Family & Friends Assessment
PartC – reports and supporting material
Name of Applicants;
Indicate which of the following are attached to this report
Notes or commentsC1 / Family tree
C2 / Ecomap
C3 / Chronology
C4 / Preparation of the applicant/s
C5 / Details of assessment process
C6 / Medical adviser’s summary of the health of the applicant/s
C7 / Summary of report from the applicant's home local authorities
C8 / Education reference/s
C9 / Health and safety report and pet questionnaire6
C10 / Previous partners’ reference/s
C11 / Observations and comments on other people who live in the household
(not to be shared with applicant/s)
C12 / Summary of information from each referee
(not to be shared with applicant/s)
C13 / The applicant's observations on the report and declaration
C14 / Fostering Agreement
C15 / SGO Support Plan
C16 / Financial assessment
C17 / CRB disclosure record
C 18 / Report of Applicant's previous involvement with Children's services
C 19 / Applicants self report
C 20 / Original Viability Assessment/Regulation 24 assessment completed by Children and Family's Team
C21 / Minutes of any Family Group conference/Family meeting (if applicable)
Family tree1
If a family tree is not included, indicate where it is to be found.
If an ecomap is not included, indicate where it is to be found. See guidance notes for a worked example.
Chronology from birthto present2
Complete a separate chronology for each applicant
Name of applicantAddresses including periods living abroad apart from holidays3
Date startedmonth/year / Date finished
month/year / Address or location / Details (include reasons for changes if appropriate and comments, if verified by whom and how)
Education and employment
Date started / Date finished / Event / Address or location / DetailsPage 1
Family & Friends Assessment
PartC – reports and supporting material
Significant changes in individual or family circumstances (e.g. separation/divorce of parents, death of family members,start of a new relationship, major health events)
Date started / Date finished / Event / Address or location / DetailsC4:
Preparation of the applicant/s4
Outline the preparation the applicant/s have received. This should include the agency responsible for this, the number of sessions and the curriculum used.
Training and preparation groups
Applicant 1 / Applicant 2Has the applicant attended the following? / Date started/ completed / Number of sessions / Date started/ completed / Number of sessions
Information session/s
Group preparation or training sessions to date
Individual training or preparation sessions to date
The applicant’s views of their principal areas of learning during preparation and the adequacy of this.
The trainer’s views of the applicant’s principal areas of learning during preparation and any further areas that should be addressed.
The trainer’s views of the applicant’s understanding of the Fostering/SGO Role (as appropriate)
Details of Assessment process
State number of times applicant interviewed
Applicant 1 / Applicant 2Individually
For applicants where there are already children in the household, state number of times family group interviewed and number of times children interviewed (individually or together)
Applicant/s and child/ren togetherChild 1 (name)
Child 2 (name)
Child 3 (name)
Child 4 (name)
Where other members of the household have been interviewed, identify who they are and number of times seen
Name / Number of times interviewedOther professionals interviewed
Name / Position / Number of times interviewedC6:
Medical adviser’s summary of the health of the applicant/s
Does the applicant/s have any health conditions or physical or mental health impairments that are likely to significantly impact on their capacity to care for any child placed with them?
Applicant 1Name:Applicant 2 Name:
Name of medical adviser
Contact telephone number / Date
Summary of reports from the applicant’s home local authorities over the last 10 years
Name of local authorityName of referee and status
Dates of residence in each authority
Summary of reference
Name of local authority
Name of referee and status
Dates of residence in each authority
Summary of reference
Name of local authority
Name of referee and status
Dates of residence in each authority
Summary of reference
Education reference/s5
Name of applicant/sName of person completing this reference
Status, e.g. head teacher
Health and safety report and pet questionnaire (insert) 6
Previous partners’ reference/s 7
Name of applicantName of person completing this reference
Observations and comments of other people (adults and children) who live in the household 8
Family name / Forename/s / GenderM/F / Date of birth / Ethnic descent / Relationship to applicant/s
Pen picture of adult or child (not more than 300 words)
Observations and comments (including adult’s or child's views on the application to foster and the impact of any child/ren joining the household)
Summary of information and evaluation of the significance of information from each referee (add more boxes as appropriate)
Name of refereeRelationship to applicant
Date of contact and/or visits
Name of person completing this report
Name of referee
Relationship to applicant
Date of contact and/or visits
Name of person completing this report
Name of referee
Relationship to applicant
Date of contact and/or visits
Name of person completing this report
The applicant's observations on the report
Name of applicantI have read the report prepared on my suitability to care for a child
I have the following observations/additional comments on the report
We/I certify that, to the best ofour/my knowledge and belief, the details contained in this report are correct. We/I have indicated below any factual corrections that we/I believe need to be made in the box below. We/I understand that the agency may seek verification of any of the facts supplied. We/I understand that if any of this information is found to be false or misleading, this may result in the agency rejecting our/my application. We/I understand that it is important not to withhold any information about factors that may influence our/my capacity to care for a child. We/I understand that the agency may ask us/me to supply further information in order to assess our/my application.
The factual corrections which need to be made are:
We/I understand that any information supplied by us/me in respect of this application may be held and/or processed in an electronic form and is subject to the relevant provisions in the Data Protection Act 1998 and other relevant statutes. We/I understand that any information supplied will form part of the agency’s case record in respect of our/my application.
We/I understand that this form is the property of the agency to which we/I have applied. We/I agree not to copy this document (other than for my own personal records) or disclose its contents in full or in part, to any other person, agency or authority without the agency’s permission.
C14 Foster Care Agreement
C15 – SGO Support Plan
This section should include a summary of any special guardianship support services provided by the authority for theprospective special guardian, the child or the child’s parent and the period for which thoseservices are to be provided; where the local authority has decided not to provide special guardianship supportservices, the reasons why.
The Special Guardianship Support Plan is based on the assessed support needs of the child placed, and their Special Guardians.
Child’s name and date of birth:Name(s) of Special Guardians:
Name and address of social worker for the child, with prime responsibility for co-ordinating and monitoring the services in this plan:
Out of Hours Emergency Contact details:
1.Child’s Developmental Needs and Strengths:
Summary of the child/’s emotional and behavioural developmental stage, highlighting any particular needs:Current services being provided:
Services required in the future and their purpose:
Timescale for services to be provided:
Responsible person/agency for provision of service:
2.Child’s Health:
Summary of the child’s current health needs, highlighting future health needs:Current services being provided:
Details of future services required:
Timescale for provision of services:
Responsible person/agency for provision of service:
3. Education:
Current services being received:
Details of services required in the future:Responsible person/agency for provision of service:
4. Identity:
Current services being provided:Details of services required in the future:
Timescale for provision of future services:
Responsible person/agency for provision of service:
5. Contact:
Current services being provided:Details of services required in the future: / .
Timescale for provision of future services:
Responsible person/agency for provision of service:
6. Special Guardian’s Parenting Capacity:
Summary of Special Guardian’s parenting capacity – needs and strengths:
Details of specific support available to the Special Guardians:Details of whom an ‘Assessment of need for Special Guardianship Support’ can be requested in the foreseeable future:
Contact details for Special Guardianship support services in the longer term:
7.Wider Family & Environmental Factors
8. Child’s view regarding support services (if appropriate.)
9. Special Guardian’s views of own and child’s future support needs
10.Assessment of outstanding work required with the child and/or SpecialGuardians.
11. Financial and Practical Support:
Have the prospective Special Guardians completed the Financial Assessment Form?Has a welfare benefits assessment been completed (if applicable)?
Where the financial assessment has not been completed, timescale and arrangements for this to be done?
Are the Special Guardians expected to apply for:
- child benefit;
- child tax credit;
- other benefits (specify).
Details of other financial support required, and agreed:
- settling in allowance;
- accommodation/transport costs;
- legal expenses if contested adoption;
- Special Guardianship Application fee;
- aids/property adaptations;
- Other (specify).
Date Support Plan completed
12. Signatures:
/ Print name / DateChild (if appropriate):
Social Worker for child:
Children’s Team Manager:
Special Guardian:
Special Guardian:
Social Worker for Special Guardians (if different from above):
Special Guardians are advised of their right, to request, from their Local Authority an assessment of their family’s needs in relation to Special Guardianship support at any time up until the child reaches 18 years of age.
C16 Financial Assessment
C17 CRB Disclosure Record
C18 Report of Applicant's previous involvement with Children's Services
C19 Applicants Self Report
This section should be completed by the applicants themselves.
The children
If the child is now living with you, briefly describe how you came to be caring for this child, including the date you were approached or offered to care, or how you came to be aware that the child is unable to live with their birth parents.Describe your relationship with the children. How long have you known them? How well do you know them? Are the children used to visiting your home? What do you so when you spend time together?
Why do you think the children should live with you? If they are with you, how has it worked out so far?
What risks do you think might exist for these children, and how can you and your family keep them safe and secure?
What are your views about the arrangements that have been made for the children to have contact with their family and friends?What can you offer to help contact work well for the child? What help or support do you need to do this?
Do you have our own worker to support you in your role? Has this been helpful?Have you been provided with written information about the children and your role as their carer?
Have you had the opportunity to meet with other members of your family to discuss this situation in a family group conference or other meeting? If not, would this be helpful?
Have you been offered training or a support group? If not, would this be helpful?
What help or support do you think you might need to help you or the child(ren)?
Do you have a good understanding of what will happen in the future about planning for the child’s care?
Are you aware of where to go if you want advice from the local authority, or independent advice?
Is there anything else you would like to say?
Name (print) / Signature / Date
Applicant 1
Applicant 2
Original Viability Assessment/Regulation 24 Assessment completed by Children and Family's Worker (if applicable)
Minutes of any Family Group Conference /Family Meeting (if applicable)
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