Horry County Schools 1/26/2009
Coding Gifted & Talented Students
The school contact for Gifted & Talented 135-Day Report is responsible for providing the appropriate information to the Sasixp operator for data entry appropriate for reports that are submitted to the State Department of Education. The district Coordinator of Gifted & Talented programs will also assist with the identification and dissemination of data to schools.
I. EIA Coding for Student Accountability Report
EIA (Educational Improvement Act) coding is essential to receive state funding for EIA funded programs. Gifted & Talented programs are one of these programs that receive state funds based on the number of students coded in Sasixp South Carolina Module, EFA/EIA Classification Info atom. These codes are collected on the Student Accountability 45- and 135- day reports extracted from Sasixp.
All students who have qualified and are being served in Gifted & Talented programs must receive an EIA code in the Sasixp South Carolina Module, EFA/EIA Classification Info Atom. The code is entered on the EIA Code Entry tab as seen below. Notice there are 10 available fields for code entry.
Students may receive a GTA (Gifted & Talented Academic) and/or a GTR (Gifted & Talented Artistic) code. Students must be qualified and be served to receive a code. Use the drop down arrows to select the appropriate code.
Special Notes:
Students who are not being served in a current G&T program can not receive an EIA code. Horry County Schools is using the Gifted & Talented Program option box on page 3 of the Student Atom to show if a student qualifies for the G&T program, regardless if being served. In this manner, a student will always have a flag mark in Sasixp student file (ASTU) indicating that they have qualified for G&T, BUT it does not mean that the student can have an EIA code unless they are receiving services as well. To restate: A student can only receive a GTA code if the student has qualified and is receiving appropriate services. In addition, it should be noted that not all classroom instruction meets appropriate requirements and thus may disqualify the child from EIA coding. Gifted and Talented teachers should know if their programs qualify for services according to teacher endorsement and class size.
Students who qualify for the GTR (artistic) code must have attended a summer school program for Gifted & Talented Artistic students during the preceding summer of the current reporting year.
If a student is to receive EIA codes for both academic (GTA) and artistic (GTR), always put the GTA code in the EIA1 box and then the GTR code in the EIA2 box.
If a student receives only one code, then always enter that one code in the EIA1 box.
Students who have qualified for Gifted & Talented programs and are also taking AP coursework should have the AP coding and the gifted & talented coding such as the following samples:
Students who have qualified for Gifted & Talented programs and are taking honors coursework should have a GTA, GTR, or both GTA/GTR codes entered.
*** Special Note About AP coursework ***
All students who are taking AP coursework must have a(n) AP(s) codes for each AP subject area entered in the EIA classification. There is not a particular order for the AP codes.
If a student is taking AP coursework and can also be coded as GTA/GTR, follow the directions above for entering these EIA codes.
SASI Queries
Student Information Clerks may use Sasi queries to show, print, or create spreadsheets that can be used by other school personnel for verifying data. For example:
Create a list of students who have the Gifted/Talented box on page 3 of the student atom coded.
ASTU Lastname Firstname Gifted if Gifted = “X”
Create a list of students who have the Gifted/Talented box on page 3 of the student atom coded and
an EIA code.
ASTU SSCA Lastname Firstname Gifted EIA1 EIA2 if Gifted = “X” and EIA1 IN [GTA,GTR]
Create a list of students who have an EIA code for gifted and verify if a student is qualified by
looking at the Gifted/Talented box on page 3 of the student atom..
ASTU SSCA Lastname Firstname Gifted EIA1 EIA2 if EIA1 IN [GTA,GTR]
II. Additional G&T Data Requirements for Sasixp
The SC State Department of Education is not collecting any additional data fields for G&T students in Sasi. Currently the only data collected in Sasi is the EIA code.