Title I School and Community Services Office
Room 365 EBA
89 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12234
No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
School District
Section II: Title I Targeted Assistance (TAS)
Building Level Report
School: District: School District
School Address:
School Telephone: Fax:
Principal: Email:
Grade Levels: Student Enrollment:Date(s) of Review: _-, 2010___
New YorkState Education Department (SED) reviewer(s) SED Program Offices
Title I School and Community Services
Office of School Improvement, Regional School Services
Office of School Improvement, Regional School Services
Office of School Improvement, Regional School Services
Office of School Improvement, Regional School Services
Office of Bilingual Education and Foreign Language Studies
Special Education Quality Assurance (SEQA)
PROGRAMS REVIEWED:Title I, Part A;State Compensatory Education Program; CR 100.2ee Academic Intervention Services (AIS)
Program References
Title I: The Elementary and Secondary Education Act as reauthorized by the No Child Left
Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB), Title I, Part A: Sections 1111, 1112, 1113, 1114, 1115,
1116, 1118, 1119 and 1120A
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 34, Part 200, Title I, Improving the Academic
Achievement of the Disadvantaged and Part 299, Subpart E--Services to Private Schools
Education of Homeless Students: NCLB: Title X, Part C
State Compensatory Education Program: New YorkState Commissioner’s Regulations (CR) 100, CR149, and CR Section 305
Academic Intervention Services (AIS) CR Part 100.2 (ee)
Fiduciary Responsibility: Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR), Parts 74-86 and
97-99, OMB Circular A-87 and A-133
School Accountability Status for 2007-08 School YearELEMENTARY SCHOOL:
Status: Grade Level: Subject Area:MIDDLE SCHOOL:
Status: Grade Level: Subject Area:HIGH SCHOOL:
Status: Grade Level: Subject Area:Title I/AIS Program
A.Student Eligibility/Student Participation
/Selection Criteria Reported by LEA
K-2 / Students:Considered at-risk based on:
Teacher judgment
Parent interviews
Developmentally appropriate measures
Considered at-risk as indicated by:
3-8 / Obtained a Level 1 or 2 on State Assessments.
At risk of failing to meet state performance standards
Identified through multiple measures, including:
9 / In grade 9 and who scored below State designated performance levels on Grade 8
At risk of failing to meet state performance standards
10 – 12 / In grades 10-12, who score below approved passing grade on any Regents examination required for graduation in
English language arts, mathematics, social studies or science.
At risk of failing to meet state performance standards
Identified through multiple measures, including:
B.Program Components:
READING- Programs Reported by the District
Types of Reading Programs Funded by Title I
/ Grade(s) / # of Minutes / Times per WeekPull-out program
Push-in program
Combination-Push-in/Pull-out program
Literacy Coach
Computer-assisted small-group instruction
Teaching assistant works with small groups of children and is
supervised by a highly qualified teacher
After school/instructional program
HS reading and writing tutorial
HS Push in/Pull out programs by Literacy Coaches or Reading
Other Title I Supported Programs:
Saturday Programs
Family Literacy Programs
MATHEMATICS Programs Reported by District
Types of Mathematics Programs Funded by Title I
/ Grade(s) / # of Minutes / Times per WeekPull-out program
Push-in program
Combination-Push-in/Pull-out program
Mathematics Coach
After school/instructional program
Teaching assistant works with small groups of children and is supervised by a highly qualified teacher
HS Push-in/Pull-out programs by Mathematics Teachers or Coaches
Before and after school tutorials
Saturday Program
Section I: Building Level Monitoring Review
Definitions: Met Requirements indicates that the documents or program elements selected for this review at the school building level met Title I, Part A, New York State AIS, and selected federal requirements under EDGAR. Finding indicates that the Local Educational Agency (LEA) is not in compliance with the requirements of these laws and regulations and must implement the required corrective actions outlined in the Compliance Status column. Recommendation indicates that the LEA documents or program elements reviewed at the school building level were in compliance with corresponding federal and State requirements but that the LEA can improve the quality of their program or documentation by implementing the SED recommendations.The Indicator Statusidentifies circumstances relevant to a compliance indicator that prompt a recommendation. A designation of n/a (not applicable) denotes an indicator that is not applicable to the LEA’s current circumstances.
Documents and OtherCompliance Indicators Reviewed / Document or Item
Available and Acceptable / Compliance Status and
Required Corrective Action
or Recommendation
Yes / No / n/a / Available but
missing or
Monitoring Area 1, Instructional Support: NCLB, Title I, Part A; Commissioner’s Regulations 100.2ee; 34 CFR Part 200
Title I/Academic Intervention Services (AIS) Program Planning
- Eligible children are identified to participate in the Title I/AIS program as outlined in the District’s AIS Description and Consolidated Application/Update in the following four content areas:
Social Studies. / Incomplete
- The school has student eligibility lists. All participants in the program are eligible for Title I services based on the district’s student eligibility criteria and there is documentation that services have been planned for all eligible students. (Eligible students are students who did not meet, or who are at risk of not meeting, the State’s challenging academic standards in ELA, mathematics, science and social studies.)
- Documentation of the Title I services for homeless children and youth indicates that they receive comparable Title I services.
- The school uses disaggregated data to address the needs of specific subgroups (poverty, ethnic or racial groups, LEP, and children with disabilities) to enable students to meet the state’s academic standards.
Program Implementation
- The Title I Program, as described in the Consolidated Application Update and CEP, is being implemented.
- Activities/services to assist preschool children in the transition from early childhood programs, i.e., Head Start, Even Start, Early Reading First, etc. to the elementary school program are appropriate.
- The school is implementing AIS as described in the District’s AIS description.
- The AIS program provides instruction by highly qualified staff.
- The Title I/AIS program is research based, targeted, and features varying levels of intensity to address variation in student needs.
- The academic progress of participating students is monitored on an ongoing basis.
- The planned Academic Intervention Services are provided to all eligible students in:
Math Science
Social Studies / Incomplete
Title I / AIS Parent Notifications
- There is documentation that the school notifies parents of eligible students of the start of services. The notification includes:
the type of service(s)
the beginning date of services / Incomplete
- Parents of participating students receive reports of student progress in Title I / AIS programs at least quarterly.
- The notification letter to parents of the end of AIS contains the following:
the ending date of services / Incomplete
Professional Development
- Professional development activities to improve teaching of academic subjects and to enable participating students to meet State standards are implemented as outlined in the Consolidated Application Update, Comprehensive Educational Plan, Title I Restructuring Plan, and/or the Title I School Improvement Grant.
- Professional development activities are:
matched to specific
academic/student needs;
concentrated and sustained
rather than episodic;
delivered by highly qualified
personnel; and
provide opportunities for
reflection, practice, formal
feedback and re-teaching. / Incomplete
- If applicable, the Title IIA professional development program is implemented as outlined in the Consolidated Application Update Teacher Quality Plan.
- Professional development activities include educating staff (with the assistance of parents) in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners;staff are provided strategies to build partnerships between parents and the school.
Parent Involvement
- The school has a written Title I Parent Involvement Policy.
- The policy was jointly developed and agreed upon by parents of participating children and incorporated into the school plan.
- There is evidence that the policy was made available to parents of participating children.
- The school convenes an annual meeting to inform parents of participating children of Title I requirements and to explain the rights of parents to be involved in the education of their children.
- The school provides opportunities for regular meetings for parents to formulate suggestions and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions about the education of their children.
- There is evidence that parents are involved in an organized, on-going and timely way in the planning, review and improvement of the Title I program [including the joint development of the school plan).
- The school provides parents with timely information about programs including:
- school performance profiles;
- individual student assessment results;
- a description of the curriculum; and
- the types of assessment used and the proficiency levels that students are expected to meet.
- \The school conducted, with the involvement of parents, an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of the parental involvement policy in improving the academic quality of the school. The evaluation included the identification of barriers to greater participation by parents in authorized activities. The findings are used to design strategies for more effective parental involvement and, if necessary, to revisethe parent involvement policy.
- The school has jointly developed with parents a School-Parent Compact that outlines:
the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership to help children achieve State academic standards. / Incomplete
- The School-Parent Compact:
- describes the school’s responsibility to provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables Title I students to meet the State’s student academic standard;
- describes ways in which parents will be responsible for supporting their children’s learning; and
- describes the importance of communication between teachers and parents on an ongoing basis through:
- discussion of the Compact as it relates to the individual child’s achievement (at least one parent-teacher conference) in elementary school;
- frequent reports to parents on their child’s progress; and
- reasonable access to staff opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child’s class, and observation classroom activities.
- There is evidence that the school ensures effective involvement of parents and supports a partnership among the school, the parents, and the community to improve student academic achievement through:
the implementation and coordination of parent programs;
the provision of other reasonable support for Title I parental involvement activities. / Incomplete
- To the extent practical, the school ensures that information related to school and parent programs, meetings and other activities is sent to the home of participating children in the language the parents can understand.
- There is documentation that the school has notified parents in writing that they may request information regarding the professional qualifications of their child’s classroom teacher(s) and paraprofessional(s). The notification provided is understandable and to the extent practicable, in a language that parents can understand.
- There is documentation that the school has notified parents in writing that they may request information regarding the professional qualifications of their child’s classroom teachers) and paraprofessional(s). The notification provided is understandable and to the extent practicable, in a language that parents can understand.
Monitoring Area 2 – Accountability: Title I, Part A; NCLB, Subpart F; 34 CFR Part 299; Sec. 9304 of ESEA; CR100.2(ee)
- The school made Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in 2008-09, i.e., every accountability group made AYP. For a group to make AYP in 2008-09, the group must have:
either made the effective Annual Measurable Objective (AMO) or safe harbor.
Comprehensive Education Plan (CEP)
- The identified school improvement school modified its CEP to reflect strategies to improve student achievement in the area(s) identified and to meet the needs of the particular subgroup(s) identified for improvement.
- The CEP is based upon critical analysis of student needs and is grounded in research on the essential components of highly effective schools.
- The CEP effectively addresses areas identified for improvement, including:
Literacy across the content areas
Other ______/ Incomplete
- The identified school improvement school modified its CEP to reflect strategies to improve student achievement in the area(s) identified and to meet the needs of the particular subgroup identified for improvement.
- The CEP is being implemented effectively.
Professional Development Setaside
- If, as a result of its comprehensive improvement status, the school is required to use at least 10 percent of its Title I allocation for professional development (PD), it implementsresearch based PD that is targeted toward and addresses the needs of underperforming student subgroups in the identified subject areas.
Public School Choice and Supplementary Educational Services (SES)
- Students are provided with an opportunity to transfer to a higher performing school.
- Students are provided with opportunities for Supplemental Educational Services (SES)
- The school is implementing the District selected intervention to address the needs of the specific subgroup that have not met the AMO, Safe Harbor or 95% participation rate requirement (e.g., implementation of new instructional program/strategy, reduced class size, team teaching, extended school day or year, etc.)
- District staff conduct regular progress monitoring of all school improvement interventions.
- For schools in Corrective Action only:
corrective actions that it has
identified for the school. / Incomplete
- For restructuring schoolsonly:Teachers and parents were:
provided an adequate opportunity to comment before the district took any action, and;
provided an adequate opportunity to participate in the development of theTitle I Restructuring plan. / Incomplete
Monitoring Area 3 - Fiduciary Responsibilities: Title I, Part A; EDGAR
- The school has implemented the activities indicated in the 2009 Title I School Improvement Grant.
Additional Comments: In addition to the completed monitoring report, your RSS liaison may share additional observations and recommendations as part of your ongoing school improvement partnership.
Sample Item / Incomplete / N.B. Upon completion of the box(es) to the left, this column would contain one of the following:1. Met requirements: If you have checked Yes,the status in this column would be simply Met requirements, with no need for further statement.
2. Finding: followed by a brief statement identifying the situation that is out of compliance with
authorizing legislation AND
Corrective Action: followed by a statement identifying the corrective action that must be
implemented for LEA to come into compliance and the evidence that must be
submitted to SED and the deadline for its submission.
There should be multiple sets if there were multiple findings for one item, e.g., Finding 1, 2, 3.
3. Indicator Status: Followed by description of current situation calling for the recommendation
Recommendation: (Followed by recommendation for action by LEA to improve the quality of
their program or documentation.There may be multiple sets if there were multiple
situations / recommendations or they may be joined into one Indicator
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