Section A (Reading)

Q.1 Read the following passage given below and answer the questions that follow: (5mks)

Tulsi has been used for thousands of years in Ayurveda for its diverse healing properties. It is mentioned in the Charaka Samhita, an ancient Ayurveda text. Tulsi is considered to be an adaptogen. Balancing different processes in the body, and helpful for adapting to stress. Marketed by its strong aroma and astringent taste, it is regarded in Ayurveda as a kind of,
“elixir of life” and believed to promote longevity.

Tulsi’s extracts are used in Ayurveda remedies for common colds, headaches, stomach disorders, inflammation, heart diseases, various forms of poisoning, and malaria. Traditionally, tulsi is taken in many forms; as herbal tea, dried powder, fresh leaf, or mixed with ghee. Essential oil extract from Karpoora tulsi is mostly used for medicinal purposes and in herbal cosmetics, and is widely used in skin preparations due to its anti- bacterial activity. For centuries the dried leaves of tulsi have been mixed with stored grains to repel insects

There are two types of tulsi worshipped in Hinduism “Rama tulsi” has light green leaves and is larger in size; “Shyama tulsi” has dark green leaves and is important for the worship of Hanuman. Many Hindus have tulsi plants growing in front of or near their home, often in special pots. It is also frequently grown next to Hanuman temples, is specially in Varanasi.

1.  Explain the benefits/uses of Tulsi as described in the passage. (1)

2.  What is tulsi regarded as and what does it promote? (1)

3.  Name the two types of tulsi’s mentioned in the passage. (1)

4.  Find word’s from the passage which means the following: (2)

a)  Long life

b)  Swelling or redness of skin

Q.2: Read the following poem carefully and answer the questions
that follow: (5mks)

You are a nuisance; I declare
You tease me, so it isn’t fair;
You pounce on me from everywhere,
And seize my hat, and catch my hair,
And tie my clothes in knots, and tear
The leaves and blossoms from the pear;
I wish I could get a snare
To catch you but I shouldn’t dare.
For though you tease me, I declare.
For I don’t think I should manage quite.
To sail my boat and fly my kite.

1.  What does the boy in the poem call the wind as and why? (1)

2.  What is the boy’s wish? (1)

3.  Give a suitable title to the poem (1)

4.  Write two rhyming words from the poem (1)

5.  Write words from the poem which mean- (1)

a)  causing trouble

b)  to control something

Section B (Writing)

Q.3 Read the dialogue given below and write a message which Amrita left for her brother, Sourajit. (4mks)

Shekhar: Is this 9011281222?

Amrita: Yes, May I know who is speaking?

Shekhar: I am Shekhar .I want to speak to Sourajit. I am his friend from IHM, Goa.

Amrita: I am his sister. Sourajit is not at home at the moment. Can you ring up a little later?

Shekhar: I shall be a little busy. Actually, I have got a placement at The Taj Mumbai,
and will have to join with immediate effect. So right now I am trying to get all the formalities completed. This is the news that I wanted to share with Sourajit. Will you do this for me? Also tell him that I will let him know my new mobile number as soon as I get one.

Amrita: I’ll do that. Bye and all the best.

Q.4 Imagine you are Suresh, a news reporter. You were in a bus returning from Manali, a hill station. The road was blocked by a landslide. The passengers panicked. The hilly road organization was informed. Men came with earth-mover. The road was cleared. The bus moved on.

Write a report about the incident in about 100 words for publication in the newspaper. Mention necessary information, place and give a title.


Q.5 Given below are three situations. Choose any one situation and write a paragraph on it in about 100 words: (5mks)

a)  You visited two parks-one that was well maintained and the other that was totally neglected. Write a paragraph describing the two parks, the time you spent in each
and how you felt in the parks.

b)  You are very fond of painting and like to spend a lot of time in painting. Write a paragraph about the enjoyment the painting gives you.

c)  You live in a crowded area of a big city where even basic things like water, electricity and fresh air are difficult to get. Write a paragraph describing life in your city and the changes you would like to see in it.

Q.6: You are Aditya Chopra staying with your friend, Rohit Shetty in
St. Andrew’s College hostel in Delhi. Your friend Rohit was badly hurt while playing cricket and had to be shifted to the nearby hospital for treatment. Write a letter to his father informing him about the incident. Mention his present status and assure him that there is nothing to worry about him.

OR You are Vicky of class 10 Loreto School, Kolkata. Write a letter to your principal requesting her to grant you permission to attend the school two hours late for a month as you have to attend the coaching classes arranged by Sports Authority of India, on being selected for participation in National Football Championship (6mks)

Section C (Grammar)

Q.7: Read the paragraph: (3mks)

The two local clubs played a friendly football match. It was an annual event. A large crowd witnessed it. A solitary goal decided the match. They gave a cash prize to the best player of each team.

Rewrite the paragraph by filling in the blanks. The first sentence of the report is given for you as an example.

A friendly football match was played between the two local clubs. It (a)___ by a large crowd.
The match (b)____ by a solitary goal. The best players of each team, (c)_____ a cash prize.

Q.8: Rewrite the following pairs of sentences by combining each pair to one sentence. Use the appropriate words choosing from the ones given in the box. One has been done as an example for you.
(Note: There are more words than you may require) (3mks)

as, but, because, though, after, before

Example- You are late today.

You will have to stay back after school to complete your assignment.

Answer- As you are late today you will have to stay back after school to complete your assignment.

a.  My foot was injured. I managed to walk home.

b.  The guests arrived. The play had begun.

c.  He cannot swim. He can play tennis.

Q.9: Complete the following dialogue by filling in the blanks with suitable words: The first one has been done for you as an example. (3mks)

Mother: We must go for shopping right now because it (a) rain in the evening.

Son: But I have to finish my work first. We (b) go to the market late.

Mother: In that case, I (c) prefer to go tomorrow morning.

Q.10: Complete the following passage by filling in the blanks using the correct form of the verbs given in brackets: (3mks)

People can be happy if they ____ (a) (has) something to strive for and something to ___(b) (laugh) about. The final key to happiness is the decision to actually be happy. So at the end of the day happiness_____ (c) (depend) upon ourselves.

Q.11: Do as directed: (8mks)

1.  Underline the verbs and state if Transitive or Intransitiv. (1/2x4=2mks)

a. Anushka sat on a string.

b. The princess danced gracefully.

c. Stars twinkle.

d. Ronaldo kicked the ball hard.

2.  Add appropriate positive or negative question tags to
the following sentences: (1/2x4=2mks)

a. Raunak doesn’t like reading.

b. Mahima won’t help us.

c. The Kapoor’s haven’t had tea yet.

d. A doctor is an important person.

3.  Rewrite the following sentences from Active to Passive Voice
or Vice-Versa: (1x2=2mks)

a. Different people like different things.

b.Kathak dance was taught to me by Birju Maharaj.

4.  Change from Direct Speech to Indirect Speech or
Vice-Versa: (1x2=2mks)

a. My nephew said, “I love to read Oliver Twist.”

b.The Geologist said that earth is surrounded by an envelope of air called atmosphere.

Section- D (Literature)

Q.12: Answer in one or two sentences: (2x2=4mks)

1. Why was grandmother shocked? How did she react?

2. What happened one day when Kondiba was having food?

Q.13: Answer in 30-40 words: (2x2=4mks)

1. What reason did the Shoeshine give to the author to convince him to
get his shoes polished?

2. Was the work of the squirrel less important than the monkey’s work?
Give reasons for your answer.

Q.14: Complete the statements by choosing the most appropriate options given below: (1x3=3mks)

1. The squirrel got his stripes when______

a.One monkey flung him away.

b. He was hurt by the stones he was picking.

2. The snake crawled away and disappeared______

a. behind some bushes

b. in the gutter

c. in a hole

d. in the drain

3. Arvind thanked Kondiba by______

a. touching his feet in gratitude

b.shaking his hand with respect

c.embracing him affectionately

d.inviting him to his house

Q.15: Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:


At the circus I had no chance to study human beings. They sat peacefully in their seats, while I cowered before the captain’s whip. I got a totally wrong idea of human beings at that angle. I had thought that they were strong and fearless. But now I found them running from me like a herd of deer, although I had no intention of attacking them.

1. Who is ‘I’ in the given extract?

2. What was his idea about human beings?

3. Why was his idea about human beings totally wrong?

4. Make sentence using the word ‘peacefully’.

Q.16: Read the stanza given below and answer the questions that follow:


When the dusk sends quickly

The birds to rest

The tall trees shelter them

Safe in a nest

And then in the night

with the tall trees peeping,

The moon shines down

On a world that’s sleeping.

1. Where do the birds take rest?

2. Who are peeping in the night?

3. What is the world doing at night?

4. Write two pairs of ‘rhyming words’ from the stanza.

Q.17: Choose the most appropriate options given below: (1x2=2mks)

1. The little squirrel carried the pebbles from the___

a. seashore

b. mountains

c. rocks

d. sea

2. The tiger got a chance to go out in the town because ____

a. his master wanted him to graze in the pastures to satisfy his hunger

b. his master was cruel and he wanted to run out of his clutches

c. he found an unguarded passage and stepped out unnoticed

Q.18: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow: (1x4=4mks)

Kondiba’s heart was beating painfully, he badly needed to breathe. He felt desperately for something to hold in order to pull Arvind up and out of the net he was in. Suddenly, he felt Arvind’s belt! Holding it tightly with his right hand, he pulled the lad free, turned about and pushed up. His spine and muscles ached. This almost stopped his movements. His weak, starved body fought against what his mind told him he must do. Keeping a tight hold on the body’s belt, Kondiba struggled to push himself upwards with his free hand and feet.

1. Why was Kondiba’s heart beating painfully?

2. What did he feel suddenly?

3. What made Kondiba weak?

4. How did Kondiba try to push himself upwards?

Q.19: Answer any one of the following questions in 100 words: (5mks)

1. Though educated in a university, why did the young man decide to become a shoeshine?
What does it show about his attitude to work?

2. It was only Kondiba who went down into the well to rescue Arvind.
Mention the character qualities in him, which set him apart from others.

Shweta Bora PT I/English/NIOS/2017-18 Page 6 of 6