Section A: Stettler and District Minor Hockey Association By-Laws

  1. Name

1.1The name of the association shall be the “Stettler and District Minor Hockey Association” (SMHA).

1.2Each year the association shall file the required material with the Societies Act, to remain incorporated with the above said act.

  1. Purpose

2.1The SMHA is designed to deliver the minor hockey program.

2.2The SMHA shall operate the arena concession as a means of offsetting the costs of minor hockey and shall be managed by a salaried person(s).

  1. Boundaries

3.1The SMHA shall include the geographical area as specified by Hockey Alberta.

  1. Membership

4.1AAny person or family duly registered becomes a member of the SMHA with full voting rights, so long as the member resides within the boundaries, as defined by Hockey Alberta, of the SMHA. Members have the right to vote at the Annual General Meeting or a Specified General Meeting. Each family will be given one (1) vote.

4.1BAny person residing with the boundaries of the SMHA shall be able to hold an elected or appointed position on the SMHA Executive or Board of Directors. This person shall have all of the privileges of the executive and board of directors except, will not be considered a member as defined in 4.1A for the purpose of voting at the AGM or a Special General Meeting.

4.2The Executive shall have the power, by a vote of ¾ of those present, to expel or suspend any member whose conduct shall be determined by the Executive to be improper, unbecoming, or likely to endanger the interest or reputation of the SMHA, or who commit a breech of the By-Laws or the SMHA. No member shall be expelled or suspended without being notified of the charge against them, or without having first been given the opportunity to be heard by the Executive has been made, may elect to dispute the decision pursuant to the Arbitration Clause of these By-Laws.

4.3An expelled or suspended member may appeal, after six (6) months, the Executive for reinstatement. The Board may reinstate subject member by a vote of ¾ of those present. Upon reinstatement, the member then enjoys all rights and privileges of a member as if he was never expelled or suspended.

4.4Imports within SMHA are defined by Hockey Alberta Regulations.

4.4a. Imports or out of boundary members may submit their interest to hold an executive of director

position, but must be approved by the majority of the existing board. No more than four (4) import

representatives may sit on the SMHA board in any one term.

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4.5The number of non-resident players on any one team within the SMHA will be limited to eight players. Any player who resides within the Town or County of Stettler for this purpose will be considered resident players even though they may reside with Byemoor, BigValley, or Bashaw minor hockey boundaries as set up by Hockey Alberta.

  1. Executive

5.1The Executive shall consist of a President, Past-President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

5.2The President shall be ex-officio, a member of all Committees, and he/she shall, when present, preside at all meeting of the SMHA and of the Executive and the Board of Directors as person. He/she shall be responsible for the general management and the supervision of the SMHA. In his/her absence, the Vice-President shall preside at any such meetings. In the absence of both, a Chairperson may be elected by the meeting to preside there.

5.3The Vice-President shall assist the President in the administration of the SMHA generally.

5.4It shall be the duty of the Secretary to attend all meetings of the SMHA and of the Board, and to keep accurate minutes of the same. He/she shall have charge of the seal of the SMHA, which whenever used, shall be authenticated by the signatures of the Secretary and the President, or in the case of the death or legal inability to act, by the Vice-President. In case of the absence of the Secretary, his/her duty shall be discharged by such officer as may be appointed by the Executive. The Secretary shall have charge of all the correspondence of the association and be under the direction of the president.

5.5The Treasurer shall receive all monies paid to the SMHA, excluding Concession monies, and shall be responsible for the deposit of the same in whatever bank the Executive may order. He/she shall properly account for the funds of the SMHA and keep such books as may be directed. He/she shall present a full detailed account of receipts and disbursements to the Executive whenever requested. He/she shall prepare a statement for submission to the Annual Meeting, audited as here in after set forth, of the financial position of the SMHA and shall submit a copy of the same to the Secretary for the records of the SMHA.

5.6The Concession Manager shall be responsible for the daily operation of the concession. He/she shall chair the hiring committee. Staffing levels and responsibilities will be reviewed annually. All concession use or sublet shall be approved by the Manager. The Concession Manager shall properly account for all funds and keep such books as may be directed, providing a monthly financial statement to the Treasurer.

5.7The Director of Parks and Leisure Department or his appointee is to be a member of the SMHA in a non-voting and advisory capacity.

5.8The Nominating Committee shall consist of the President, and two (2) Vice-Presidents. They shall submit a proposed slate of officers to the Annual Meeting.

5.9The Executive member may be removed, who, in the opinion of at least ¾ of the Executive present, at a duly called and constituted meeting, had failed to perform his/her duties and the decision shall be considered final and there shall be no recourse to the Arbitration Clause of these By-Laws.

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  1. The Board of Directors

6.1The Board of Directors or Board shall mean the Board of the Directors of the SMHA appointed annually by the Executive.

6.2The Directors shall number no more than one per age/gender division.

6.3The term of office for a Director shall be one year.

6.4The term of the appointed Directors shall expire at the next Annual Meeting.

6.5The role of the appointed Board of Directors shall be defined by the elected Executive.

6.6A Director may be removed who, in the opinion of ¾ of the Directors and Executive present, at a duly called constituted meeting and has failed to perform his/her duties and the decision shall be considered final.

  1. Election of Executive

7.1The Executive shall be elected at the Annual Meeting of the Association and serve for two (2) year term from July 1 to June 30, to coincide with the fiscal year. The director term is for one (1) year.

7.2Following the election of the new Executive at the Annual Meeting of the SMHA, the new Executive shall appoint Directors for the next fiscal year.

  1. Error or Omission in Notice

8.1No error or omission in giving notice of any Annual Meeting, General Meeting, Special Meeting, Directors Meeting, Executive Meeting, or any such adjourned meeting, shall invalidate such meeting, or make void any proceedings that were taken there at, and any member, Director, or Executive may at any time waive notice of any such meeting and may ratify approval and confirm any or all proceedings taken there at. For the purpose of sending notice to any member, Director, or Executive for any meeting or otherwise the address of any member, Director, or Executive shall be his/her last known address recorded on the books of the SMHA.

  1. Meetings

9.1The SMHA shall hold an Annual Meeting on or before the 15th day of May in each year, of which reasonable notice will be given to all members at the discretion of the Executive at least fourteen (14) days prior to the date of such a meeting.

9.2Special Meetings of the SMHA, upon instructions of the President or Executive, or by petition of 10% of the membership, may be called at any time by the Secretary by reasonable public notice at least eight (8) days prior to the date of such meetings.

9.3The Executive shall meet at the discretion of the President or any member of the Executive. Notice shall be given in any form at least three (3) days prior to such meetings.

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  1. Quorum

10.1A quorum for any meeting, including an Executive Meeting, shall consist of ¾ of the members of the Executive.

10.2Any member with a conflicting interest on a voting issue must abstain from voting as determined by the Executive.

11.Voting Procedure

11.1At any regular meeting of the SMHA, every question shall be decided by a majority of votes of the Executive and Board of Directors. Executive and Board of Directors are specified By-Law 5.1 and 6.1. Every question shall be decided in the first instance by a show of hands unless a poll is demanded by any member. Upon a show of hands, every member having voting rights shall have one (1) vote and unless a poll be demanded, a declaration by the President that a resolution has been carried or not carried and an entry to that effect into the minutes of the SMHA shall be sufficient evidence of the fact without proof of the number of proportional the votes accorded in favor of or against such a resolution. The demand for a poll be demanded and not withdrawn, the question shall be decided by a majority of votes given by the members present in person and such a poll shall be taken in such a manner as the President shall direct. In case of an equality of votes at any meeting whether upon a show of hands of at a poll, the President may cast the deciding vote. Voting will be by secret ballot for resolution, where confidentiality is necessary.

11.2Voting at Special Meetings as outlined in By-Law 9.2 or the Annual General Meeting shall be by any person or family duly registered with SMHA. Each family will be given one (1) vote.

  1. Finances

12.1The SMHA shall maintain a back account(s) and an accounting ledger and whenever possible all expenditures shall be paid by cheque.

12.2All monies from the Concession shall be maintained in a separate account. Signing authority for this account shall reside with the SMHA President, Treasurer and the Concession Manager or any two of the above mentioned.

12.3All proposed expenditures for the general account exceeding $300.00, other that sponsorship or budget funds must be approved by a majority vote of the Executive.

12.4For the purpose of carrying out its objectives, the SMHA may raise or secure the payment of money in such manner as it sees fit.

12.5For borrowing the issue of debentures may be utilized. This power shall be exercised only after a 100% majority vote by the Executive. Following the majority vote, a Special Meeting must be called within twenty-one (21) days and a special resolution approving the debentures must be passed by a majority no less than 75% of the eligible voting members present. No proxy votes will be allowed at this meeting.

12.6Signing authority for the SMHA General Account shall reside with the President, Secretary, and Treasurer or any two of the above mentioned.

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  1. Auditing

13.1The fiscal year of the SMHA in each year shall end on June 30.

13.2The books, accounts, and records of the Treasurer shall be examined at least once each year by a duly qualified accountant. A complete and proper statement of the standing of the books for the current year shall be submitted at the Annual Meeting of the SMHA.

13.3The books and records of the SMHA may be inspected by any member of the SMHA at any time upon reasonable notice and arranging a time satisfactory to the officer or officers having charge of same.

13.4Each member of the Executive shall at all reasonable time, have access to such books and records.

13.5Any hockey team operating under the authority of the SMHA shall, upon the request of the Executive, provide their financial statements.

  1. Remuneration

14.1The SMHA is a volunteer association. There shall be no remuneration for directors or other officials unless otherwise specified in the By-Laws.

14.2Personnel conducting SMHA business may upon written statement of the expenses be reimbursed.


15.1The Concession lease with the Town of Stettler will be negotiated by the Executive members. The proposed lease shall be ratified by the Executive.

15.2Concession management will be hired by a committee consisting of the President and two (2) SMHA Executive members.

15.3Remuneration level shall be recommended by the hiring committee to the SMHA and voted on by the Executive.

16.Amendment of the By-Laws

16.1The By-Laws may be rescinded, altered, or added to by a special resolution passed by a majority of not less than ¾ of such members entitled to vote as are present in person, at a General, Special, or Annual Meeting to which thirty (30) days written notice, specifying the intention to propose the resolution as a special resolution, has been duly given.

16.2The By-Laws of the SMHA shall be reviewed annually by the Executive.

16.3Words imparting the singular number included the plural and vise versa and words importing the masculine gender include the feminine gender.

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  1. Dissolution of Association

17.1In the event of the dissolution of the SMHA, all assets of the SMHA shall become the property of the Town of Stettler to be used towards the Minor Hockey program.

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The following is the player movement policy as set forth by the Executive of the SMHA.

1.1Movement will only be considered if special circumstances exist. (example: team number shortage) and will be reviewed independently by the Player Movement Committee as appointed by the Executive of the SMHA.

1.2Player movement will NOT be considered for the following reasons:

A)Parents feel child is too good for age category specified by Hockey Alberta.

B)Have another child in older age group and it would be easier.

C)Child has already spent two years in a certain age division.

1.3It is the policy of the SMHA that children play in their assigned category whenever possible. It is felt that even though skill wise they may be capable of playing in a higher age category that it is best for their emotional well being and development that they stay in their assigned age category.

1.4A Player Movement application must be filled out by October 5 of the current hockey season in order to be considered.

1.5Players who are under SMHA will receive only a permission to try out form if they wish to try out at a different location and only if SMHA does not have a team in that category. SMHA will not release any player until teams are decided and selected. If a player moves out of the community then a release will apply immediately.

1.6All steps for overage approval by Hockey Alberta must be followed in writing.

All approval for overage players is for games within Alberta only. You must secure additional approval for any activity outside the Province of Alberta.

You must never play an overage that has not been approved by Hockey Alberta.

Overage players can participate in League play (depending on League approval).

Overage players may play in Exhibition and Tournament games, but must receive approval from the Tournament Committee.

All coaches are responsible to let teams they are playing, know they have an overage player. The overage player must be clearly marked on every game sheet (OA) beside the player name.

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Overage players are not eligible to play in Provincial Zone Play Downs, Provincial Championship Tournament or the Alberta Winter Games.

Overage status will be granted for one year only.

Overage players are not eligible as affiliates to higher Division or Category.

Hockey Alberta can revoke overage status at any time. (for valid reasons)

Application acceptance critical date is December 1.

Final approval for overage status must be obtained from the Hockey Alberta Zone Management of Operations.

Exceptions must be reviewed in consultation with and approved by Minor Council Chairperson.

Exceptions from Junior to Midget must be reviewed in consultation with Minor Hockey Chairperson.

League may strengthen criteria.

Each application should be reviewed independently and carefully.

1.7Registration at atom, pee wee, bantam and midget levels will be accepted until January 10th however following are conditions with regards to late registrations at these levels.

A)The coaches within that category will be part of an evaluating committee to evaluate players wishing to join the SMHA after November 30 of the current season.

B)The player will be first evaluated with the lowest team in that age category. The player be moved up to the appropriate team according to his/her skill level as determined by the evaluating committee.

C)If a player has limited skating ability and has not previously played hockey, they will only be permitted to practice until such time as he/she is deemed safe and capable to participate in a game. If there is a question as to the capabilities of such a player, the evaluation committee will be asked to evaluate the child during practice and make a recommendation to the SMHA executive. A discount as determined by the SMHA executive may be given if the parent wishes that the child practice only.

2.1Schedules, tournaments and other bookings are handled by the SMHA and shall be binding upon SMHA teams. Any changes must be approved by the board before hand.