive bidding by small businesses, requiring the prime contractor on contracts that do not have DBE goal requirements to offer subcontracting opportunities in packages of a size that would encourage small business participation and ensuring that a reasonable number of contracts going out for bid are of a size that would favor small businesses.
  • Joint Checks- AGC had requested clarification of DOT’s policy regarding the use of joint checks. In the rulemaking, DOT responded that it thinks its joint check guidance is sufficient and does not need to be codified by actually appearing in the regulation.

Click here to read the DBE regulations and changes

Obama Budget Proposed Increased Transportation Funding

President Obama submitted his fiscal year 2012 budget request to Congress yesterday which asked for a significant boost in transportation funding and outlined the Administration’s principles for a six year $556 billion surface transportation reauthorization proposal. The budget requested $50 billion above current funding for highway, transit, and aviation programs to “jump start” the reauthorization effort and to create jobs. The $50 billion in FY 2012 would increase transportation investment for the various modes as follows: highways $27.65 billion, transit $11.5 billion, airport runways $3.4 billion, high speed rail development $3 billion, Amtrak $2.5 billion and multi-modal discretionary grants $2 billion. The President’s budget request did not specify where the additional revenue would come from to pay for this increased investment but instead expressed a willingness to work with Congress to identify additional revenue sources to pay for this increase and to pay for its overall surface transportation reauthorization proposal. Comments made by DOT officials at official budget briefings indicated that additional details on the Administration’s proposal would be forthcoming later in the week.For more information click the following:

House to Consider SAFETEA-LU Extension

House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee Chairman John Mica (R-FLA) and Ranking Member Nick Rahall (D-WVA) have introduced a bill to extend highway and transit authorization through the end of FY 2011. SAFETEA-LU expired on September 30, 2009 and since then, highways and transit have been funded through a series of six short-term extensions. The current extension expires on March 4th. In order to give the new Congress time to consider the Administrations proposal for reauthorization and to develop its own, AGC is urging the House to adopt the Mica /Rahall extension through the end of the fiscal year.

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Upcoming Meetings & Events


The CAEP Annual Golf Outing will be held on Monday, May 16, 2011 at Whitemarsh Valley Country Club. We urge everyone who would like to play golf to register early, as we are limited to 120 golfers. More than half of the golf slots are already reserved. Once all slots are reserved, there will be a waiting list on a “first come, first serve” basis, in case there are any cancellations. There was a waiting list for last year’s outing, so don’t wait, sign up today!A registration form is enclosed. You can also register for golf and sponsorships online at:

We hope that you will consider one or more of the many sponsorship opportunities that are available for the CAEP Golf Outing. The success of the golf outing is directly related to the number of sponsorships that are given to help offset the various costs involved. Sponsorships which available are:Hole Sponsors, 9th Hole Refreshment, Beverage Carts, Cocktail Reception, and Prize Sponsors. Every company that signs up for a sponsorship will receive proper recognition. If you have any questions, call the CAEP office at (215) 546-4555.

YEC Meeting Reminder

Young Executive Council Chairman Anthony Seravalli has scheduled the next YEC Meeting for Thursday, March 3, 2011 at 5:45 p.m. in the CAEP Officefollowed by Cocktails Hors D’oeuvresat Mahogany on Walnut at 6:45 p.m. The speaker for the meeting is James Hanrahan from Conner Strong. The topic is“How to Make Sure Your Insurance and Surety Programs are Providing Your Company with a Competitive Advantage”. Please advise the CAEP office of your attendance by sending back your registration form or by calling the CAEP Office 215-546-4555.

CAEP Safety News

Rigger & Signal Person

Training and Prep Course

This training is designed to assist the individual or group in developing their own “in house” training, 1926.1428 [a] [2] option (2). This training will follow requirements of the new standards for Qualified Signal Persons and assist the employer with their need to identify Qualified Riggers. This course may also be used as a prep course to help employees prepare for written and practical certification examinations on these topics!

When: February 22-24

March29-31 2011

Where: Med-Tex Services, Inc.

6940 State Road


Philadelphia, PA 19135

What: Tuesday: Signal Person

Wednesday: Rigging

Thursday: Testing

Cost: $525.00/student- Lunch Included

Upon successful completion of course, documentation of trainingwill be provided.

APC/PennDOT Flagger Training

APC/PennDot is holding their next “Flagger Train the Trainer” course on May 13, 2011 from 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon at the APC office in the Fifth Floor Conference Room in Harrisburg, PA. The cost for the course is $155 for APC members and $205 for non-members. Trainees that successfully complete this session will receive a wallet-sized training verification card, and a CD containing the PowerPoint, 20-question exam, and a template to create future trainee verification cards. For more information and questions regarding registration please contact Cynthia Sells at (717) 238-2513 Ext. 103 or visit:

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Free Membership for CAEP Members to PA One-Call

One of the many services that are provided to the membership of the Contractors Association of Eastern PA is free membership to PA One Call. If you should receive an invoice for payment from PA One Call, please do not pay this invoice. Forward the invoice to the CAEP office immediately.

Volume Reporting Forms

The 2010 Volume Reporting Forms for all active members were mailed out and aredue by February 18. If you have any questions, please call the CAEP Office at (215) 546-4555.

2011 CAEP Membership Dues

CAEP membership dues invoices for 2011were mailed out and are now payable. If you have any questions please call the CAEP office. We thank you in advance.

OSHA 300 Log Summary Sheets

The OSHA 300 Log Summary Sheets must be posted in a conspicuous location on February 1, 2011. The Summary Sheets need to be kept posted until April 30, 2011. If you have any questions regarding this important record keeping requirement or are in need of the OSHA 300 Logs Sheets, please call the CAEP office at 215-546-4555 or email Brandon Sterling at .