Since 1974, the ABA Section of Science & Technology Law (SciTech) has lead in identifying and solving legal issues in science and technology. Through four divisions and 28 substantive committees, SciTech leaders provide educational programs on a broad range of cutting-edge issues affecting information security, privacy, e-commerce, cloud computing, life sciences, nanotechnology, climate change, cloud computing, e-discovery and information governance, healthcare, the arts, space law, and even the law of virtual worlds – to name only some of the issues covered.
The Section brings together leading experts and practitioners, including lawyers, technology experts and scientists, judges, business leaders, government executives, and policy-makers to address issues at the intersection of science, technology and law. We published the defining book on digital signatures, explored the mobile transformation that is changing the way the world communicates and does business, providing the critical information lawyers must have to make sense of the complex scientific and technology developments affecting industries and government globally.
It’s A Jungle Out There
During the 2013-2014 bar year, the Section of Science & Technology Law explores the opportunities, challenges and risks of the ever changing science and technology law landscape and focus on the related legal implications. Our theme for FY14 is “It’s A Jungle Out There… Let SciTech Be Your Guide,” and we reinforce lawyers’ roles in mitigating the pervasive risks faced by clients and lawyers. Over the course of the year, we will present thought-provoking educational programs to give members the information and tools to navigate the “jungle” successfully. SciTech leaders are teachers within the ABA, presenting valuable programs on cutting-edge issues at the ABA Annual Meeting each year, as well as hosting frequent teleconferences, committee brown bags and in-person meetings.
Two New SciTech Substantive Committees established in FY2014
Big Data Committee
BigDataisdefinedasdataof sufficientvolumeorcomplexitythatitexceedsthecapabilityof conventional software,hardwareor methodologytoprocessoranalyzeitinconventionalways. Practitioners use “Dataanalytics”topickupwhere conventionaltypesof dataanalysisleaveoff. This committee is developing resources and best practices forthelegalprofessionto addressthechallengesposedbyBigData.
Thiscommitteeexamineslegalissuespertainingtothe “ownership”of personalinformation by personsandbusinesses,rangingfrom consideration of whatitmeansto“own”personalinformation towhathappenstopersonalinformationafterone’s death. This also may address certain other new forms of intellectual property owned by individuals.
Substantive Divisions continue to thrive
The committees in the Security, Privacy and Information Law Division address information security and privacy issues that are on the world stage and continue to be on center stage this year in the ABA. Lawyers must understand the implications for their practices and the business operations of their clients in order to avoid potentially devastating consequences of data breaches and their aftermath – identity theft, fraud, business disruption, negative publicity, and even bankruptcy. The adoption by the ABA House of Delegates of the Ethics 20/20 model rules reminds lawyers that in the information age they are obligated to protect confidential client information, including the electronic records they create or obtain from clients. SciTech has been leading the profession in addressing information security since 1995. We are working to provide the tools lawyers need to fulfill their ethical obligations and ensure that their law firms and clients maintain secure information systems.
The Life and Physical Sciences Division’s Medical Devices and Food Cosmetics and Nutraceuticals committees, established in FY2013, continue to thrive and complement the longstanding committees that address issues related tobehavioral and neurosciencelaw, biotechnology law, nanotechnology, rights and responsibilities ofscientists and scientific evidence.
The e-Commerce and Interdisciplinary Divisions explore critical developments in space, health care, virtual worlds, museums and the arts, robotics and artificial intelligence, drones, digital media, international e-commerce, and more.
Section MembershipAs of October 2013, SciTech’s membership of 10,742 includes 4,523lawyers, 370associates and law 5,849 law students. Our Membership and Diversity Committee, recruitment and retention campaigns for this year emphasize both ABA and SciTech member value. Additional initiatives are listed below.
SciTech is working with the Membership Division to launch a group billing campaign to strategically recruit and retain more members for the ABA and SciTech.
Quarterly recruitment campaigns target ABA members with a practice type affinity for SciTech who do not already belong to a Section. This year’s campaigns target (1) cybersecurity practitioners; (2) ABA members with a relevant practice type who would help diversify our membership, (3) international members of the ABA and (4) science practitioners, which will overlap with health law practitioners.
Similarly, we offered a free-to-SciTech membership for ABA Health Law members to kick off the bar year. That was in conjunction with two free-to-members programs we jointly co-sponsored with ABA Health Law, since there is a high overlap with our membership. One additional free-to-members program this year will focus on life and physical sciences. It will help reinforce value to this pool of new members to retain them.
SciTech sent a first quarter message to every ABA accredited law school career placement office to reinforce the value of ABA and our Section membership. It included valuable job search and business development resources. We geared the resources especially toward graduating students who we hope to convert to paying lawyer members.
Quarterly retention messages were sent to all Section members to reinforce the Section’s value. Members receive a sample chapter from a recently published book, notification of upcoming member benefit (free) programs, a schedule for Section fee-based) programs, and links to other relevant and timely resources.
The Section continues to host cybersecurity “Think Outside the Box Lunch” programs in Washington, DC. These programs are designed to foster law student and young lawyer engagement. Our first goal is to recruit new members and then to retain them. It is an opportunity to reinforce our value through educational and networking opportunities for young lawyers and law students.
The Section’s Membership and Diversity (MAD) Committee helps advance the diversity and inclusion goals of both the ABA and SciTech. Diversity has long been a part of what makes SciTech notable, and our numbers continue to reflect that. SciTech leadership is one of the most diverse in the ABA. SciTech strives to be inclusive on every level, including leadership appointments, program faculty, and publication authors.
Strategic Planning
The Section will update its strategic plan this bar year during a leadership retreat in conjunction with the ABA Midyear Meeting to reflect the current economic conditions, science and technology law landscape and ABA strategy to increase non-dues revenue through the ABAction Initiative.
Section Publications
Book Publishing Program
Our Book Publishing Board continues to develop new titles and recruit new authors. The Section currently has a number of books in production, including; Biotechnology and the Law 2nd edition, Medicine for Lawyers, Unmanned Flight, Standards Development Patent Policy Manual 2nd edition, A Guide to HIPAA Security and the Law, 2nd edition, A Legal Guide to Mobile Device Management, Managing Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and Employer-Issued Device Programs 2nd Edition and Foundations of Digital Evidence, 2nd Edition.
The SciTech Lawyer
The Section’s quarterly flagship publication, The SciTech Lawyer, continues to thrive, providing varied and interesting substantive content to members in an attractive and professionally printed format. The SciTech Lawyer also includes regular updates on Section committees, committee announcements, and news about projects. The fall edition of The SciTech Lawyer, entitled “Can the Courts Understand Science?” included articles on cognitive biases, the use and misuse of genetic data, and two articles on the Prometheus Decision. It also introduced a new monthly feature spotlighting membership and diversity (MAD) issues in a column entitled “It’s A MAD World: Membership and Diversity with a SciTech Edge.” The winter edition focuses on Digital Medicine. The magazine’s website platform continues to enhance the visual presentation of the magazine, which is especially significant for the electronic-only student members.
The Section publishesJurimetrics, a quarterly academic law journal, in conjunction with the Center for the Study of Law, Science, and Technology of the Arizona State University College of Law. Jurimetrics publishes articles relating to law, science, and technology. Articles submitted are vetted by an anonymous peer review process, and those selected for publication are edited by a board of student and professional editors. The journal is provided electronically to all members and in hard copy to paid subscribers. A working group reviewed the publication and relationship with ASU and is working with the ASU staff to make the publication more appealing to members and to engage more members in writing and reviewing articles.
SciTech e-Merging News
The Section’s electronic newsletter features a combination of substantive articles, Section news, and member updates in an easy-to-read and graphically appealing format. The e-newsletter is sent to all Section members on a quarterly basis.
Committee Newsletters and e-blurbs
A growing number of the Section’s committees offer newsletters and regular e-blurbs. We have found that student members are effective e-blurb newsletter editors, a task that allows students to have an active, productive role in Section activities and gain contacts with more experienced committee members. This also helps, we believe, in student-member retention. The newsletters and e-blurbs provide timely, subject-specific information that adds value to committee and Section membership.
Educational Programs
The Section has begunworking with the ABA Center for Professional Development to develop courses to be included in an ABAction Initiative to create a Cybersecurity Certificate Program that should increase non-dues revenue for the Section and serve as a model for other ABA entities. It is anticipated that at least two courses presented this fall will be included in that curriculum: Cybersecurity 101: Legal Obligations of Every Business to Provide Data Security and Hot Topics in Cybersecurity Law. We understand that this Certificate Program is now on hold at the greater ABA, but we intend to continue designing and identifying programs to build member knowledge in this important and developing area of law.
SciTech actively sponsors and co-sponsors many programs throughout the bar year. We are once again offering two members-benefit teleconferences this year. They are both practice oriented and geared toward younger lawyers. Bring Your Own Device Issues, Answers & Policieswas held on January 14. The second program will be held in the spring.The goal of this programming is to reinforce member value, retain members and recruit new members.
CLE Teleconferences and Live Conferences
SciTech has sponsored the following teleconferences and CLE programs this bar year.
September 19 Biosimilars and The BPCI Act: Where Are We Now and Where Are We Going? CLE Teleconference
September 24The CyberInsurance Market and Risk Allocation: Evolving Solutions for Escalating Security Risk in Cyberspace. Brown Bag. Live in person and Teleconference.
October 29 Hot Topics in Cybersecurity Law . Live CLE Teleconference
November 5Cybersecurity 101: Legal Obligations of Every Business to Provide Data Security. Live CLE Teleconference.
November 7Cyber on the Hill: Congressional Cybersecurity Oversight, Legislation & Initiatives for 2013 . Brown Bag. Live in Person and Teleconference.
December 5 Going on the Cyber Offensive: Legal Frontiers and Practical Risks of Defense & Cyber Operations. Brown Bag Live in Person and Teleconference.
December 8 2013 Health Information Management Systems Society(HIMSS)mHealth Summit. Nine law track programs related to health, technology and law. Live Program in Washington, DC.
January 14 Bring Your Own Device Issues, Answers & Policies Free Membership Benefit Brown Bag Teleconference
January 28-31, 2014 Information Governance, Electronic Discovery and Digital Evidence National Institute Live/in Person CLE Conference
SciTech Leadership and Policy Advisors
SciTech leaders serve on a variety of ABA Standing and Special Committees and Task Forces.
- AfiaAsamoahSpecial Committee on Bioethics and the Law member
- Ruth Hill Bro Chair, Standing Committee on Technology and Information
Systems (SCOTIS)
- Jorge ContrerasStanding Committee on CLE member
- Ellen Flannery Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary member
- Bonnie FoughtStanding Committee on Publishing Oversight member
- Ray OcampoABA Journal editorial board member
- Ray OcampoLegal Opportunity Fundraising Committee
- Heather Rafter Standing Committee on Continuing Legal Education
- Lucy Thomson Standing Committeeon the Law Library of Congress member
- Lucy ThomsonABA Cybersecurity Legal Task Force member
- Jody Westby ABA Cybersecurity Legal Task Force member
- Jody Westby Chair, Critical Infrastructure Response Project
- Steve WuSCOTIS member
Section representatives serve on and/or actively advise ABA and U.S. Delegations to the United Nations (UN) Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), the U.N. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), Governing Board of the International Organization for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT), U.S. Technical Advisory Group (US TAG) for the UN Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business, U.S. Delegation to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), Uniform Law Commission (ULC), United Nations Network of Experts (UNNExT) on Paperless Trade for Asia-Pacific , UNNExT at the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE), National Council of Lawyersand Scientists (NCLS), the American Association for the Advancement of Science(AAAS) and the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS).
Respectfully submitted
Eileen Smith Ewing, Secretary
Hugh B. Wellons, Chair
February 2014