
To the 5As chair or preparer:

Since the 5As report covers a year which dates June 1, 2017, through May 31,2018, please anticipate your activities for the last couple of weeks in May. Most clubs have the same activities at the same time every year, so include as many as possible. This will guarantee my receipt of your report by June 1, 2018.

There are several changes in the forms this year.

In section IV, Child Abuse Prevention, item c) 1, on page 11, it now reads “Exchange Strong Campaign” instead of Campaign for Kids.

In the Strengthening of Exchange section (SOE), question 15, page 2, it now has an asterisk and check mark and is included in the Bonus scoring on page 3.

Previously, on page 4 in the SOE, question 32 awarded points for sending in the year end summary to National. It has been removed since that’s now handled online.

On page 5 in the SOE, question 35, clubs were awarded points for the total number of orientations which were conducted. Now we are awarding a straight 10 points if 100% of new members received an orientation and a straight 5 points if any members received an orientation.

Question 17 in the SOE has been removed from the Bonus scoring, due to the fact that the CSA may not be awarded every year.

Please give the “Membership Attendance Percentage – Excel form” a try. Copy it to your computer and fill it out online after each meeting. It will calculate your attendance percentage as you go along (so much easier). You may continue to use the attendance form on page 15, if you wish, however.

We want to stress that you should prepare this report as you go through your year. Make copies of the forms and give them to each chairperson to keep track as your programs of service occur. Make an effort to note who attends District and National conventions, and who is a District Board Member or District Committee Chair. Give a fund raising form to your treasurer so he, or she, can keep track of your fund raisers. Give an attendance form to the person who takes attendance at your meetings.

It is a difficult task to complete this report so make it easier on your club by following these suggestions.

If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Sandy and I will try our best to help your club achieve this award.

Janet Jacobs, Co-chair

Sandy Southworth, Co-chair