AA / Board Operational Goals
AB / School Board Powers, Duties and Authorities
ABA / Qualifications of the President
ABAA / Board Member Qualifications
ABB / School Board Member Conflict of Interest
AC / School Board Meetings
ACA / Calling a Meeting and Preparing the Agenda / Agenda Format
ACB / Public Participation at Board Meetings
ACBA / Welcome to Maple Heights City Schools Board of Education Meeting
ACC / Order of Business
ACCA / Executive Sessions
ACD / Organizational Meeting of the Board
ACE / Notice of Meeting Procedure (Sunshine Law)
AD / Minutes
ADA / Board-Staff Communications
AE / Board Policy Development
AEA / Proposed Policies
AFA / News Media Services at Board Meetings
AG / Code of Ethics as Proposed by the Ohio School Boards Association
AH / Conduct of Meetings
AI / Public Complaints
AIA / Public Complaints about the Curriculum or Instructional Material
AIB / Public Complaints about School Personnel
AJ / Voting Method (5-Member Board of Education)
AK / Job Description – Board of Education
AL / Maple Heights Board of Education Employee Respiratory Protection Policy and Standard Operating Procedures Involving Asbestos Contact
AM / Board Travel Policy
AMA / Superintendent & Treasurer Travel Policy
AN / School District Legal Status
ANA / School Board Legal Status


BA / Administrative Organization Plan
BAA / Organization Chart
BAB / Line and Staff Relations
BAC / Job Descriptions
BACA / Job Description – Superintendent of Schools
BACAA / Job Description – Assistant Superintendent of Schools
BACB / Job Description – Qualifications & Duties of the Treasurer
BAD / Management Team
BADA / Incapacity of Superintendent
BADB-R / Incapacity of Treasurer [+REGULATION]
BAE / Superintendent’s Contract
BAF / Treasurer’s Contract
BB / Approval of Handbooks and Directives
BC / Policy Implementation
BCA / Development of Administrative Rules
BCB / Administrative Rules Dissemination
BCC / Curriculum Development, Adoption, and Review
BD / Program Consultants
BF-R / Administrative Evaluation, Professional Staff Contracts & Compensation Plans (Administrators) [+regulation]
BFA-R / Evaluation of Professional Staff (Administrators both Professional & Support) [+regulation]
BFB / Evaluation of Treasurer
BG / Student Activity Program
BH / Relations with Police Authorities
BHA / Parent’s Rights and Responsibilities – Custodial and Non-Custodial
BI / Distribution of Materials
BJ / School Closing
BK / School Calendar/School Year
BL / School Day
BLA / School Ceremonies and Observances/Patriotic Exercises
BLB / Visitors to the Schools
BLC / Flag & Motto Displays
BM / Calendar
BN / Working Day for Teachers
BO / School Year
BP / Staff Travel Policy
BQ / Cellular Telephone Stipend
BR / Non-Routine Use of School Buses (formerly Special Use of School Buses)
BS / Emergency Medical Authorization for Students and Staff
BT / Safety Program
BU / School Bus Safety Program
BUA / School Bus Idling
BUB-R / Protection for Reporting Safety Violations (Whistleblowers) [+regulation]
BV / Cash in School Buildings
BW / Petty Cash Accounts
BX / Research Projects
BY / Plans of Action
BZ / Reduction in Professional Staff Work Force


CA / Standards
CAA / Educational Options
CAB / Program Evaluation
CAC / Resource Evaluation
CAD / Parental Involvement in Education
CADA / School Guidance Services/Guidance Program, K–12
CADB / Parental Education and Training Program
CB / Curriculum Development
CBA / Course of Study
CBB / Innovative Programs
CC / Instructional Resources
CCA / Textbooks & Supplementary Materials Selection, and Adoption
CCB / Use of Community
CCC / Outside Speakers, Films, Etc.
CCD / Special Interest Instructional Materials
CCE / Instructional Materials
CCF / Homework
CD / Academic Freedom
CDA / Home Schooling
CDB / Teaching About Religion
CDC / Community Service
cdca / Family & Civic Engagement Committee
CDD / Teaching About Controversial Issues
CE / Continuing Education
CEA / Awarding of High School Diplomas to Veterans of War
CF / Elementary Art, Physical Education, and Music
CG / Organization of Facilities for Instruction
CGA / Grouping and Class Size – Secondary
CH / Summer School – Elementary
CHA / Summer School –Secondary
CHC-R / Reading Skills Assessments & Interventions (3rd Grade Reading Guarantee) [+regulation]
CHD / Retention and Promotion of Students
CHE / Remedial Instruction (Intervention Services)
CI / Field Trips and Excursions
CIA / Co-Curricular and Extra-Curricular Activities
CIB / Interscholastic Athletics
CJ / Vocational/Technological Education
CK / Interpretation of What Six-Hour Days Mean
CL / Accreditation
CN / Student Fees, Fines & Charges (Fee Enforcement)
CNA / Library – Media
CNB / Library Media Center Materials Selection Policy
CO / Copyright Compliance
CP / Interscholastic Extracurricular Eligibility
CPA / Home Instruction / Athletics
CQ / Title I Parent Involvement
CR / Democratic and Ethical Principles
CS / Internet Acceptable Use
CSA-R / Computer / On-Line Services [+REGULATION]
CSB / E-Mail Acceptable Use
CSC / District Websites
CSD-R / Use of Electronic Communication Equipment by Students (Bring Your Own Technology-BYOT) +[regulation]
CT / Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum
CU / Limited English Proficiency (English as a Second Language)
CV / Family Life Education / Sex Education
CW-R / Programs for Students with Disabilities [+REGULATION]
CX / Health Education
CXA / Physical Education


DA / Certification
DAA / Personnel Policies Goals
DB / Equal Opportunity Employment
DBA / Non-Discrimination on the Basis of Sex
DBB / Non-Discrimination / Harassment
DBC / Non-Discrimination on the Basis of Disability
DC-R / Professional Staff Contracts & Compensation Plans (Teachers) [+REGULATION]
DCA / Individual Contracts
DCB / Professional Staff Supplemental Contracts
DCC / Support Staff Pupil Activity Contracts
DD / Leaves
DDA-R / Family and Medical Leave of Absence and [+regulation]
DE / Replacements – Substitutes
DEA / Temporary Professional Personnel – Student Teachers
DF / Severance Pay
DG / Insurance
DGA / Extended Group Health Coverage
DGB-E / Health Insurance Portability & Accountability (HIPAA) [+Exhibit]
DH / Absences of Staff: Professional (Certified) Staff Leaves & Absences
DHA / Absences of Staff: Support Staff Leaves & Absences
DI / Grievance Procedure
DIA / Title IX Grievance Procedures
DJ / Complaints Concerning School Personnel
DJA-R / Prohibition of Sexual Harassment [+regulation]
DK / Recruitment, Selection, and Promotion
DL / Staff Health and Safety
DM / Tutoring
DN / Evaluation of Professional Staff (Ohio Teacher Evaluation System)
DO / Professional Growth
DP / Salary Credit
DPA / Service Requirements
DQ / Negotiated Agreements
DR / Fringe Benefits
DS / Personnel Records/ Confidentiality of Personnel Records (Privacy Act)
DT / Vacation
DU / Assault Protection of Professional Personnel
DV / Unused Vacation Leave – Treasurer
DW / Employee Alcohol and Other Drug Policy
DWA / Smoking Prohibited by Staff Members
DWB-R / Drug Testing for District Personnel Required to Hold Commercial Driver’s License [+regulation]
DX / Criminal Investigations Check/Criminal Record Checks
DY / Employee / Staff Conduct
DYA / Professional Ethics for Employees
DYB / Staff Dress and Grooming (Certificated)
DYC / Staff Dress and Grooming (Classified)
DZ / School Volunteers


EA / Funds
EAA / Reports Relating to Funds
EAAA / Fiscal Accounting & Reporting
EAB / Appropriation Resolution
EABA / Annual Budget & Appropriations Measure / Budget Modification Authority
EAC / Budget Planning
EACA / Types of Funds
EAD / Transfer Requests – Amending Appropriation Resolution
EAE / Designating Depositories
EAEA / Authorized Signatures (Fax Signatures)
EAF / Interest Distribution
EB / Use of School Facilities (Community Use – Equal Access)
EBA / Use of Facilities – School Related Groups
EBB / Use of Facilities – Non School Related Groups
EBC / Priority for Use of School Facilities
EBD / Rental Fee Schedule
EBE / Smoking Prohibited in All School Buildings and Vehicles
EBF / Use of School-Owned Vehicles
EBG / Retirement of Facilities
EC / Fee Schedule
ECA / Method of Payment to the District
ED / Lunch Prices
EDB / Food Sale Standards
EDBA / Food Services Management (Free & Reduced and Students w/Special Dietary Needs)
EDC / Student Wellness Program
EE-R / Data & Records Retention (Records Disposal) and [REGUALTION]
EEA / Student Transportation in Private Vehicles
EF / Inventories – Fixed Assets
EG / Purchasing and Vendor Relationships
EH / Maintenance and Permanent Improvement of School Plant
EI-R / Security of Buildings and Grounds & REGULATION
EIA / Access Card Control
EIB / Key Control
EJ / Requisitions
EK / Purchase Orders
EKA / Purchasing Procedures
EL / Work Orders
EM / Bidding Requirements
EN / Payment of Bills
ENA / Credit Cards
EO / Tax Sheltered Annuities
EP / Non-Discrimination Clause
EPA / Provision Of Aids And Services To Hearing Impaired Individuals
EQ / Conflict of Interest / Staff Conflict of Interest
ER / Vending Machines for Teachers’ Lounge
ES / Student Activities Funds Management
ESA / Student Fund-Raising Activities
ET / Investment Policy
EU / Tax Issues


FA / Student Policy Goals
FAB / Equal Educational Opportunities
FAC / Human Relation Education
FB / Student Rights and Responsibilities
FBA / Due Process
FBB / Interrogations and Searches
FBC / Student Demonstrations and Strikes (Disruption of the School)
FBD / Student Government
FBE / Student Involvement in Decision Making
FBF / Smoking & Use of Tobacco by Students
FBG / Student Code of Conduct – Prohibition Against Sexual Harassment
FC / Student Conduct (Zero Tolerance)
FCA / Student Suspension
FCAA / Suspension of Students From School Bus Riding Privileges
FCAB / Suspension of Students From Extra Curricular Activities
FCB / Student Expulsion
FCC / Permanent Exclusion
FCD / Emergency Removal of Student
FCDA / Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (Restraint & Seclusion)
FCE / Dangerous Weapons in the Schools
FCF / Discipline of Handicapped Students
FCG / Student Absence and Tardiness
FCGA / Truancy
FCGB / Student Attendance Accounting (Missing & Absent Children)
FCGC / Released Time for Religious Instruction
FCH-R / Student Conduct on District Managed Transportation [+ Regulation]
FCI / Student Dress Code
FCJ-R / Hazing & Bullying (Harassment, Intimidation & Dating Violence) [+ Regulation]
FCL / Gangs
FCM / Vandalism
FD / Schools Dress Code
FE / Career Advertising
FF / School Lockers
FG / School Signs and Publications
FGA / Student Publications
FH / Student Insurance Program
FI / Student Health Services
FIA / Screening for Vision and Hearing
FIB / Medical Histories
FIC / Administration of First Aid
FID / Physical Examination
FIE / Inoculations of Students
FIF / Communicable Diseases
FIG / Administering Medicines to Students
FIH / Reporting Child Abuse
FJ / Student Safety
FJA / Student Safety Patrols
FJB / Notification About Sex Offenders
FK / Student Bicycle Use
FL / Student Automobile Use
FLA / Drivers License Revocation / Denial
FLB / Student Parking Privileges and Regulations
FLC / Application for Student Parking Permit
FM / Employment of Students
FN / Admission of Students from Non-Chartered Schools or Home Schooling
FNA-R / Admission of Exchange Students [+REGULATION]
FO / Maple Heights City Schools Special Education Policy
FP / Student Welfare (Reporting Child Abuse)
FPA / Staff-Student Relations (Student Supervision and Welfare)
FQA / Compulsory Attendance Ages
FQB / Entrance Age (Mandatory Kindergarten)
FQC / Early Entrance to Kindergarten or First Grade
FQD / Early Entrance
FQE / Grade Acceleration
FQEA / Academic Acceleration
FQF / Kindergarten Screening Program
FQG / Promotion and Retention of Elementary Students
FQGA / Promotion, Placement, and Retention of Middle School Students
FQH / Gifted & Talented
FQJ / Interdistrict Open Enrollment
FQK / Attendance for Out of District Vocational Programs
FQL / Exclusions and Exemptions from School Attendance
FR / Grading System (Reporting Periods)
FRA / Grade Weighting – Senior High School
FRB-R / Post Secondary Enrollment Options [+Regulation]
FRC-R / Credit Flexibility [+Regulation]
FS / Student Social Services
FSA / Title I Programs
FT / Student Psychological Services
FTA / Parental Consent and Counseling
FTB / Section 504 Grievance & Due Process Procedures
FTC / Independent Educational Evaluation
FU / Student Transportation Services
FUA / Eligibility Zones for Pupil Transportation
FUB / Recording Devices on Transportation Vehicles
FV / Residency Requirements / School Admissions
FVA / Independent Student Status Requirements
FVB-R / Admission of Homeless Students [+ Regulation]
FVC / Admission of Nonresident Students
FVD / The Provision of FAPE to Children in Juvenile Detention Centers & Community Corrections Facilities
FW-R / Student Records [+REGULATION]
FWA / High School OGT – Access to/Release of Results
FWB / Ohio Achievement Assessment Testing Exemption for Students with Disabilities
FWC / OGT and OAT Programs
FWD-R / Testing Programs [+Regulation]
FX / Student Alcohol and Other Drug Policy
FXA / Chemical Abuse Policy for Students
FXB / Drug Free Workplace
FY / Early Graduation
FYA / Graduation Requirements
FYB / Graduation Exercises
FYC / Graduation Requirements and Eighth Grade Algebra
FZ / Pregnant Students


GA / School-Community Relations Goals
GAA / News Media Relations
GAAA / News Releases
GAAB / Public’s Right to Know (Public Records)
GAC / Relations with Parent Organizations
GAD / Relations with Booster Organizations
GAE / Recruiters in the Schools
GB / Affirmative Action Statement
GC / Continuing Education Programs
GD / Sex Discrimination Prohibition in Education and Compliance Officer
GE / Golden Age Passes
GF / Recreational Facilities
GG / Charity Drives
GH / Acceptance of Gifts to the School from Individuals or Community Groups
GHA / Staff Gifts and Solicitations
GHB / Advertising in the Schools
GI / Authorizing Membership in Ohio High School Athletic Association
GJ-R / Emergency School Closings + [regulation]
GJA / Bomb Threats
GK / Crisis Management
GKA / Safety/Emergency School Plans
GL / Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
GM / Bloodborne Pathogens
GMA / Bloodborne Pathogens – Handling and Disposing of Contaminated Fluids
GN / Staff/Student Identification
GO / Work Stoppage
GP / Typical Peer Models
GQ / Diapering
GR / Public Conduct on District Property
GS / Use of District Property
GSA / Telephone Services
GSB / School Properties Disposal
GT / Reporting of Hazards
GTA / Integrated Pest Management
GU / Animals in the Schools